

Zwischen den Orten und immer zu schnell. Das Ziel im Rücken, müden Schwindel im Geiste, der lang braucht, sich wieder zu ordnen. Das Bewegte von Bahnhöfen, Aufeinandertreffen und Abschied und Eile und zu viele Menschen und plötzlich sitzt man wieder im Garten, mit eigenem Kaffee und Gebäck vom anderen Ende der Reise, und ringt damit, Realitäten übereinanderzubringen. Zwielicht, Wind, Spatzen. Die Woche geht.

#outerworld #concrete_city #travel #temporary_retreat

#concrete city #temporary retreat


Gute Idee: Eine Lücke im Tag offen halten, den Mittag hineintun, zwei Schritte zurücktreten vom Fluss der Dinge. Weniger gute Idee: Dafür die Wohnung verlassen. Einige Seitenstraßen weiter kleben Sandalen und Stimmung am Asphalt. Brütende Wärme liegt über allem, noch blendet Sonne von einem Zenit, der sich zusehends in unentschlossene Ahnung von Gewitter hüllt. Auch: Die Wege Anderer kreuzen. Wetter als Konversationshemmnis, im Erwünschten wie im Unerwünschten. Außerhalb des Schattens ist selbst der genickte Gruß eine beträchtliche Hürde. (Langsames Zurückfinden. Kuchen gibt es später.)

#outerworld #temporary_retreat #lunch_break_musings #concrete_city

#temporary retreat #lunch break musings #concrete city


GOOSEBUMPS! Most Detailed Near-Death Experience EVER Recorded: Tour of Heaven | John J. Davis

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=aLhxqy-rLh0

John J. Davis had a near death experience when he was 21 that completely changed his life and world view. He was given a tour of a part of Heaven or the Other Side. John was shown that there truly is life after what we call death. He learned that we are eternal beings and that there is no end to our existence. He was also shown that our lives on #Earth are #temporary and that we come here to learn and experience and after every life we go back home. John lives in Colorado with his wife and two son’s. He works with his wife in medical transcription. John got his BA from the University of Colorado and MA from Webster University. Please enjoy my conversation with John J. Davis.
0:00:00 - Episode Teaser
0:00:42 - John's life prior to his #NDE
0:03:47 - John's NDE story
0:08:22 - What’s on the other side of the white light?
0:15:31 - Are past lives real?
0:22:16 - Are soulmates real?
0:31:06 - Are the things on earth built like things on the other side? Or is it vice versa?
0:37:37 - Universal knowledge and the akashic records.
0:45:10 - The life review experience
0:56:39 - What happens after death?
1:02:36 - Living a Good Life
1:03:22 - Definition of God
1:05:03 - Ultimate Purpose of Life
1:06:04 - Final #Message


‘Ice has a memory’ ~ an Inuit poem contemplates scientific exploration of Greenland


' #Greenland is the #world’s #largest #island, a #sprawling #landmass covered by a notoriously #receding #ice #sheet. With a population of just 56,000, it’s also one of the #least #populated places on #Earth. The vast majority of these #Greenlanders are #Greenlandic #Inuit, with roots on the island stretching back centuries. Recent decades, however, have brought a new kind a visitor – #climate #scientists with #complex #devices for #drilling and #prodding the Earth. Setting up #temporary #camps that tend to leave #permanent #marks, they aim to peer into the deep past #preserved in the #ice, hoping that it will offer hints about the climate’s precarious #future.

An #impressionistic work of #nonfiction with #science-fiction influences, #Utuqaq (‘ice that lasts year after year’) juxtaposes images of a #scientific #expedition to Greenland’s ice sheet with a #poem about the visitors, narrated in #Kalaallisut, a variant of Greenlandic Inuit language, by #AviajaLyberth. As the filmmaker #IvaRadivojevic’s #otherworldly and often #beautiful #exploration unfolds, two distinct perspectives on the #stark #white #landscape slowly emerge. #climatechange #short #documentary #stunning #poetic #arctic #film