#myphoto #mywork #photoedit #photo-edit #photomanipulation #composing #nature #plants #bud
biting bud... ;)
it's one plant.
#ganja #weed #herb #marijuana #rope #dope #hash #paper #clothes #fuel #fiber #bioaccumulator #greenhousegascleaner #medicalcannabis #cannabismedicine #medicinalcannabis #therapeuticcannabis #kanehbosm #recreationalcannabis #cliniccannabis #homegrown #indoor #outdoor #hydro #dro #smoke #bud #overgrow #nugs #flower #trees #grass #holyannointingoil #rso #christ
22 février 2022
Les bourgeons du prunus sont sortis! J'ai pris un moment au milieu des branches sous l'arbre à goûter à cette vitalité printanière. Huuummm, c'était tellement bon!!!
#photodujour #journalphoto #photo #defi #photographe #artiste #art #pictureoftheday #photodiary #challenge #photographer #artist #toulouse #occitanie #prunus #arbre #bourgeon #printemps #tree #bud #spring
"Budsmokers Only - E. 1999 Eternal" https://youtu.be/4xIK2KCeAH8
Gotta give love to the green leaves.
Tags: #dandelíon #bonethugs #Cleveland #ohio #rap #budsmokers #weed #smoke #cannabis #ganja #bud
via dandelion* client (Source)
Honey bee and Cornflower
This is pretty neat photo (IMHO, of course). The purple petals of the cornflower look like long, spindly fingers holding up the flower bud and bee.
Taken at the Arboretum in Guelph.
#myphoto #mywork #photography #macro #bee #cornflower #bud #Lesleyphoto