

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: Cancer-stricken prisoner Walid Daqqah has ascended to martyrdom inside occupation prisons, following 38 years of imprisonment where he was subjected to deliberate medical negligence.

His 37-year-sentence ended in March 2023 but the occupation added 2 years to his sentence, and kept refusing release, until his martyrdom.

Walid, a father, a husband, a writer, a leader, a freedom fighter in every sense of the word, ascends today leaving behind his wife Sanaa, and his beautiful daughter Milad, born from smuggled sperm.

#PFLP #WestBank #Prisoner #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Supposedly the sharpest intelligence org on the planet. Not so intelligent after all, huh.

sortius - 2024-04-03 01:42:46 GMT

One of the reason it's impossible to believe the IDF when it comes to "accidental bombings" is because I'm well aware of their military capabilities.Israel has the most advanced weapons in the world, utilising US weapons like JDAMs (an upgrade to "dumb bombs" to make them GPS guided) and equipping Combat Intelligence Corps with drones like the DJI Mavic and Matrice.

There is no way they don't know exactly where they're targeting, and they can't hit that target within 5m #Gaza #WestBank


B'Tselem בצלם : Since Oct. 7, Israel has ramped up efforts to drive Palestinian shepherding communities out of the Jordan Valley.

A new report by B’Tselem details how Israel is increasing its efforts to drive dozens of Palestinian shepherding communities in the northern Jordan Valley out of their homes and lands. Through cooperation and collaboration among the military, police, settlers and the Jordan Valley Regional Council, Israel has reduced the pastureland available to Palestinians, blocked regular water supply and taken measures to isolate the Jordan Valley from the rest of the West Bank.
Israel’s pressure is designed to destabilize the economic foundation of these pastoral communities and push the Palestinian population out of the Jordan Valley, with the ultimate goal of perpetuating the apartheid regime in this geographical area and freeing Israel to use the land for its own interests.


#Israel #Occupation #WestBank #Palestine #JordanValley #Apartheid


The Only Democracy In The Middle East: Israeli #Knesset passes law to ban #AlJazeera operations in the occupied territories

The Israeli Knesset passed the "Al Jazeera Law," which authorises the Israelis to suspend news networks from operating in the occupied territories. Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi asserted that “there will be no freedom of speech for #Hamas' mouthpieces in Israel. Al Jazeera will be closed in the coming days.”

Documenting and reporting the war crimes of Israel is a crime in Apartheid state of Israel. Murdering reporters didn't stop the exposure of crimes of Israel, now they want to move one step closer to totalitarian society and block the only network that dares to expose their heinous crimes in Gaza and occupied #WestBank.

Do I need to say it? Or we all know that none of the guardians of democracy in the western world going to do jack shit about it, except maybe some empty words to act like they care (IMO even that is not going to happen)

#Israel #Fascism #Politics #Occupation #WarCrime #Censorship #Apartheid #SanctionIsrael #BoycottIsrael


The IDF and Shin Bet claim to have seized a mass shipment of advanced weaponry (including anti-tank missiles) intended for the #WestBank, claiming that it originated in #Iran.

They claim that Palestinians in #Lebanon working with #Hezbollah and the #IRGC facilitated these transfers.

The seized weaponry included:
- 2 BTB15 perimeter spray charges
- 5 YM-2 model Iranian anti-tank mines and 5 detonators
- 4 M203 grenade launchers
- 15 kg of C4 explosives
- 10 kg of Semtex explosives
- 13 shoulder-fired missiles
- 15 RPG launchers
- 16 RPG-7 rockets + explosives
- 25 hand grenades
- 33 M4 rifles
- 50 pistols

Despite this, weapons transfers to the West Bank and #Gaza are continuous, and the alleged seizure is evidence of this.

Palestinians under illegal Israeli occupation have the right to resist illegal occupation, including armed resistance.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


That depends on how many millions of Palestinians are still alive at that point.

Erin Conroy - 2024-03-21 18:43:31 GMT

November 9, 2023:Thomas Friedman:

"#Netanyahu is saying that seven million Jews are going to indefinitely control the lives of five million Palestinians in the #WestBank & #Gaza — while offering them no political horizon, nothing, by way of statehood one day on any demilitarized conditions."



Israeli militant settlers have stepped up their nightly terrorist raids against innocent Palestinians in occupied West Bank.

Attacks performed by heavily armed settlers, with support of IDF and Israeli police has become a daily routine in various parts of occupied West Bank.

Of course US and EU have "reacted" to these by sanctioning 3 of their leaders, but now acting like their job is done and they no longer need to do anything.

In the mean time Palestinians losing their homes, their vehicles and their lives while the world silently watching.

Video shared on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/1406

#WestBank #JewishISIS #Terrorism #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #StopIsrael #SanctionIsrael