'The #rats are ... all high,' #NOPD chief says of vermin-infested #HQ, #evidence room
"The rats are eating our #marijuana," #Kirkpatrick said. "They're all #high."
Was Legalizing Weed a Mistake?
Lesson learned. Do not smoke 8 large joints a day. BALANCE PEOPLE!
Was Legalizing Weed a Mistake?
#Ukraine Medical #Marijuana Bill Is ‘Unblocked’ From Advancing To President’s Desk After Opponents’ Repeal Attempt Fails
January 17, 2024 By Kyle Jaeger
..."Lawmakers approved the medical #cannabis #legislation last month, but the opposition Batkivshchyna party used a procedural tactic to block it by forcing consideration of a resolution to repeal the measure. That resolution failed this week, earning just 25 of the required 226 votes.
On Wednesday the bill was formally sent to the desk of President Volodymyr #Zelensky, who supports the reform.
Opponents previously tried to derail the marijuana bill by filing hundreds of what critics called “spam” amendments, but that attempt similarly failed, with the measure ultimately passing with 248 votes.
The bill that’s heading to the president would legalize medical cannabis for patients with severe illnesses and post-traumatic stress disorder (#PTSD) resulting from the nation’s ongoing conflict with #Russia, which launched an invasion of Ukraine nearly two years ago.
The bill moves marijuana from strictly prohibited under List I to available for medical use with a prescription under List II of the country’s drug code.
The law will become effective six months after Zelensky signs the legislation.
The policy change would put Ukraine is stark contrast to its long-time aggressor Russia, which has taken a particularly strong stance against reforming cannabis policy at the international level through the United Nations. The country has condemned Canada for legalizing marijuana nationwide."...
largest slaveowners of all time...
#prisons #corporateprisons #prisonindustrialcomplex #cannabis #marijuana #420 #usa
winners and losers...
#waronsomedrugs #grow #facility #420 #marijuana #policeacademy #winners #losers
Yes. God gave man every seed bearing herb, yet the church just repeats what they hear other people say. The church follows the gov and not the bible, that's the problem. Drunkeness they act like doesn't apply to having a glass of wine, or prescription narcotics, but they say to weed it does. So they abide in doctors and not the word. You can have a smoke responsibly. It is made by God and yes , made to do what it does. Insulting cannabis is blasphemy against God. Stop following the wwg1wga crowd. Ecclesiastes 3:1 for everything under the heavens has a purpose; 9:7 eat thy bread drink thy wine and be merry for God now accepteth all thy works. https://youtu.be/Tnp4RhWZlpE Everything the bible condemns it does bluntly and directly. Cannabis and narcotics are not even directly mentioned in the bible. Back in biblical days the only narcotics that existed were plants like marijuana and opium. They are not forbidden by scripture. The drunkenness lines just reminds us to be responsible. We know moderation is allowed from Ecclesiastes 9:7; Be prepared for narcs in the church to gaslight, take verses out of context, and accuse you of doing what they're doing. They will never admit the sky is blue, because it isn't a popular belief in the church. They all shame and guilt each other into conformity. #god #marijuana #bible
it's one plant.
#ganja #weed #herb #marijuana #rope #dope #hash #paper #clothes #fuel #fiber #bioaccumulator #greenhousegascleaner #medicalcannabis #cannabismedicine #medicinalcannabis #therapeuticcannabis #kanehbosm #recreationalcannabis #cliniccannabis #homegrown #indoor #outdoor #hydro #dro #smoke #bud #overgrow #nugs #flower #trees #grass #holyannointingoil #rso #christ
Oh, look where the YT algorithm gods led! Early coming attraction! (Late Nite w/Seth, tonight)
Closer Look: Trump Accidentally Confesses in Stolen Docs Case; Biden's Marijuana Pardons
#TrumpVirus #Espionage #Sedition #marijuana #CloserLook #SethMeyers
Brittney Griner found guilty in Russian drug trial, sentenced to 9 years in prison - ABC News
#Russia #Moscow #news #law #drugs #marijuana #America #UnitedStates #LGBTQ #lesbian #basketball
Did you guys know that Cannabis leaf, even the males, contains THC and other cannabinoids? How do I know this? Peer reviewed journals written by scientist, aka academic sources. Notice the frosty trichromes all over the leaves? what do you think that is? Ever smelled a leaf? Stop pulling your males, allow them to pollenate and produce seeds for the sake of genetic survival, especially with GMO crops out there. Stop throwing your seeds away, and start smoking them like cigs, or use them to dilute a joint if you want something mellow ( like d8 ), or you can cook with them, put them in oil, make a tincture out of them, use them for diy full spectrum hemp oil, or something of the like, but do not throw them away, they are not void of thc, they have thc in them and on them and other cannabinoids and are as much valuable as any other part of the plant. #marijuana here is an image not mine but the url it came from is https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/3/cannabis-leaves-janna-saltmarsh.jpg