

First look: #Windows 11 is getting native #macOS or #Linux - like #Sudo command

source: https://www.windowslatest.com/2024/02/01/first-look-windows-11-is-getting-native-macos-or-linux-like-sudo-command/

You might be familiar with “Sudo” if you’ve used Linux-based Distro or Linux on a server or have a macOS. The Sudo command in Linux or macOS allows modifying system files, changing system settings, system-wide updates and more. The same command is now heading to Windows 11.

#microsoft #administration #update #news #software #os


Is there a #sudo equivalent for Windows?
I do not mean "run as administrator", I want to remove all administrative permissions from a user, but allow him to run a given program with administrative rights without knowing the administrator's password.


How to Make sudo Remember the Password for Longer using Visudo

The behaviour of sudo is configured in /etc/sudoers file and by default timeout of the sudo command is 15 minutes.
The /etc/sudoers file has a timestamp_timeout option responsible for reprompting the user for password after specific amount of time. The good news is that you can increase this number to a larger one (in minutes) by adding a string in the /etc/sudoers file. After that time sudo will ask for password again.

See How to Make sudo Remember the Password for Longer

#technology #linux #sudo #visudo


It can be annoying having to keep entering the sudo password. Here’s how you can deal with it.

#Blog, #rss- - - - - -



Oh... I'm so deceived!
Finally I caught the file entry on /var/log/auth.log corresponding to an attempt of an unauthorized access of a non sudoer user, which as you now displays the following threatening message <user> is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
The 'report' part in the line is <date> ... <user> : user NOT in sudoers ; ... <command>

#linux #buntu #unauthorized #sudo #access #report