

"if a government is shown to be criminal, then it is absolutely essential that the people of that country find a way to expose that criminality"

have just seen this title suggesting NZ data whistleblower had his house raided. https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/New-Zealand-Whistleblower-Raided-By-Police!:0
coulda swore i already posted his reveal video to diaspora somewhere...
and looking for it, saw also this one with the interviewer https://odysee.com/@ZeeZ:1/MOARSiegeByCops:9
here's a link that looks like it: https://odysee.com/@AbeScott:b/M.O.A.R-(Mother-Of-All-Revelations):29

#MOAR #NZ #excessdeaths #jabs #covid19 #murder #tyranny #health #socialresponsibility #data #abescott #whistleblowers #whistleblowersrights #humanrights #betterlatethannever #truthtelling #wakeup #wecanstillmendthis


#theignorancethatdiesisnotyou :)
#chrishedges #stellaassange
#julianassange #danieleverettehale #garywebb #edwardsnowden #tomvalone

#wakeup #rights #now
#thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #espionageact
#statewithinastate #unaccountable #antiscrutiny #surveilancestate #after911 #paramilitary #copcity #cia
#military #rome #masssurveillance #panopticon #scaredsilent #orwellian #totalitarian #totalitariantiptoe #morallybankrupt #censorship #agnogeny #attercoparchy #theydidntwanttohearit #sochildish #racism #agnogensis #reductivism #theonetruetruth #thetimes #propaganda #agenda #parrots #silo #dividedandconquered #realitytunnels #echochambers #nopriceforlies #othering #polarisation #groupthink #notevenrootedinverifiablefact #liesofomission #mythicidentities #somanymassshootingsitsnotnews #contextless #dependencegeneration #agnogeny #agnotology

"... and so now it's over, the, the, ~
and that's really frightening.

It means there's no~

Power is in no way accountable.
There's no transparency.
And we know, history has taught us when that kind of secrecy imposed on autocratic power, it just, it, it~
abuse grows upon abuse grows upon abuse.
And that is why they're just determined to crucify Julian.
That's the crisis that we're in.
We've lost the ability
to know
what power is doing."

#restorehumanrights #humanrights #law #democracy #journalism
#whistleblowers #journalists #people #speakup #peopleofconscience #integrity


Spiritual immune systems

Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance. ― Henri Bergson

#quote #spiritual #immune #system #wakeup


remember when we found and implemented all those ways to end the #glyphosate era?

it, in large part, started with increasing public awareness, people explaining it to each other, how it's a full spectrum anti-biotic, a catalyric carcinogen, and mutagen, and thus is causing ecocide, unto omnicide, except, if you get the racketeer's patented gene, then you're under their protection, and ownership, under the codex alimentarius plan, losing all rights, including bodily autonomy, and so, like in the logic of the witch-hunt's catch-22 damned if you damned if you dont, if you dont have their "protection" then you're poisoned by glyphosate, if you're alive/unpoisoned, then you have the gene they inserted n you, they own you, and can poison you.

