

remember when we found and implemented all those ways to end the #glyphosate era?

it, in large part, started with increasing public awareness, people explaining it to each other, how it's a full spectrum anti-biotic, a catalyric carcinogen, and mutagen, and thus is causing ecocide, unto omnicide, except, if you get the racketeer's patented gene, then you're under their protection, and ownership, under the codex alimentarius plan, losing all rights, including bodily autonomy, and so, like in the logic of the witch-hunt's catch-22 damned if you damned if you dont, if you dont have their "protection" then you're poisoned by glyphosate, if you're alive/unpoisoned, then you have the gene they inserted n you, they own you, and can poison you.

there was a lot of lag. it took a while for people to get it, and be able to explain it to others in their own words, regardless the accuracy, but just to get enough of the understanding of the racket and the genocide/anthrocide/eccocide/omnicide and the totalitarian corporate tyranny dystopia and beyond, and it looked like we nearly didnt make it, in time enough to clean up the vast quantities of it accelerated out under the "economic" incentives, from the economic system that not only incentivised such vast devastation, but mandated it (e.g. the corporation buying itself the rule disallowing any action that does not maximise wealth extraction in favour of the share holders . . . "to protect the share holders" . . . O_O the horror. #facethehorror ), ... such "marketing spin" (itself recursively mandated, for profit and other erroneous rules and momentae), contributed to the lag. lag in people coming to terms with it and able to explain it to others in their own words. it seemed like we nearly didnt get atop that, with how the corporation tried to protect itself, separating people, keeping people independently dependent on the corporation, seprated from interdependencies or independencies, kept in information total control, hiding the totalitarianism that had crept around them generations prior, kept oblivious to both the hour being later than they think, and how amazingly brilliant they really are compared to the limited preceptions they have of themselves as curated by the corporation to keep them perceiving themselves necessarily dependent on the corporation, and fearful of everybody else, even hateful, to generate threat confirmations of hostility and duped stupidity, to accelerate the separation effect that would have served the corporation's #psychopathic inevitable essence, had enough of us not leaned and pushed and kicked into getting out of that #shallowpsychology that leads to that #tragedyofthecommons. the convenience comfort lures were clung to, in information-currated ignorance of greater comforts outside that pitcherplant's sweet juices eroding and desimating away freedoms and body etc, nearly consumed significant enough many, it seemed, past tipping point into inescapable perpetuitity, to the pesimistic perspectives the corporation generated. we didnt realise, that like the devil card in tarot, just how easy it is to escape the nooses the devil put around our neck, just how easy it is to escape the deceptions the corporation put upon our minds. and it was in this #appocalypse of seeing the #horrors generated, and sublimating out of the tricks, ceasing succumbing to the complicities (coercive and subtle), and applying higher order remedies further upstream across multidimensionality~ which is likely intangible nebulous wording, for what's basically when everybody spontaneously, independently, without need of the crowd to confirm to them it was okay, realised #iamnotdoingthatanymore and slowly the #wearenotdoingthatanymore grew in realisation, and the few last most stubbornly clinging to the corporation's hypnosis and deceptive cruelties professed as essential protective kindnesses in the bubble of ignorance and fear the corporation generated in us all. and it was that humility, that it had affected us all, that bridged the gap between those who had reached their "i am not doing that any more" tipping-point break-out revelations, and those of us who violently defended their oblivious corporate addiction and stockholm syndrome.

this #futurememory (and part derivative projecting), came about upon glimpsing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMdXiP3vbZ0 when thinking how if we all (/if you) wrote to #cargil to ask them to kindly not keep poisoning all life on earth that does not conform to the totalitarian life ownership racket, if manages to get through, could be significant a trajectory change, in such a huge cestation of the glyphosatiation, eliminating that major component of #CodexAlimentarius

#wecanstillmendthis #youcanstillmendthis

#digitsrants #environment #emancipation #survival #thecorporation #appocalypse #revelation #writetoyourowners #emancipateyourselves #saveyourselves #liberatetutameh #normalpeoplesaveeverybody #thehourislaterthanyouthink #weareinalotoftrouble #wecanstillmendthis #itsjustpeople #thecorporatepsychopath #genocide #chemicaldeath #ecocide #omnicide #anthrocide #hellkillusall #unless #wewakeup #wakeup #awakening #grandawakening #notfakeawake #thisisthetime #now #thelongernow #mendwards #mending #alreadymendednow #wearenotdoingthatanymore #growyourown #deglyphosatiation #saveusall #youaretheonewehavebeenwaitingfor #rise


https://www.transcend.org/tms/2021/09/the-project-for-a-new-american-century/ 13 Sep 2021

PNAC, from 9/11 fame, can be thought of as a precursor of the Bill Gates/World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, whose “New Pearl Harbor” opportunity was the Covid-19 manufactured panic.


