

"Elon Musk was right, Farcebook is in big #trouble. Only a few days ago, when the news emerged that disgracefulness book was in deep trouble, many people disregarded it. They said that Fakebook would simply settle for a small number of billions in liabilities and that's all. Situation appears to be worse than we thought."
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6OC7lQBjcvo


Scientists discover more than 90% of #GreatBarrierReef #coral studied in 2022 was bleached

source: https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/climate/scientist-great-barrier-reef-coral-bleached-b2076952.html

More than 90% of Great Barrier Reefcoral surveyed this year was bleached, Australian #government scientists disclosed Tuesday in a new report.

"This is heartbreaking, this is deeply troubling, it shows that our (Great) Barrier Reef really is in very serious #trouble indeed”, said Simon Bradshaw, Director of Research at the Climate Council.

Bleaching is a phenomenon caused by global #warming, but this is the reef’s first bleaching event during a La Niña #weather pattern, which is associated with cooler #Pacific #Ocean temperatures.

#Australia #climate #crisis #environment #nature #sea #problem #news #science


Elon #Musk will cut board member salary to $0 if #Twitter bid succeeds

source: https://metro.co.uk/2022/04/19/elon-musk-will-cut-board-member-salary-to-0-if-twitter-bid-succeeds-16493239/

‘Board salary will be $0 if my bid succeeds, so that’s ~$3M/year saved right there,’ Musk tweeted in response to a user’s post criticising the board members who are each paid between $250,000 and $300,000 a year.

Twitter is so obviously overvalued and will never make significant profits. For Musk, the #company is only interesting to make trouble with Tweets just like #Trump did. Amazing that he doesn't set up his own #Mastodon server with his fanboys and mirror that to Twitter.

#software #economy #money #finance #media #news #trouble


A quotation by Montesquieu, Baron de

Study has been for me the sovereign remedy against all the disappointments of life. I have never known any trouble that an hour’s reading would not dissipate.

Charles-Lewis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755) French political philosopher

Mes Pensées [My Thoughts] (1720-1755)

#quote #quotation #annoyance #disappointment #distraction #grief #reading #studying #trouble #vexation

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/montesquieu/50994/