there was a lot of lag. it took a while for people to get it, and be able to explain it to others in their own words, regardless the accuracy, but just to get enough of the understanding of the racket and the genocide/anthrocide/eccocide/omnicide and the totalitarian corporate tyranny dystopia and beyond, and it looked like we nearly didnt make it, in time enough to clean up the vast quantities of it accelerated out under the "economic" incentives, from the economic system that not only incentivised such vast devastation, but mandated it (e.g. the corporation buying itself the rule disallowing any action that does not maximise wealth extraction in favour of the share holders . . . "to protect the share holders" . . . O_O the horror. #facethehorror ), ... such "marketing spin" (itself recursively mandated, for profit and other erroneous rules and momentae), contributed to the lag. lag in people coming to terms with it and able to explain it to others in their own words. it seemed like we nearly didnt get atop that, with how the corporation tried to protect itself, separating people, keeping people independently dependent on the corporation, seprated from interdependencies or independencies, kept in information total control, hiding the totalitarianism that had crept around them generations prior, kept oblivious to both the hour being later than they think, and how amazingly brilliant they really are compared to the limited preceptions they have of themselves as curated by the corporation to keep them perceiving themselves necessarily dependent on the corporation, and fearful of everybody else, even hateful, to generate threat confirmations of hostility and duped stupidity, to accelerate the separation effect that would have served the corporation's #psychopathic inevitable essence, had enough of us not leaned and pushed and kicked into getting out of that #shallowpsychology that leads to that #tragedyofthecommons. the convenience comfort lures were clung to, in information-currated ignorance of greater comforts outside that pitcherplant's sweet juices eroding and desimating away freedoms and body etc, nearly consumed significant enough many, it seemed, past tipping point into inescapable perpetuitity, to the pesimistic perspectives the corporation generated. we didnt realise, that like the devil card in tarot, just how easy it is to escape the nooses the devil put around our neck, just how easy it is to escape the deceptions the corporation put upon our minds. and it was in this #appocalypse of seeing the #horrors generated, and sublimating out of the tricks, ceasing succumbing to the complicities (coercive and subtle), and applying higher order remedies further upstream across multidimensionality~ which is likely intangible nebulous wording, for what's basically when everybody spontaneously, independently, without need of the crowd to confirm to them it was okay, realised #iamnotdoingthatanymore and slowly the #wearenotdoingthatanymore grew in realisation, and the few last most stubbornly clinging to the corporation's hypnosis and deceptive cruelties professed as essential protective kindnesses in the bubble of ignorance and fear the corporation generated in us all. and it was that humility, that it had affected us all, that bridged the gap between those who had reached their "i am not doing that any more" tipping-point break-out revelations, and those of us who violently defended their oblivious corporate addiction and stockholm syndrome.

this #futurememory (and part derivative projecting), came about upon glimpsing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMdXiP3vbZ0 when thinking how if we all (/if you) wrote to #cargil to ask them to kindly not keep poisoning all life on earth that does not conform to the totalitarian life ownership racket, if manages to get through, could be significant a trajectory change, in such a huge cestation of the glyphosatiation, eliminating that major component of #CodexAlimentarius

#wecanstillmendthis #youcanstillmendthis

#digitsrants #environment #emancipation #survival #thecorporation #appocalypse #revelation #writetoyourowners #emancipateyourselves #saveyourselves #liberatetutameh #normalpeoplesaveeverybody #thehourislaterthanyouthink #weareinalotoftrouble #wecanstillmendthis #itsjustpeople #thecorporatepsychopath #genocide #chemicaldeath #ecocide #omnicide #anthrocide #hellkillusall #unless #wewakeup #wakeup #awakening #grandawakening #notfakeawake #thisisthetime #now #thelongernow #mendwards #mending #alreadymendednow #wearenotdoingthatanymore #growyourown #deglyphosatiation #saveusall #youaretheonewehavebeenwaitingfor #rise


#listen #consider


#whitneywebb #mercola

#cbdc #voluntaryfirst #involuntary #totalcontrol #centralbankdigitalcurrencies #massrejectcbdcs #whitneywebb #mercola #convenience #trap #wakeup #compromises #complicity #dependence #disempowerment #independence #duress #massadoption #foodstamps #forced #uptake #reduced #standardofliving #controlsystem #controlsystemdisguisedasamonetarysystem #monetarysystem #fakechoice #fightit #fightback #sayno #voluntaryphase #tradeandbarter #massadoption #massrejection #parallelsystems #community #supporteachother #remainoptimistic #getwise #wearenotaminority #speakout #ispytotalitariantiptoe #ifweallnarutoruntogether #accounts #censorship #nudgeunit #psyop #perceptionmanagement #problemreactionsolution #rememberwhenwesaidno #ifyoucanbetoldwhatyoucanseeorreadthenitfollowsyoucanbetoldwhattosayorthink #socialmedia #propaganda #socialmanipulation #intellectualphaselocking #groupthink #riggedpsychgelogicalmanipulationuserinterface #theeverythingapp #musk #datamining #wifi #biologicalcost #privacy #profiling #precrime #harpa #advertisingormarketing #arpa-h #biotech #bigpharma #siliconvalley #nationalsecurity #cia #hhs #fda #googlehealth #normalisedregulatorycapture #bigactors #agenda #transhumanism #theneweugenics #eugenics #ARPA-H #borg #totalinformationawareness #masssurveilance #glaxosmitklien #galvanibioelectronics #palanteer #fascbook #pentagon #terroristinformationawareness #corporatarchy #scamarchy #aipredictive #scam #scamdemic #powergrab #racketeering #robberbarons #biosecurity #coinflip #arbritrary #corruption #insanity #agi #gpt3 #gpt4 #plans #thehourislaterthanyouthink #aimarketing #aisingularity #leadbyfools #kissinger #skynet #theworkofman #themanbehindthecurtain #themonkeyinthemachine #trustmeiamanai #thegreatergood #notnormal #deskkillers #scapegoatai #externalities #normalisedattrocities #totalitarianism #dataism #croneyism #cantgettherefromhere



