#cat #printer #lol #humor #joke
♲ nixCraft 🐧 - 2024-04-27 22:03:51 GMT
When your kitten printer runs out of ink midway….
Hey Hello all you #linux experts... I have a question:
I want an affordable b&w laser #printer for my MX 23.2. Libretto Linux system, based on #Debian
As I am not a terminal guy (too old and just not into it)
I need an installer for it. Which affordable printer can you recommend. I have to buy it, and the setup should be easy.
Kernel: 6.1.0-18-amd64 [6.1.76-1] arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 12.2.0
parameters: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-6.1.0-18-amd64 root=UUID= ro quiet splash
Desktop: Xfce v: 4.18.1 tk: Gtk v: 3.24.36 info: xfce4-panel wm: xfwm v: 4.18.0 vt: 7
dm: LightDM v: 1.26.0 Distro: MX-23.2_x64 Libretto October 15 2023 base: Debian GNU/Linux 12
Type: Desktop Mobo: ASUSTeK model: PRIME B360M-A v: Rev X.0x serial:
UEFI: American Megatrends v: 3202 date: 07/10/2021
CPU:ntel Core i7-9700 bits
There is a Chinese brand called [Pantum](https://www.amazon.de/P2502W-Laserdrucker-Monolaser-Schwarz-wei%C3%9F-Drucker-1200x1200dpi/dp/B09SHQPX2V/ref=sr_1_3?crid=26B
One Pantum has drivers, and I want to know if they work on MX Linux?
It is a Pantum P2500W
THX for answers in advance
have to leave now... cya later.