

Irgendwann, dann: Zu hell. Zu spät. Zu früh. Oder etwas dazwischen. Der wenige Schlaf flieht mit der Dämmerung aus der Stadt. Schlag einer Turmuhr, metallisch, nah. Jetzt: Einige Geister verscheuchen, Gesicht unter kaltes Wasser halten, bis die Haut prickelt. Dem neuen Tag die Fenster weit öffnen. Zeitgefühl ordnen und Kaffee kochen. Dazu Brötchen und Obst. Frühstück als Notwendigkeit, Ritual, Luxus. Habt es mild heute!

#outerworld #the_waking_city #floating_with_the_time

#the waking city #floating with the time


Almost 4pm. Following up on message to learn they disappeared halfway down their route. There's never an issue if the entity to fail is just big enough. Picking data from remote systems, slicing, reshaping structures, always with that pleasant yet misleading feeling of creativity that turns out to be just self-deception at times. Symbolism, a taste of chocolate, and another wave of what seems late summer warmth floating through these corridors.

#outerworld #office_hours #concrete_city #floating_with_the_time

#office hours #concrete city #floating with the time


Dr Lynda Cramer had an #NDE (Near-Death Experience) where she found herself #floating in her living room and then walking through Heaven for what felt like years. During her NDE (Near-Death Experience), she was shown the future, when we will have world peace, and the power of our thoughts and the words we use. Lynda's NDE forever changed #how she felt about life after #death.

Shaman Oaks
Woman Dies; Learns When We'll Have #WORLD #PEACE, and it's Sooner Than You Think! (NDE)
10 Mins

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=av_dOt6tvaE


(Das Tal liegt heute unter warmem Föhn. Viel mehr als gestern treiben bunte Blätter über die Wege, und manchmal scheint es, als wäre der Herbst mitgekommen, eingeschleppt in eine enge Ecke Welt, die dies Jahr noch nicht willens und bereit dafür ist. Mitte Oktober, diesmal ohne Frost. Wenn man im Abstand von Jahren hier verweilt, begleitet einen alles, was die Zeit seitdem füllte. Und so bekommt jede Stunde hier ihre eigene Farbe, während sich die Seele an irgendwelchen einzelnen Bildern festhält, ohne das passende Gefühl wiederzufinden.)

#outerworld #elsewhere #the_mountains_afar #watching_from_above #floating_with_the_time

#the mountains afar #watching from above #floating with the time


Hexicon, Shell Select Vestas as Turbine Supplier for 1.3 GW Project

The MunmuBaram project, a joint venture between Hexicon (20%) and Shell (80%), has chosen Vestas as the preferred turbine supplier, which also includes a 20-year service and maintenance agreement. The project is a 1.3 GW floating offshore wind development project located off the southeast south-east coast of South Korea. It is the most mature large-scale project within Hexicon’s portfolio, with the potential to become one of the largest floating wind farms in the world.
#offshore, #wind, #hexicon, #farm, #munmubaram, #floating, #turbines


Equinor Prepares for Celtic Sea Floating Wind Seabed Leasing Round

Equinor has expressed its interest in developing GW-scale floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea, with the upcoming Celtic Sea floating wind seabed leasing round in view. The Crown Estate is planning a seabed leasing round in the Celtic Sea in 2023. The Celtic Sea seabed leasing round aims to facilitate the development of the floating offshore wind industry in the UK and encourage investments in the UK supply chain.
#wind, #sea, #celtic, #offshore, #floating, #development, #equinor