

Hong Kong Daily Press 1918-12-19

[FROM G. Ward Price.]

The Serbian prisoners-of-war camp on
the outskirts of Sofia is terrible evidence
of that hatred between Bulgarian and
Serbian, which runs like a poison through
the whole system of the Balkans. A mile
from Sofia, near the main road to

Radomir, is a muddy compound about
three acres in extent, surrounded by barb-
ed wire. In this pen are 103,000 Serbians
of all ages, together with 600 Greek civi-
lians, carried off from Sepres and Druina,
a smaller body of Russians, and a detach-
ment of French. The French were lodged
in a few whitewashed mud-huts which the
compound contains. The greater major-
ity of the Serbians have lain out in the
open day and night, in wind and rain,
summer and winter, many of them for
three whole years of captivity, They have
had no blankets or protection of any
kind, and at night pack their wretched
bodies close together for warmth like a
herd of animals. Their food is 1lb., of
dark bread a day. Their so-called soup,
which they were preparing while I was
there, is just a cauldron of hot water,
with a dozen maize-pods in it. For drink-
ing and washing water in this enclosure
there is a solitary trickle from one small
tap. Thirsty men wait two hours to get
near it.

Ten Serbians had died during the night
before I went there. In the morning the
Bulgarians put their bodies into a cart
and carried them away. An hour later
the same cart returned bringing the day's
bread ration. When a man can no longer
stand, his friends carry him into one of
the verminous little huts. There he lies
until he is dead, and next morning the
bread cart carries his carcase away.
Three fresh bodies were on the ground
when I reached the camp at ten o'clock,
and I was taken to see the little earth-
floored cabin which with grim irony is
called the "hospital.” There were five
Serbians in it -four just frames of skin
and bone. The fifth man lay stretched
on his back on the bare ground. His eyes
were glazed and fixed. his breath came in
quick spasms, and flies were crawling
over his face. He looked as if he had
but a few more hours of suffering to live.
“Does no one come to do anything for
these people? Have you never seen a
Bulgarian medical officer here?" I asked.
"Never," was the emphatic. reply of a
Serbian and a Greek prisoner who spoke

It must be allowed to count in favour
of Serbia that all her Bulgarian prisoners
whom one has seen on the roads behind
the Serbian front were fit, as well fed as
the Allied troops themselves, and any-
thing at all but overworked. No sooner
was the misceable condition of these Ser-
bian prisoners known than the British
Army authorities took steps to do all they
could for the survivors. Doctors and
medical comforts are already in Sofia to
repair. as far as may be the terrible
scandal that lies at the very door of the
Bulgarian Governments. — Daily Tele-
#tags#ww1 #serbia #bulgaria #camps #pows #cuttings #dailytelegraph #hongkongdailypress ">


Nothing is Real

From very large and significant matters to very small and trivial ones, the media is constantly massaging your perceptions of reality:

#VanityFair #France has apologised after it was found to have #photoshopped an image of actor #GuyPearce, removing a pin of the #Palestinian #flag that he wore at the #Cannes Film Festival. The ‘Time Machine’ and ‘Prometheus’ star posed for a photo shoot wearing a #badge displaying the Palestinian flag on his jacket. The item was reportedly visible in the #French magazine edition of Vanity Fair, but absent from images shared by the publication’s website and #Instagram account.

Now, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter in the slightest if an #actor wears a #Palestine pin or not. But his doing so violates the #Narrative, which is that all good and right-thinking people support #Israel’s right to defend itself by #bombing #refugee #camps full of #women and #children situated on #foreign #territory, and therefore his action has to be disappeared before it reaches the public eye.

Never forget that if the #media is reporting it, it is almost certainly #false or #misleading in some way.


#jews #nazi #prison #camps #artists #literature #books #reading #my book #myphoto

TEREZIN was a concentration camp 30 miles north of Prague in the Czech Republic during the World War II. It was originally a holiday resort reserved for Czech nobility. Terezín is contained within the walls of the famed fortress Theresienstadt, which was created by Emperor Joseph II of Austria in the late 18th century and named in honor of his mother, Empress Maria Theresa.

By 1940 Nazi Germany had assigned the Gestapo to turn Terezín into a Jewish ghetto and concentration camp. It held primarily Jews from Czechoslovakia, as well as tens of thousands of Jews deported chiefly from Germany and Austria, as well as hundreds from the Netherlands and Denmark. More than 150,000 Jews were sent there, including 15,000 children, and held there for months or years, before being sent by rail transports to their deaths at Treblinka and Auschwitz extermination camps in occupied Poland, as well as to smaller camps elsewhere. Less than 150 children survived.


#canada #quebec #soviet #on #va #taider #a #sacrer #ton #camps

Selon le plus récent rapport annuel de Santé Canada sur l’aide médicale à mourir, publié en juillet 2022, les décès assistés par un médecin représentaient 3,3 % des décès au Canada en 2021. Au Québec, qui comptait le plus grand nombre de morts assistées au pays, le nombre était de 4,7 % des décès cette année-là, juste après la Colombie-Britannique, à 4,8 %.