#watchthemcollapse #isitsowndestruction


Kimya Dawson - Driving Driving Driving


And I'm sorry and I'm scared and sad and mad and unprepared
To see the stuff that's in the sea evaporate into the air
Where it will gather and form clouds that travel north upon the wind
Drop its cool refreshing poison raindrops on our crops and children

And maybe it's the end, I always thought the end of man would be
Exactly what we need for the earth to stand a chance
And I always thought that I'd be fine if this happened in my lifetime
Now that I'm a mother, it is really terrifying

And the seas are all connected and we are all connected
And you're living in denial if you think you won't be affected
You can't hide behind your flag because water knows no border
It'll creep in every crevice, it'll seep in every pore

They lie about the damage, the solutions are illusions
There's no cover-up big enough to hide this huge a contusion
On the face of our mother, yeah, that's right, Mother Earth
Is the cost of every living thing what your product is worth?

Full lyrics https://genius.com/Kimya-dawson-driving-driving-driving-lyrics

#climatechange #music #wakeup?



so i guess now we can repeal whatever new anti-freedom rules imposed at the time,
just like we did when we learned there were no hoards of terrorists out to get us (nor the alleged "weapons of mass destruction")
or maybe we'll start listening to those who seem to know these things ahead of the time they happen, and tried to warn us...?

... so with that, next in the PNAC plans... as i recall... after #operationlockstep which we just had the first round of, is:
fake nuclear wars, fake alien invasions, fake climate disasters...

yes, false flag attacks can still kill (and these things could also really happen ~ so extra dangerous that they cry wolf with these). ... but we should not succumb to the problem-reaction-solution ploy of them. we should not let them keep scaring us away from democracy, into the hands of their abusive kleptarchy. stop giving them your power. stop losing your mind in terror.

#covid #coviddebunked #debunked #experts #falseflag #psyop #problemreactionsolution #kleptarchy #overtonwindow
#stopfallingforit #stopgivingthemyourpower #stoplosingyourmindinterror #defyterror #defyterrorism #wakeup #theylie
#democracy #standupfordemocracy


#freespeechsaveslives #censorshipcostslives


"it's hard to believe other people didn't see it."

"it's so blatantly out there."

#whywegaveupourfreedoms #gooddoctors #DrKatLindley #nursing #nursingcare #criticalcare #urgentcare #administrativemeddling #medical #freedommedicalmovement #nursespeaksout #anotherdoctorspeaksout #anothernursespeaksout #nurses #nursesarethebest #totalitarian #totalitarianism #didntmakesense #storyunfolding #littlelies #logic #hardtobelieveotherpeopledidntseeit #myopia #SoBlatantlyOutThere #ifyoucantreatthereisnoneedforthevaccines #establishedbestpractice #somuchfear #turnOFFtheTV #crisismanagementtraining #fearuncertaintydoubt #followingorders #justfollowingorders #justdoingyourjob #criticalthinking #linearthinking #latteralthinking #challengingstatusquo #hierarchy #autonomy #NHS #USA #privatisationofNHS #backdoorprivatisation #worstoutcomes #changingdefinitions #orwellian #conspiracies #wakeup #bodilyautonomy #doctorautonomy #anxiety #tyrantssayifyouspeakoutagainsttheirtyrannyyouareaterrorist #democracysaysitisyourdemocraticdutytospeakouttopreventtyrants #flashbacks #freedomtradedforelusivesafety #westerncountriesarenaive #fear #allnazishadtodowasmakeyoufearandyougavefreedomaway #pandorasbox #obsoletion #medicineisnotexpensive #forprofithealthcare #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #middlemen #independentdoctors #isolation #bargaining #threats #fakecines #tactics #totalitariantactics #educateyourselvessoyoumayeducateothers #decentralise

her words early in this, remind me of conversations i heard nurses having with each other, when i was in hospital in 2002, where they seemed quite astute to the mask issue, aware of studies, and their own experiences, and the logic, prominently revealing how masks not only dont work to prevent (or even reduce) the spread of disease, but worsen outcomes, and how they were up against it with stupid harmful orders coming from administration, contrary to evidence. this was a long time coming in the crooks' pipeline.


"the mark of an educated mind is to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" #AlanJames 's phrasing of the #goodquote / #idea attributed to #Aristotle

#intellectualhonesty #integrity #nonbelief #intellectualhumility #idontknow #entertaintheidea #psychology #cognitivedissonance #learntolearn #consider #encouragequestioning #questioneverything #questionmore #interview #thevobesshow #vobes #circleofwhitelight #educatedmind #themarkofaneducatedmind #narrative #tangiblesolutions #solutions #epistemology #philosophy #humility #psychologyasatool #psychologyasaweapon #government #governmind #advertisingormarketing #truth #questioning #followthewhiterabbit #thesearchfortruth #researching #evidence #presenttheevidence #educate #pedagogy #fluidbeliefsystem #intellectualflexibility #intellectualfluidity #newinformation #convictions #ego #identification #convictionsbecomeidentities #theignorancethatdiesisnotyou #comfortzone #stepoutsideyourcomfortzone #challengeyourbeliefs #parkyourego #programming #fervency #uncomfortabletruth #facethehorror #thematrix #redpill #waroftheworlds #planetoftheapes #theidea #theprogramming #seethesystemforwhatitreallyis #thelie #goldfishbowl #thefishthatneverjumps #questioning #virus #pandemic #procedure #ordinary #ordinaryexistence #existence #outsideordinaryexistence #virus #conflictofinterest #profit #forprofitmedicine #forprofithealthcare #oxymoron #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #establishedbestpractice #theonetruetruth #plandemic #publishedplans #scamdemic #racket #genocide #softkill #politicians #benevolence #fakecine #psyop #reason #coerced #coercion #mandate #duress #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatall #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatallisit #convince #terror #manipulation #fear #prefrontalcortex #criticalthinking #fightflight #notthinking #myopia #inducedmyopia #authoritarian #abusive #tyranny #keepcalm #theothersideofthenarrative #censorship #ifweheard #ostracised #ostricisation #thedoorthatopenswithagentletouch #pushpushpush #wakeup #2012 #2009 #2002 #1950s #1960s #fantasy #operationlockstep #patentgate2 #contingencyplans #powerhold #powergrab #inspirational #catchphrase #removethesquares #seemore #theresalwaysmore #lookfortheevidence #starttoquestionthings #meetthemwheretheyareat #oncetheylearnedtolearn #evidence #brucelee #rigidsystem #beliefmakesapoormeanstodeterminereality #appearances #usefulidiots #nefarious #nefarioustasks #otherrasons #deceivers #hierarchy #hierarchicalstructure #boardofdirectors #controlpeople #compartmentalisation #thecorporation #governmentparty #whips #slaves #slavery #OBEY #youarefreetodowhatwetellyou #challengethenarrative #perception #believeopinionasfact #naiverealism #comfortingselfdelusion #selfdelusion #ignoranceasbliss #dangerousidiacy #opinionated #prejudice #prejudices #stubbornprejudices #bigotry #whathappened #listentobothsidesofthstory #listentoallsidesofthestory #alliknowisiknownothing #socratic #startaskingquestions #anecdotalevidence #objectivitydelusion #doctrine #passivevoice #science #scientism #blindtrust #accademia #accademics #perception #beliefsystem #PR #insight #providesolutions #verykind #generationalindoctrination #governmentalindoctrination #questioningthenarrative #thenarrative #asifthereisonlyoneperspective #seethroughthedeceptions #questionmore #startlearning



"you can ignore reality but you cant ignore the consequences when it strikes" -- Aman Jabbi


#criticalmass #sayNO #FuckOffFascist #connect #collaborate #forFREEDOM #wakeup #shine #youaremorethantheytryrepressyouto #thegreatawakening #solutionspaceupstream #unplugfromthematrix #climboutofplatoscave #facereality #facethehorror #riseup #lookup #restoreyourabilitytolookup #everybodysresponsibilitytopokebigbrotherintheeye #theanswerhasalwaysbeenthepeople #calltoaction #local

looking down the barrel of not a mere 1000 year reich like the nazis promoted, but an everlasting one. we are the people, now, who can avert this dystopian totalitarian nightmare. there are worse things than death. go forth, fearless, loving, aware there are scams to use your love to kill.

"you can ignore reality but you cant ignore the consequences when it strikes" -- Aman Jabbi

the ignorance that dies, is not you.

if ignorance is bliss, give me agony.

"once we accept the digital identity it's game over for humanity" -- Aman Jabbi

#speakout #criticalmass
#theyknowweknowtheylie #thisisnotwhathealthlookslike #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #thisisnotwhatfreedomlookslike #thisisnotwhatenvironmentalconservationlookslike #smartweapons #archons #deskkillers #thehourislaterthanyouthink #wecanstillmendthis #ifyouareawake #nocullnecessary #nopanopticonnecessary #nokillgridnecessary #safetyandsecurity #ofthepeople #or #ofthearchons #falseflad #controllednarrative #controllednarratives #cbdc #totalitarian #panopticon #problemreactionsolution #contract #imposition #coercion #digitalprison #defaulprisoner #WEF #identity #facialrecognition #scam #compliance #forcedcompliance #coercedcompliance #topdown #noneed #fakecines #depopulation #humancull #nocullnecessary #nocullnecessary #nocullnecessary #theypublishtheseplans #snapoutofdenial #doyourdemocraticdutyandscrutinise #disobeytheirterror #speakout #zerotrust #digitalidentity #freetravel #freespeech #mandate #lockdown #invisablelocks #oppression #massformationpsychosis #stateterror #globalstateterror #globalstatetyranny #noescape #conditionalaccess #genocide #democide #wealthextraction #reverseequity #iniquitous #inequality #digitalcurrency #district9 #conditioning #draconian #brutal #corporatocracy #corporatism #fascism #metaverse #protectionracket #orwellian #ar #vr #mixedreality #thisisnotwhatrealitylookslike #matrixbuilding #matrix #terminator #thegreatawakening #themasses #sheeple #sheepling #sheeplisation #massformation #sublimate #forkedtongue #duplicity #fakefood #destitution #newspeak #sustainabledevelopment #sustainabledevilment #smarcities #smartgrid #controlgrid #manufacturedscarcity #manufactureddependence #energysources #security #privacy #trojanhorse #fakesecurity #fakeprivacy #doublethink #completecontrolofchildren #getthemwhiletheyareyoung #childabuse #childdata #bigbusiness #bigbrother #bigbaron #bigbully #bigpsychopath #dataharvesting #mindcontrol #mindmanipulation #predictive #reductive #stockmarket #gambling #sicknessprofiteering #dataisthenewcurrency #dataisthenewoil #cameras #observation #facialreccognition #smartschools #badidea #bis #un #internationalbankers #digitalid #theytellyou #dracontine #beyondstate #statecapture #regulatorycapture #beyondblack #clearviewai #deepfake #deepfakedb #precrime #predictiveanalytics #prescriptionanalyitics #prescribedbehavior #trolling #ppi #ppe #noidentityleftbehind #inclusivity #totalitarian #orwellianlanguage #repetition #hijackedservices #convenience #convenincecoercion #behaviouralengineering #headinthesand #slavery #debtslavery #identityslavery #slaverysystem #debtslaverysystem #identityslaverysystem #sensoriseeverything #data #thebeast #dehumanising #stopthebeast #getridofthesensors #getridofthecensors #starvethebeast #pokebigbrotherintheeye #pokebigbaronintheeye #pokebigbullyintheeye #blockchainisyourdigitalleash #thefinallockdown


well, if these two are managed opposition shills buying trust, they're succesfully making a fairly large purchase here with me and those #healthy #rants.

