

The "nationalist" True Finns' Party will be included in #Finland's next coalition government. This signals a closer alignment of Finland with #NATO; the #TrueFinns are known for their anti-Russian stance and are the only party in Finland which openly advocates for the return of Eastern àKarelia, #Vyborg (Viipuri) and #Pechenga (Petsämö) - previously Finnish territories annexed by the #SovietUnion in 1940.

There goes about #Nordic Country deep into a #fascist route in the shadow of popular #Russia phobia everyone is OK with. This is the new red scare that build up the #Nazi party in the 1930s, #Communism is replaced with #Greens, #Liberals, #Socialists, #Liberals and Russians. #Jews have been replaced with #Muslims and the #Natioanlists are getting their feet into every government in #Europe.

#Politics #TomorrowIsTooLate #Fascism #NeverAgain



The very first extreme heatwave of the 2023 season is forecast for the end of April across Spain. Record-breaking temperatures up to nearly 40 °C are possible.

According to the recent weather forecast for #Spain and #Portugal, temperatures will widely push into the mid to upper 30s, possibly very close to +40 °C (104 °F) in southern Spain at the end of April. And around 35 °C in southern Portugal. The first intense heatwave of 2023 will challenge the all-time heat records for both countries.

For many European places, April has been more dynamic and cooler than March, but Spain has been something else, literally the opposite. So after a very warm March and April, most of the Iberian peninsula is also very dry.

With the driest March in twenty years, drought conditions are already strengthening, and wildfires have also been reported. Pretty early in spring, which may hint summer will be extreme.

#GlobalWarming #Europe #ClimateChange #TomorrowIsTooLate #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCatastrophe


#Cuba is teaching the world lessons in #sustainability

Cuba is showing resilience and plenty of lessons to learn about tough times, gardening and humanitarianism — and it all starts with food security.

Along with the realization that climate change will affect the planet through rising sea levels, #flooding, #fires, #droughts, #hurricanes, #tornadoes and irregular wind patterns also comes the realization that food security will need to be a priority. Innovative models of #agriculture will need to be practiced for other reasons as well.

The sudden #coronavirus pandemic alert is another strong reminder that food security and sustainability help create a more resilient society all round. For now, Canadians are largely worried about limiting the spread of the #virus, or getting home safely from other countries. As days of isolation turn into weeks, remote work or #unemployment becomes a reality for most, and spring arrives, we may soon wonder why we have not turned our back- and front-yards into food gardens sooner.

#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment



Thousands of farmers waving upside-down Dutch flags and holding balloons with the logo of a far-right party have protested in The Hague against government plans to cut nitrate emissions — climate activists also held a protest nearby.

This is depressing!

#Netherland #Idiocracy #Environment #politics #protests #ClimateChange #ClimateEmeegency #TomorrowIsTooLate



Chile Continues to Fight 21 Forest Fires

The National Service for the Prevention and Attention of Disasters (Senapred) reported on Friday that 21 forest fires continue to be fought in the South American country.

Ten are reported in La Araucanía, seven in Biobío, two in Los Ríos, and one each in Ñuble and Magallanes, according to Senapred.

The agency said that of the total number of fires registered, 168 have been controlled, and the red alert is maintained for both Biobío and La Araucanía.

A total of 440 976 71 hectares have been lost to fires, with Biobío being the region with the largest number of hectares burned (209 646 67).

#Chile #ForesFires #SouthAmerica #WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment


Nothing to worry about, just focus on some BS story and buy an expensive EV to show off.

Keep buying cro from Amazon, vacation in Thailand, have BBQ every weekend and buy loads of bottled water and elect politicians who back corporations with their greenwashed image.

After all, the important is to live for the moment, who cares about the future. Be Zen.

#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment