

#Veusz – a scientific plotting package

Veusz is a scientific plotting and graphing program with a graphical user interface, designed to produce publication-ready 2D and 3D plots. In addition it can be used as a module in #Python for plotting. Veusz is multiplatform, running on #Windows, #Linux/Unix and #macOS. It supports vector and bitmap output, including #PDF, #Postscript, #SVG and #EMF. Veusz is Free #Software.

github: https://veusz.github.io
download: https://veusz.github.io/download



#tool #utility #graphics #plotter #mathematics #floss #foss #openSource



Twice as the crow reap to a mineral stone, interjected prone and sown the realm, once insistently held as to maple ingot, they world there a future of dependent airs, flown to the unknown breadth, park life, wildly they repute in search.

Retribution was knowing, the snow fell, the earth sounded in dismay, as trinket or comely fashionable, the stoic turned stone to stature. The heir flown to border in what saw the amicable mirror, gesture for those sharing bunches, mobbed in, inarticulate days. Fashion sprung to the flourishing exchange of impeccable taste.

Dreamy eyes fulfilling the coffee crest slip, devout the sooner of reconcile, replacement gems are to the callers of reflection, spoon two ingots, love the displacement, and completely distribute a fashionably lasting intuition, the life within a park without a thought.

#writing #postscript #myblog



My wife was looking at the properties of #ellipses such as the one where the sum of the distance of all points on the #ellipse from the two foci are the same and how that relates to the standard equation of an ellipse and so I showed her using my scribbly #handwriting and untidy drawings. Unfortunately, it didn't quite hit home and so I wrote these notes up neatly using #LaTeX, which did do the trick.

To put it up here, I converted the #PostScript pages to #PNG format using #GNU #Gimp and the figure was produced using #Tgif.

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#Mathematics #Geometry #TwoDimensional #PlaneCurve #CartesianCoordinates #CCBYSA