

#Navratri Day 4
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September 29, 2022, Thursday
Navratri color of the day - #Yellow
Wear Yellow color on Thursday and enjoy your Navratri day with a sense of unparalleled optimism and joy. This is a warm color that keeps the person cheerful all day.

With the onset of Navratri or Durga Puja 2022, people have begun indulging themselves in the devotion of Goddess Durga during the nine-day celebrations across the country. Throughout the nine days, people worship nine incarnations or avatars of Goddess Durga each day. Among the nine avatars include Maa Shailputri, Maa Brahmcharini, Maa Chandraghanta, Maa Kushmanda, Maa Skandmata, Maa Katyayani, Maa Kaalratri, Maa Mahagauri, and Maa Siddhidatri.

Today, the Chaturthi tithi, or the fourth day of Navratri is dedicated to Maa Kushmanda, also known as the fourth form of #Goddess #Durga. Read further to know in detail about the goddess, her significance and puja vidhi.

About Maa Kushmanda

Said to have created the world with her divine #smile, #Maa #Kushmanda, also considered the fourth avatar in Navdurga forms, is worshiped on the fourth day of Shardiya Navratri. According to Hindi scriptures, she created the entire universe, also called ‘ #Brahmanda’ with just a flash of her smile and she is also the source of energy and light as it is believed that she lives inside the sun and provides energy and direction to Sun God (Surya Dev).

Maa Kushmanda has eight hands, owing to which she is also known as ‘Astabhuja’ Devi. Devotees worship and pray to the Goddess for good health, strength, and wealth.

Navratri Day 4: Date and Shubh Muhurat

This year it will be observed on 29 September. The shubh muhurat for the fourth day of Navratri begins at 1:27 am on Thursday and will end at 12:08 am on Friday. Similarly, the shubh muhurat for Brahma Muhurta will begin at 4:37 am and will end at 5:25 am.

Navratri Day 4: Puja Vidhi

On the day, devotees wake up early in the morning and wear clean clothes after taking a bath. During the puja, Maa Kushmanda is offered with shringaar samagri including things like sindoor, bangles, kajal, bindi, toe ring, mirror, comb, anklets, chunri, earrings, nose pin, etc. Also, believing that the goddess loves red flowers, devotees offer red flowers during puja vidhi.

Navratri Day 4: #Mantra

Om Aim Hreen Kleem Kushmandayee Namah।


Surasampurna Kalasham Rudhiraplutameva Cha।

Dadhana Hastapadmabhyam Kushmanda Shubhadastu Me॥


Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Maa Kushmanda Rupena Samsthita।

Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah॥

Navratri Day 4: Prasad

For prasad or bhog to be offered to Maa Kushmanda, devotees can offer a special bhog of malpua, halwa, and curd. Also, seasonal fruits and other sweets can be offered during the puja.


Ravie d'exposer à nouveau les Sourires, cette fois à la médiathèque de St-Clar dans le Gers, tout le mois de juin!

Photographie sociale, portraits en noir et blanc de personnes souriantes.

Entrée gratuite.
Aux horaires d'ouverture de la médiathèque:
lundi, mercredi et vendredi 15h-18h
jeudi 9h30-12h30
samedi 9h30-12h30 et 14h-17h

#exposition #photo #photographie #sourire #saintclar #gers #occitanie #exhibition #photography #smile


Visage mécanique

Son visage béat, où se mêlaient tant de mécaniques, me fit prendre conscience qu'en accordant une place si importante aux machines sur nos vies, nous nous étions éloignés de nous même.
Comme étourdi par une violente gifle, je tentais de garder le contrôle de mes pensées, horrifié par le constat, soudain évident, que notre espèce, en s'appuyant sur tant de béquilles pour atteindre des rêves, était perdue.

Mechanical face

Her blissful face, where so many mechanics were twisted, made me realise that by according such an important place to machines in our lives, we had drifted away from oursleves.
Stunned, like if I had been kicked in the face, I was trying to keep control on my thoughts, horrified with the suddenly obvious observation, that our specie, by relying on so many crutches to reach dreams, was lost.

#photographie #photography #argentique #analog #filmphotography #art #artvisuel #visualart #doubleexposition #doubleexposure #hallucination #machine #visage #mecanique #mechanic #face #sourire #smile #dystopie #laboratoirexy #bezzibatani #mywork