

My #Gentoo #linux #userstory in brief

Inspired by a post from 2019 by @know, here is my #linux #userstory in brief.

Back in early 2004 there was no #Ubuntu yet, and I was ready to go dualboot. So I started that journey with a #gentoo iso image because the documentation was excellent, verbose and taught you everything, so you knew what you were doing all along. I checked, the Gentoo Handbook still does this very well.

How rewarding a learning curve! 😁

The experience was so different from the S.u.S.E. ncurses-based installer that I had used once in 1998 or so, which hid everything behind menus and kinda put me off the idea. Pressing buttons doesn't teach you a thing, typing stuff after you understand what it'll do does. It was only upwards from then on.

Today I'm using setups closely following Sakaki's Installation Guide (https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Sakaki%27sEFIInstall_Guide) on all my workstations with LVM, LUKS and GPG. Practically, today, the actual distribution used on a target system to configure, maintain and run does not matter much. Sadly, that set of Sakaki's instructions is not actively maintained any more.

With #ansible automation has gone far, and typed commands have been abstracted away for the most part. You declare what you want in playbooks, and whatever Gentoo, Ubuntu or #Debian have you is made to match the requirements. Hands-on commandline only gets you so far, won't scale to many hosts, and as much as clicking about a Windows UI to do stuff has limits at some point you'll be taking next steps. #Puppet, ansible, and #git are your friends. #Vagrant be useful still. You'll want to get to know them pretty soon if you haven't already.

So Gentoo initially gave me that joy of discovering technical details which make systems work. With the community on IRC and folks over at https://forums.gentoo.org/ you'll almost never hear "did you try turning it off and on again", but instead meet knowledgeable gentoo users who help you get to the bottom of it. Using gentoo means growth.

How was discovering your favourite distribution for you, and how have you been using it?

#linux #userstory #gentoo


One of the most descriptive pictures of the Biden presidency. Inaccessible, defeatist and even with a multitude of handlers, alone. Reminds me of the sad picture of Tricky Dick Nixon shuffling along the beach in his later years. #sad #fail #puppet


Trying to understand the #world of a #Trump dogmatist

In order for the world view of a Trump dogmatist not to collapse, #reality must be constantly reinterpreted. Hillary #Clinton, for example, was not arrested because she wears an ankle monitor. The storming of the #Capitol was a false flag action by #Antifa to discredit the noble Trump supporters.

But now it is a fact that Trump was not re-elected despite all the tricks and deficits of American democracy. This is still electoral fraud for the Trump dogmatists.

How can #Biden's presidency be reinterpreted in the Trumpian style?

Joe Biden, depending on which #ideology you want to follow, is either a robot, hollogram, #lizard man or a #puppet taking orders from Trump. Trump, meanwhile, is chairman of the US #shadow government and has the real #power, which he wields from behind the scenes. Trump has turned into the #DeepState that he actually wanted to defeat, because one of his goals was to drain the #swamp.

The handy thing about this ideology is that for the next 4 years it can blur reality to such an extent that everything can be reinterpreted. After all, the real ruler Trump controls everything from the background.

Once Trump was elected, his supporters responded to the hashtag #notMyPresident like this: https://twitter.com/frustindian/status/823022665430691840 <- Unfortunately, their mental capacity is not adequate to replace the name Trump with Biden.

Attention from here on I become a prophetess ;)

What happens now if in 4 years Trump remains in retirement and is not re-elected #president as #QAnon predicted it? Clearly reality will be skewed anew. The predictions of Q can only be interpreted like the predictions of #Nostradamus. QAnons have misinterpreted them but the ideology lives on.

So it goes on and on without being able to enter the #FilterBubble. For rationally thinking people of science, this is very difficult to comprehend.

enter image description here

#news #conspiracy #USA #politics #democracy