

Convenience above everything

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I took this photo in front of the fishing council in #Kaohsiung. The four spaces with blue frames are reserved for scooters used by people with disabilities. Those scooters have two support wheels and are wider, so they need more space.

Behind those spaces are regular parking spaces for scooters and bikes. There are no spaces for cars, those are a few metres to the left or right. However, that doesn't really matter, does it? I couldn't park my bike there, because there was no way I could get past those cars. Perhaps I should have parked in front of them...
#Taiwan #cars


#Arte hat mal wieder eine Sendung zu #Taiwan gebracht, allerdings ist der Inhalt nicht ganz korrekt:

Koxinga war kein General, sondern ein Pirat. Er war auch nicht vom Kaiser geschickt worden, um die Holländer von Taiwan zu vertreiben, sondern brauchte Taiwan als Basis, um den damals regierenden Qing-Kaiser zu stürzen und die Ming wieder an die Macht zu bringen. Nach seinem Sieg 1662 wurde Taiwan auch nicht Teil des Kaiserreichs, sondern er gründete sein eigenes Königreich. (und starb ein Jahr später) Seine Söhne ließen sich 1683 von einer kaiserlichen Delegation überreden, Governeure zu werden und Taiwan dem Kaiserreich als Provinz hinzuzufügen. Das lief 212 Jahre bis 1895 so, dann wurde Taiwan japanisch.

Die Republik China wurde nicht 1949 gegründet, sondern bereits 1912. 1949 wurde die VR China gegründet. Will man also von Abspaltung reden, dann war das die VR, die sich abgespalten hat.

Anerkennung/Aberkennung durch die UNO: Zuerst einmal haben die USA ihre Anerkennung von der Republik China auf die VR China verschoben, dann folgten mehrere andere Länder, dann die UNO. Die UNO war mitnichten Auslöser.

Und dann gibt es da noch eine große Verwechslung von "Ein China Prinzip" und "Konsens von 1992". Das "Ein China Prinzip" stammt ganz einfach daher, dass sowohl Chiang Kai Shek als auch Mao Zedong so ab 1949 laut gefordert haben, dass nur sie das wahre China repräsentieren, die anderen nicht und die gehörten sowieso zum "wahren" China. Die KP hat das bis heute so gemacht, die KMT ist irgendwann kleinlaut geworden nach dem Tod von CKS (obwohl sie das gern sagen würden, aber heute machen sie sich lächerlich und wissen das auch). Taiwanesen haben keine großchinesischen Ambitionen, sie wollen einfach nur ihr Taiwan, damit bleibt nur die KP Chinas, die diese Forderung stellt.

Der sogenannte "Konsens von 1992" ist aber etwas ganz anderes. Da sind ein paar Politiker der KMT nach HK(?) geflogen und haben sich mit ein paar Vertretern der KP unterhalten. Acht Jahre später, im Jahr 2000 (kein Scherz!) hat dann jemand zum ersten Mal den Begriff "Konsens von 1992" verwendet. Angeblich soll man sich damals geeinigt haben, dass es nur ein China gebe und Taiwan ein Teil davon sei, man sei sich nur nicht einig, welches China das sei, aber darüber wolle man nicht streiten.

Die Probleme dabei: Erst acht Jahre später kommt jemand mit dieser Geschichte an. Die damaligen Teilnehmer der Gespräche waren auf beiden Seiten nicht autorisiert, irgendwelche Beschlüsse zu fassen. Es gibt keinerlei Aufzeichnungen, es gibt keinerlei Schlusserklärung. Alles beruht also auf Hörensagen, das erst Jahre später anfing. 2000 war übrigens zufällig das Jahr, in dem die KMT zum ersten Mal nicht die Regierung stellte. Zufälle gibt's...



Same question as before: Is he that stupid or does he think everybody else is that stupid?

Foxconn founder Terry Gou says China can seize his personal wealth in exchange for not invading Taiwan


Gou says if CCP wants to confiscate Foxconn's assets, it is not targeting him alone, but 1 million company shareholders

Boy, which solar system are you from? You do not sound familiar with this one. Before the previous presidential election in #Taiwan, the KMT candidate then (who in Taiwan was nicknamed "Korean Fish" thanks to the sound of his name, while the Guardian called him "Taiwan's Trump") and the people around him begged the people for their votes, promising that the KMT would better itself if people voted for him.

Seriously, that's what they said. This is off to a "good start"...


I wonder: Is he that stupid or does he think everyone else is that stupid?

