

Israeli #Knesset vote on #UNRWA set to deepen Palestinian suffering

Source: https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/10/1156231

Monday’s vote by the Israeli Knesset banning the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) contradicts principles of the UN Charter, violates #Israel’s obligations under international law, and sets a dangerous precedent, the head of the Agency, Philippe #Lazzarini has warned. The UN chief pledged later he would take the issue to the General Assembly.

#news #politics #war #help #humanrights #refugees #Problem #conflict #Palestine #uno


Haaretz: The #Knesset approved in second and third readings a bill that prohibits the operations of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (#UNRWA) in Israel. This was done without actually developing any alternative to UNRWA's operations in the #Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, and despite opposition and criticism from several countries in the West and Arab world. Together with another proposal currently under Knesset discussion, these bills are designed to hinder UNRWA's activities in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip, and to cause it economic damage. 92 Knesset members supported the bill, with 10 opposing. Knesset members from Yesh Atid, HaMachaneh HaMamlachti, and Yisrael Beiteinu supported the bill. Labor Party members were absent from the vote.

#UN #FoodAsWeapon #StopIsrael #SanctionIsrael #BoycottIsrael #Politics #Genocide #Palestine #Occupation


Nahost-Expertin: Nasrallah war eine wichtige Figur für den Iran

Nahost-Expertin - Nasrallah hat wichtige Rolle für den Iran gespielt

Der getötet Hisbollah-Chef Nasrallah ist laut Nahost-Expertin Ramsauer eine zentrale Figur gewesen. Die Hisbollah sei geschwächt, aber nicht erledigt.#Hisbollah #Netanjahu #hizbullah #Knesset #Geiselbefreiung #Libanon #Nasrallah
Nahost-Expertin: Nasrallah war eine wichtige Figur für den Iran


Out of 654 Thai foreign workers questioned, all of them said they had been exposed to sexual assault.

A report, uncovered during the #Knesset's Special Committee on Foreign Workers on Tuesday, shows that all Thai foreign workers who work in Israeli agriculture have experienced some form of sexual assault at their jobs.

The report, compiled by immigration expert Dr. Yahel Kurlander and Dr. Shahar Shoham, detailed that out of 654 Thai foreign workers questioned, all of them said they have been exposed to sexual assault.


#Israel #SexualAssault #Agriculture #Politics #Racism #Inhumanity #Immorality #Impunity


The Israeli far-right government has implemented new Knesset laws that aggressively target the Palestinian presence on their land.

Since assuming office, the government has relaxed regulations for demolishing Palestinian homes in the occupied #WestBank. Recently, they passed a bill, supported by a majority of Knesset members, that appose the establishment of any Palestinian state on what they refer to as the "land of Israel."

Israel has now targeted the #UNRWA, the key aid provider for millions of Palestinian refugees, by classifying it as a "terrorist organization." This move raises concerns about the organization's crucial missions in Gaza, which address the needs of the majority of the population amid the ongoing Israeli genocide.

#Knesset #Fascism #Criminals #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Israel’s parliament, the #Knesset, passed a preliminary bill to designate the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) as a "terrorist organization".

Bill Deere, Washington director of #UNRWA, joins NewsNation Now to discuss the latest.

#UN Palestinian refugee agency chief Philippe Lazzarini said Friday that #Israel "must stop its campaign against UNRWA" in an opinion article published by the New York Times.



The Only Democracy In The Middle East: Israeli #Knesset passes law to ban #AlJazeera operations in the occupied territories

The Israeli Knesset passed the "Al Jazeera Law," which authorises the Israelis to suspend news networks from operating in the occupied territories. Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi asserted that “there will be no freedom of speech for #Hamas' mouthpieces in Israel. Al Jazeera will be closed in the coming days.”

Documenting and reporting the war crimes of Israel is a crime in Apartheid state of Israel. Murdering reporters didn't stop the exposure of crimes of Israel, now they want to move one step closer to totalitarian society and block the only network that dares to expose their heinous crimes in Gaza and occupied #WestBank.

Do I need to say it? Or we all know that none of the guardians of democracy in the western world going to do jack shit about it, except maybe some empty words to act like they care (IMO even that is not going to happen)

#Israel #Fascism #Politics #Occupation #WarCrime #Censorship #Apartheid #SanctionIsrael #BoycottIsrael


Answering a question about Israel's Knesset's vote against a Palestinian state, violating international law and the Palestinian people's right to self-determination, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller says "Ultimately Israel will have to make its own decisions as every sovereign country does."


Disgusting hypocrite.

#US #Knesset #ICJ #WhiteHouse #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


#politik #israel #gaza #knesset #links

Aufrechter des Tages: Ofer Cassif

Dass da in Gaza vor den Augen der Welt dauerhafte Vertreibung, wenn nicht gar Genozid stattfindet, ist mittlerweile – die israelische Regierung macht überhaupt keinen Hehl daraus – kaum mehr zu leugnen: Mit Kampfjets, Drohnen und Artillerie werden die Menschen aus dem Norden ins Zentrum und schließlich weiter in den bombensicheren Süden gescheucht. Von dort sollen sie dann, so die jüngsten kolonialen Hirngespinste von Netanjahus Verbrecherclique, weiter nach Tschad, Kongo und Ruanda freiwillig zwangsdeportiert werden.

Südafrika hat wegen des »Völkermords« Klage beim Internationalen Gerichtshof in Den Haag eingereicht und erhält dafür nun Unterstützung von unerwarteter Seite: vom Knesset-Abgeordneten Ofer Cassif, der auf X ankündigte, sich der Klage Pretorias anzuschließen. Cassif ist zwar ein dezidierter Linker, doch erfordert es im ultranationalistischen Klima dieser Tage in Israel – wo Marxisten auch vor dem 7. Oktober bereits wie Staatsfeinde verteufelt wurden – ein Rückgrat aus verdichtetem Mondgestein, um sich derart offen gegen das Militär und die »faschistische Regierung« (Cassif) zu stellen. Seine »verfassungsmäßige Pflicht« gelte »der israelischen Gesellschaft« und nicht einer Regierung, die zu »ethnischer Säuberung und sogar zu Völkermord« aufrufe. Er werde »den Kampf um unsere Existenz als moralische Gesellschaft nicht aufgeben«, das sei »wahrer Patriotismus«, rechtfertigt Cassif seinen mutigen Schritt...

Im Knesset-Establishment kommt das alles erwartbar trotzdem nicht gut an: 70 von 120 Abgeordneten unterstützen bereits ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren und der ehemalige Minister Oded Forer wünscht sich für Cassifs Weg des internationalen Rechts gar dessen Rausschmiss aus Israel: Nicht das unaussprechliche Verbrechen, sondern der, der es ausspricht, ist bekanntlich das wahre Problem.
- Quelle: jW


Could infighting threaten Israel's government?

Israel's far-right coalition government is at war, not just in Gaza but with itself. Ministers are fighting about a possible inquiry into the army's pre-Octo...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #GazaWar #IsraelGovernment #Knesset #PalestinianExpulsion #PoliticalConflict #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #latestnews #newsheadlines
Could infighting threaten Israel's government?


Wegweisendes Urteil des Obersten Gerichts in Israel

Justizreform in Israel - Wegweisendes Urteil des Obersten Gerichts

Es gehe nun darum, Israels Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanyahu zu stoppen, so Nahost-Experte Gerlach nach dem Urteil des Obersten Gerichts zur Justizreform.#Israel #Justizreform #Nahost #Staatskrise #Netanjahu #JUSTIZ #Knesset #Demokratie #KRIEG
Wegweisendes Urteil des Obersten Gerichts in Israel