🇷🇸 Familien mit Kindern und kommen oft nicht in Lagern unter. So auch diese kurdischen Familien im Norden von #Serbien. Die serbische #Refugee Agentur muss die Unterkunftskapazitäten im #Vojvodina -Bereich dringend erhöhen, um eine humanitäre Krise zu vermeiden!

via @APC_CZA


#children #camps #Serbia #humanitarian #crisis


Vers une douce #dictature : le #féodalisme 2.0 - #lObservateur

La Timeline 👉
00:00:00 Introduction : Le #forum de #Davos.
00:02:14 Qu’est ce que le grand Reset ?
00:06:48 Le Grand Reset en 8 points : un agenda pour 2030
00:22:40 Vous ne posséderez rien, et vous serez heureux
00:26:04 La réalité de l’entreprenariat
00:29:24 Le #Mythe #communiste
00:34:37 Le #péril #néo-féodal & le #rentier #parasite
00:43:59 Vers une #destruction totale de la classe moyenne
00:48:06 La douce #dictature : un cumul de #restrictions sans fin
00:59:43 Un #camps d’ #internement en #Australie pour les non ( Devinez quoi ? )
01:08:00 Les #réglementation ont détruit le #métier d’ #architecte

#grandreset #klausshwab #forumdedavos #politique #économie

Wow wow wow... C'est quoi, ça ?...

Les transporteurs doivent bien "réacheminer" les étrangers en situation irrégulière, juge le Conseil constitutionnel.
Les compagnies aériennes ou maritimes vont continuer de payer de lourdes amendes si elles refusent de faire embarquer des étrangers en situation irrégulière en vue de leur expulsion, mais elles ne sont plus tenues d'employer la force. Conseil constitutionnel du vendredi 15 octobre.

Les compagnies aériennes devront bien payer des amendes si elles refusent d’expulser des étrangers.
Air France s'était vu infliger deux amendes, de 15 000 et 20 000 euros, en 2017, pour avoir manqué à son obligation de réacheminer des ressortissants étrangers. La compagnie s'était tournée vers la justice pour contester le fondement de deux articles du code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile (Ceseda).

Et ça ?...

Immigration : Darmanin en faveur des camps fermés comme en Grèce.
En visite sur le camp de Samos (Grèce), le ministre de l’Intérieur a appelé à l’ouverture de camps similaires en Espagne, en Italie ou à Malte.
« Ce camp impressionnant a été pensé comme un centre d’attente et permet aux Grecs de bien tenir leurs frontières » a-t-il ajouté.

#immigration #migrants #conseil-constitutionnel #expulsions #camps


‘Ice has a memory’ ~ an Inuit poem contemplates scientific exploration of Greenland


' #Greenland is the #world’s #largest #island, a #sprawling #landmass covered by a notoriously #receding #ice #sheet. With a population of just 56,000, it’s also one of the #least #populated places on #Earth. The vast majority of these #Greenlanders are #Greenlandic #Inuit, with roots on the island stretching back centuries. Recent decades, however, have brought a new kind a visitor – #climate #scientists with #complex #devices for #drilling and #prodding the Earth. Setting up #temporary #camps that tend to leave #permanent #marks, they aim to peer into the deep past #preserved in the #ice, hoping that it will offer hints about the climate’s precarious #future.

An #impressionistic work of #nonfiction with #science-fiction influences, #Utuqaq (‘ice that lasts year after year’) juxtaposes images of a #scientific #expedition to Greenland’s ice sheet with a #poem about the visitors, narrated in #Kalaallisut, a variant of Greenlandic Inuit language, by #AviajaLyberth. As the filmmaker #IvaRadivojevic’s #otherworldly and often #beautiful #exploration unfolds, two distinct perspectives on the #stark #white #landscape slowly emerge. #climatechange #short #documentary #stunning #poetic #arctic #film


« Paris Stalingrad » : un film pour ne pas se contenter des mises en scènes et du discours officiel sur les migrants

Pendant deux ans, la réalisatrice Hind Meddeb est allée à la rencontre des réfugiés qui survivent dans la capitale ou sa périphérie et espèrent reconstruire leur vie en Europe. Son documentaire, dont basta ! est partenaire, sort en salle ce mercredi 26 mai. Entretien. https://www.bastamag.net/camps-migrants-Paris-Stalingrad-documentaire-Hind-Meddeb-droit-d-asile-prefecture

La bande-annonce : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuGUQuJ3XWE

#Documentaire #Cinema #EnSalle #AuCiné #Réfugies #Migrants #Camps #Paris #Stalingrad #Solidarité #Repression #Film

[Documentaire] Paris Stalingrad (2021) - Bande annonce VF (trailer)