Terry Gou Says Apple, Tesla Links Mean China Can’t Pressure His Business

Presidential elections are slowly approaching in #Taiwan and like before, they are internationally important. Why would elections on an island state be important for the world? Because one or two candidates might want to sell Taiwan to the PRC - without outright saying so, of course, they can phrase that much more nicely. But if they did, Japan and the Philippines would be rather screwed - and step by step other countries would feel the results too.

The party living strongest under the delusion that they could gain favours from their former arch enemies by selling Taiwan to them (Which is the #KMT, while their offshoots range from even more delusioned (NP) to actually liking Taiwan (TSU), but none of them has any chance to win.) seems to be as divided as in 2000. Back then the PFP (People First Party) was formed, because the KMT nominated a candidate who did not enjoy a very high popularity - a judgement with which the candidate himself (Lian Chan) of course did not agree at all.

This time a business magnate, Terry Gou, founder of Foxconn, would like to run for president himself, but the KMT has again other plans. He hasn't announced it yet, but he will need to found a new party, if he wants to run for president. And he already has the ultimate reason why he is absolutely trustworthy: Foxconn is manufacturing for Apple and Tesla, so the PRC can't pressure him.

Yes, seriously, that's what he said. Never mind he wants to sell Taiwan to the PRC, just like the other guy who actually got nominated by the KMT. (The point is that he wants to sell it so he can gain favours.) I would really like to know if he actually believes that BS. And I wonder how many people fall for it.

The candidate currently with he highest hopes does btw. come from the DPP, which means we will get another round of large-scale military drills around Taiwan by the peace-loving PRC.


The concept of Western domination promoted by the United States and many other Western, partly subordinate countries does not provide for the harmonious development of all of humanity. On the contrary, we must deal with the Western minority’s never-ending striving for military, political, financial and economic expansion. Their slogans change: they promote #globalization, then Westernization, Americanization, universalization, liberalization, etc. But the essence remains the same – they strive to subordinate every independent player and force them to play by the rules that are beneficial to the West.

Therefore, I would say, if we would like to have more equality among human, we have to accept that we Westerners may have to pay more for #coffee and other materials, products from ‘former’ colonies. Furthermore, if this change would lead to a more peaceful world, we could use billions of taxpayers’ money paid for military expenditure for humanitarian purposes and environmental protection.

#peace #defence-industry #money #freedom #Niger #Hawaii #Taiwan #independence


China launches drills in angry response to #Taiwan vice president's trip to US | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/china-says-military-held-naval-air-combat-readiness-patrol-around-taiwan-2023-08-19/

It wasn't even a "trip to US", that wasn't his destination...

Have you ever watched one of those films where a psychopath is threatening to kill innocent people, but "absolves" himself of any responsibility by telling another innocent person who's only fault was to not act as the psychopath expected: "This is all your fault! Their blood is on your hands!"

Yeah, I've seen a few...


Our summer #weather here in the #tropics in #Taiwan is usually rather boring, there isn't much change. These days we enjoy relatively frequent rain, so the top temperature is 31. With more intense rain it should drop slightly below 30, but the current forecast predicts 33 for the weekend. You see, not a really wide range.

And it's not much different at night, at least in "summer". The current lows are 28°C, constantly. So when I read/hear about temperature changes in for example Germany, I'm actually glad that our temperatures are quite stable. At least we don't see hail storms...😁


Copernicus EU on Twitter: "#Sentinel3🇪🇺🛰️ captured this image of Typhoon #Khanun over #Taiwan🇹🇼 on 3 August According to Japan's Meteorological Agency (@JMA_kishou), Khanun features sustained winds of 126 km/h The storm is expected to approach Japan's Okinawa islands, where it has already caused damage https://t.co/xoTXviVsg9" / https://twitter.com/CopernicusEU/status/1687730106565844992



This is what happens in the wake of #typhoon #Doksuri... Like ours a few days ago this one didn't actually hit #Taiwan. Instead, this one passed near the northern tip of the island. But just like ours it brought wind and quite a bit of rain.

In theory we here in the south should have had constant rain since Thursday, but aside from one shower - nothing so far. In the northern half however... The video mainly shows Nantou county, which is basically in the middle of Taiwan, largely in the mountains. There a gas station has been buried in mud and many roads will require repair. And the rain isn't over yet...


Taiwan is preparing for drone warfare, with a focus on autonomous drone swarms. I'd also
consider the threat of thousands of Chinese gyrocopters transporting troops.

It may be worth developing multi-target SAMs. Starstreak deploys 3 guided darts, but they
all home in on just one target. An anti-swarm SAM might deploy 7 or 14 darts, each able
to go after different targets. To minimize costs, the darts could rely on kinetic kill rather
than an explosive warhead. Each dart only has a light sensor and LED in the tail, and an
electromagnetic clutch to brake rotating maneuver canards.