#Falseflag #Terror #StateTerror


#Tags: #AngloAmerica #Anti-imperialism #BillGates #Elites #GreatReset #Hegemony #Imperialism #MilitaryIndustrialMediaComplex #NewWorldOrder #ProjectforaNewAmericanCentury #PNAC #USA #WorldEconomicForum

Dr Gary G. Kohls is a member of America’s Frontline Doctors, a retired rural family physician from Duluth, MN, USA and a member of the TRANSCEND Network. Since his retirement in 2008, Dr Kohls has written a weekly column for the Reader Weekly, Duluth’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His column, titled Duty to Warn, has been re-published and archived at websites around the world. He practiced holistic mental health care in Duluth for the last decade of his family practice career, primarily helping psychiatric patients who had become addicted to their cocktails of dangerous, addictive psychiatric drugs to safely go through the complex withdrawal process. His Duty to Warn columns often deal with various unappreciated health issues, including those caused by Big Pharma’s over-drugging, Big Vaccine’s over-vaccinating, Big Medicine’s over-prescribing, over-screening, over-diagnosing and over-treating agendas and Big Food’s malnourishing and sickness-promoting food industry. Those four powerful, profit-seeking entities combine to seriously affect the physical, mental, spiritual and economic health of the recipients of the prescription drugs, medical treatments, toxic vaccines and the consumers of the tasty, ubiquitous and disease-producing “FrankenFoods” – particularly when they are consumed in combinations, doses and potencies that have never been tested for safety or long-term effectiveness. Dr Kohls’ Duty to Warn columns are archived at, among many other websites:
http://freepress.org/geographic-scope/national; and

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 13 Sep 2021.

Anticopyright: Editorials and articles originated on TMS may be freely reprinted, disseminated, translated and used as background material, provided an acknowledgement and link to the source, TMS: The Project for a New American Century, is included. Thank you.

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TMS: The Project for a New American Century : https://www.transcend.org/tms/2021/09/the-project-for-a-new-american-century/
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The Iraq War 20 Years Ago: No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders.
To Understand Iran’s 150-Year Fight, Follow the Trail of Blood and Oil (Part 1)
The Fabulist Arrogance of US Power

Click here to go to the current weekly digest : https://www.transcend.org/tms/
The Iraq War 20 Years Ago: No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders. : https://www.transcend.org/tms/2023/03/the-iraq-war-20-years-ago-no-shame-no-lessons-learned-no-arrest-order-on-nato-state-leaders/
To Understand Iran’s 150-Year Fight, Follow the Trail of Blood and Oil (Part 1) : https://www.transcend.org/tms/2023/03/to-understand-irans-150-year-fight-follow-the-trail-of-blood-and-oil-part-1/
The Fabulist Arrogance of US Power : https://www.transcend.org/tms/2023/03/the-fabulist-arrogance-of-us-power/

#WeCanStillMendThis with #Awareness. #BeautifulThingsCanHappenWhenWeFaceTheHorror. #FaceTheHorror. #PowerCorrupts . #StopObeyingCrooks. #ForFreedom #Freedom #EachAndAll #NormalPeopleSaveEverybody #NoCullNecessary #RestoreFreedom #RestorePlay #RestoreFairPlay #LetThereBeLove #Love #Peace #Freedom #LovePeaceAndFreedom #StayFree #ByeByeBillionaires #WeThePeople #ForThePeople #PutOnYourYellowVest #NowIsTheTime #OneStepAtATime and #AllAtOnce #WeCanStillMendThis #YouCanStillMendThis #EveryLittleHelps #SavedThatOne