


A #self-hosted #open-source #music #streaming server

enter image description here

Navidrome allows you to enjoy your music collection from anywhere, by making it available through a modern Web UI and through a wide range of third-party compatible mobile apps, for both #iOS and #Android devices.
Navidrome is open source software #OSS distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU #GPL v3 license.

Installation was easy and fast (Docker-compose). This is the first Streaming-Server I tried to install which worked out of the box with my company iPhone. #subsonic #subsonic-api

Bye bye #spotify and #youtube-music !



You have some bandwidth available on your server?

Run a Tor relay!

You think Tor is weak because there are so few relays the CIA can control most of them? Well... only you, server owners, can change that. Surprisingly, the Tor network stagnates at only 7,000 relays since 2015!

If you have a server (even a Raspberry Pi) with a correct bandwidth and a stable connection, consider running a Tor relay.

Tor FAQ on running a relay

Setup guide

Hosting a middle relay or a bridge is very simple and safe. You can easily limit the bandwidth used by Tor.

#tor #privacy #free-software #hosting #vpn #sysadmin #adminsys #self-hosted



self-hosted decentralized alternative to #Spotify

enter image description here

I discovered funkwhale just a few days ago. It's a great piece of software, running quite stable. You can upload your own music library and share it with your friends. You should give it a try.


You can pick your own from this list of Funkwhale installations

Also feel free to create an account at my personal Funkwhale installation.
If you already have an account you might be interested in sharing our music library.
Here's one of mine: https://funkwhale.projecttac.com/federation/music/libraries/cb7d929c-6b48-4741-b1e5-36a763ca2ee8

#music #fediverse #self-hosted #oss #opensource