

Spain Faces the First Heat Wave of the Summer

#Spain suffers the first #heat_wave of the #summer, with maximum temperatures above 40ºC, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).

The AEMET has decreed alert in several regions, including the provinces of #Cadiz, #Córdoba, #Seville, #Jaen, #Ciudad Real, #Toledo, #Badajoz, and# Madrid, which will be on orange alert, as will Gran Canaria, in the province of #LasPalmas, along with #Lanzarote and #Fuerteventura.

The agency warns that, with an orange alert, there is a significant risk of unusual $weather phenomena and a certain degree of danger to people.

The heat wave began on Sunday and is expected to continue throughout the week. According to the AEMET, on Monday temperatures exceeded 38 ºC in #Madrid and reached 44.4 ºC in the #Andalusian town of El Granado, in the province of #Huelva (southwest).

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Rainfall levels across Mexico reach historic lows

#Mexico is experiencing historically low levels of #rainfall this year, according to the National Water Commission (Conagua).

From Jan. 1 to June 11, the country recorded 20.1% less rainfall than in the same period of 2022, decreasing the level of water stored in reservoirs.

The Conagua said that the accumulated rainfall in the first half of the year was equivalent to 115.8 mm - 29.1 mm below the 20-year average.

Because of the blistering heat wave sweeping over many parts of the country and drought in some regions, Mexico’s major reservoirs reported a drop of 2.5% in water storage levels between June 5 and 11.

Of these 210 reservoirs, only three reported full storage capacity; the majority reported water storage levels below 50%.

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A wine and cider shortage will grip America after freakish spring weather: ‘We’ve never seen this kind of freeze event’

Vineyards and apple orchards across the Northeast are still gauging damage from a late-season frost in May that wiped out a third to most of the crop for some growers who say it’s the worst frost damage they have ever seen.

Some states are seeking federal disaster declarations, which would make low-interest loans and other programs available to affected growers, while agriculture officials across the region are contemplating together asking the U.S. Department of Agriculture for direct aid to farmers.

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Capitalism is a disease : Gulf of Mexico “dead zone” predicted to be twice the size of national goal. Again.

Scientists are predicting the low-oxygen “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico will be around 4,100 square miles this summer — smaller than average, but still more than twice the size of a federal goal that seeks to reduce nutrient runoff from fertilizer use on Midwest farms.

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River in ‘wettest place in England’ in Lake District almost completely dry | Lake District

The upper River Derwent in Borrowdale in the Lake District – famous for its reputation as the wettest place in England – is almost completely dry, leading experts to warn of “disastrous conditions for wildlife”.

This was the third year in a row where prolonged serious drought had dried out large parts of the river, said Ruth Mackay, a fisheries project officer from West Cumbria Rivers Trust. “Already our nature is under stress,” she said. “If a drought impacts a river, there is usually chance to recover in the succeeding years, but when it happens year after year, it becomes catastrophic for the wildlife that depend on it.”

The wildlife habitats of the Derwent catchment are of national importance, designated as both a special area of conservation (SAC) and a site of special scientific interest (SSSI).

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Heat wave pushes temperatures up to 45 C in parts of #Mexico

The third heat wave of the year currently sweeping Mexico is expected to bring scorching temperatures across the country.

Temperatures of up to 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) are expected in 24 of Mexico’s 32 states.

Only the central states of Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Querétaro, México state and Puebla will escape the most punishing heat — although temperatures are still expected to rise to as high as 40 C. Tlaxcala and Mexico City expect temperatures to remain between 30 and 35 degrees Celsius.

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#Germany is hosting #NATO's two-week-long Air Defender 23 exercise — the alliance's largest ever of its kind.

Keep changing your lightbulbs to LED, stop eating red meat, keep acting like your actions and the words of the leaders means anything to stop the global warming and climate change.

This shit doesn't even count in the CO2 emission of the countries joining the "exercise".

Our world is dying and all these ass holes care about is how to destroy #Russia and #China!

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Relentless heat in #Canada, now returned to British Columbia with 38.5C at Lytton.

In the United States the highest temperature yesterday was only 102F/38.9C at Rio Grande ,TX near the Mexican border.
It means Lytton. Canada was hotter than 99%+ of USA yesterday. VERY rare.

Highest🌡️of the year in #Canada today in BC.
38.5°C Lytton
37.9°C Ashcroft
36.4°C Lillooet & Clearwater
36.1°C Revelstoke
36.0°C Kamloops
35.7°C Pemberton
35.5°C Vernon
35.4°C Blue River
35.1°C Kelowna
35.0°C Golden [785 m]
34.6°C Osoyoos
34.5°C Princeton
34.0°C Quesnel

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Camels and massive frozen rain and hail storm in #SaudiArabia!

This is the end of the world as we know it....
And I feel just fine...

Let's fight to stop using plastic straws and single use plastic and let the rich people drive fancy EV cars to pretend we are doing something about the now inevitable climate catastrophe.

#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment