

#Amériques, #Guerre, #Israel #Palestine #Solidarité

USA : vague d’actions contre la guerre coloniale

MalgrĂ© le soutien inconditionnel du gouvernement Biden Ă  l’État israĂ©lien, de nombreuses actions ont lieu aux États-Unis contre le massacre de la population palestinienne :

  • À #New-York, des centaines de militant-es juif-ves pour la paix ont occupĂ© la Statue de la LibertĂ© pour exiger d’IsraĂ«l un #cessez-le-feu dans la bande de Gaza, vĂȘtu-es de T-Shirt «Pas en notre nom». Des banderoles «Le monde entier regarde» et «Les Palestiniens devraient ĂȘtre libres» ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©posĂ©es devant la sculpture emblĂ©matique du pays.

  • À #Oakland, le port de cette ville de Californie a Ă©tĂ© bloquĂ© pendant plusieurs jours pour empĂȘcher un navire chargĂ© d’armes destinĂ©es Ă  IsraĂ«l d’appareiller. Des centaines de personnes se sont relayĂ©es pour perturber l’activitĂ© portuaire et d’autres se sont enchaĂźnĂ©es Ă  entrĂ©e du bateau. Les slogans : «Joe Biden, tu ne peux pas te cacher, nous t’accusons de gĂ©nocide !» ou «arrĂȘt de l’aide US Ă  IsraĂ«l».

  • À #Tacoma, dans cet autre port situĂ© plus au nord, prĂšs de la mĂ©tropole de #Seattle, un navire de guerre amĂ©ricain soupçonnĂ© d’exporter de l’armement Ă©tait amarrĂ© : le port a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© bloquĂ©. Des militant-es autochtones ont mĂȘme pris des kayaks pour empĂȘcher les expĂ©ditions d’armes depuis la mer.

  • Ailleurs, plus prĂšs de chez nous, le syndicat des dockers de #Barcelone annonce qu’il ne chargera plus les navires transportant des Ă©quipements militaires vers l’État colonial israĂ©lien ou l’Ukraine. Avant lui, des syndicats italiens, anglais et belges ont Ă©galement pris position.


#Longshoremen at the Port of #Oakland, #Strike prep! Remember... this INDEPENDENT union is #AntiWar, supported #OccupyWallStreet, and is predated on for members and contracts by the Teamsters Operating Engineers which supports war and was mum about Occupy.

"'Nobody works for free': Why Port of Oakland workers walked out" https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/why-port-of-oakland-workers-walked-off-17553861.php

"Oakland longshoremen walk-off portends possible strike" https://www.ktvu.com/news/oakland-longshoremen-walk-off-portends-possible-strike


Looking at the strikes of the 1940s, we can see that any combative #labor #resistance that breaks out today will likely emerge in defiance of union leadership rather than because of it. Looking at the general #strike of 2011, we can see that to succeed, combative #organizing must begin outside the workplace as well as within it, connecting the struggles of the unemployed and precarious with those of the employed. Exploring how the strategies that people experimented with in 2011 have fared in the decade since, we can draw up new proposals about what to bring to tomorrow’s uprisings.
As it has become increasingly difficult for workers to exert leverage on employers on a workplace-by-workplace basis, the general strike might represent a more ambitious way to wield power against the capitalist class as a whole.

https://de.crimethinc.com/2022/06/07/a-tale-of-two-general-strikes-updating-the-general-strike-for-the-21st-century #usa #oakland #work #history #police #occupy #spain #greece #egypt #tunisia #canada #turkey #columbia #france #chile #ecuador #brazil #anarchism


Oakland Bans Leaf Blowers, Trimmers and Other Lawn Equipment That Rely on Combustion Engines
The city says that the "significant health hazards" to users and residents from the discharge of particle matter and carbon monoxide lead to the decision, as well as unwanted noise pollution. The city recommends using electric or non-motorized options. The ban is included for commercial landscaping or gardening services as well as private usage.
(original paper unaccessible from Europeans, see slashdot instead)
#noise #pollution #carbon #oil #Oakland #ecology


@Bob Lai If you've got any contacts at the KTVU newsroom, maybe let them know they're 1) doing some really shitty journalism (though that's probably not a surprise) and 2) potentially failing to grasp a national scoop of note.


In 1491 words, the reporter manages to convey what an HN reader did in 8:

Expected dosage: 0.3mL. What people likely received: 0.2mL.

Worse is this line:

the 0.3-mL syringes that they received from a national stockpile left about a third of vaccine stuck in the bottom of the plastic container

So ... this isn't just misapplication at the Oakland Coliseum event (which appears to have, thankfully, shed any vestiges of corporate branding these days), as strongly implied by the story, but an issue with nationwide vaccine distribution. Or, perhaps, the residual is actually accounted for by the manufacturer and distributor, and this whole story is nothingburger.

Either way, the item fails to efficiently deliver what information it does convey, and completely fucking fumbles when it comes to the bigger possible story.

Sort of like the Raiders might, so, well, it fits the venue.

But if you've got anyone you could pass that word along to, I'd appreciate it.

#covid19 #ktvu #journalism #JournalismFail #Oakland #vaccine