"This _Deregulation is what makes this wealth transfer happen

  • absolutely dont become a victim of fear-mongering
  • rebuild community
  • see through the deceptions that generate fragmentation
  • rebuild innovatively for life and freedom
  • better ideas, diversely
  • become aware, eating well, eating good food, is the single most important ingredient to health
  • grow food in the right way, and combine with this awareness of good food eaten well for health
  • taking care
  • love all people
  • respect your butterfly wings, flap them well, in civildisobedience
  • develop strategies to get rid of the robber barons
  • acknowledge we dont have the luxury to be hopeless
  • cultivate hope
  • saveseeds
  • grow your own food, know your farmer
  • do what you can. help those who cant
  • invigorate lived democracy for when electoral democracy fails us.
  • remain hopeful

#vandanashiva #mercola #drmercola #navdanya #liveddemocracy #electoraldemocracy #mediacontrol #narrativemanagement #earthdemocracy #freedom #peoplesfreedom #illusionoffreedom #deregulation #selforganising #health #evolution #fractal #choices #justice #freedomandjustice #legalframework #practical #subsidies #look #equity #imposition #scaredbunchoftrillionaires #trueeconomies #cbdc #forcevaccination #nochoicenodemocracy #preservechoicepreservedemocracy #preservedemocracypreservelife #preservechoicepreservelife #globalisationisderegulation #democraticlaw #environmentalprotectionlaws #healthprotectionlaws #righttoeducation #workersrights #labourlaws #blacklivesmatter #justicematters #wakeup #narrative #divideandconquer #securitiesofdemocracy #societalprotectionlaws #freedomtodestroy #insurancecompanies #bigpharma #deregulationofourtimes #community #democraticsystems #sovereignty #monopoly #biofortification #ayurveda #problemreactionsolution #ruthless #vicious #money #dictatorship #technologybarons #barons #personalgreed #violentsystems #agrichemicals #hitler #genocide #domination #exploitation #notneutral #progressives #hierarchy #technologyasservant #convergentinterests #crisis #bookburning #ruthless #embraceextendextinguish #merger #destroyedentireindustries #intention #deregulation #globalisation #onenessvstheonepercent #investment #lifesciencesindustry #monsanto #bayer #financialtools #digitaltools #billionaires #assetfunds #controllingtheworldseconomy #corporations #psychopaths #owned #thetwelve #blackrock #vanguard #wealthtransfer #amazon #microsoft #fauxlanthropy #topdown #foodwithoutfood #toxic #control #nofreedom #weareinalotoftrouble #wakeup #lookup #mendthis #ecocide #finalissue #justice #shutdown #lockdown #deathofbirth #codexalimentarius #waronlife #themostvulnerable #vulnerable #therightstep #class #billionhungry #capitalism #monopolism #anthrocide #WHO #regulatorycapture #governments #philanthropy #hunger #sickness #humancull #nocullnecessary #forprofit #forweathextractionmaximisation #wealtextraction #wealthextractionmaximisation #homelessness #intentional #calous #throwawayclass #genocide #softkill #hardkill #panopticon #distraction #dumbdown #lobotomy #morecontrol #moreconcentration #centralisation #withoutrepresentation #withoutdemocracy #patriarchy #arrogance #billgates #zuckerberg #jeffbezos #destroying #planetaryscale #planetary #humanity #worsethingsthandeath #homeless #homelesspopulation #twoclasssystem #threeclasssystem #fourclasssystem #comorbidities #socialills #moneyoverpeople #greed #consequences #causality #society #nosociety #destruction #ecologicalcrisis #industrialism #pandemic #plandemic #colonialism #wellfare #dismantlingofprotection #dismantlingofsocialprotection #inequality #endofsociety #oneness #united #brutalviolence #poverty #criminals #apartheid #trusts #orwellian #taxdeduction #interesting #rockerfella #messcatalyst #molecularbiology #intelectualcapture #puppets #greenrevolution #greenwashing #corporateterrorism #stateterrorism #fascism #corporatism #controlleddebate #controlledclimatedebate #compulsorydigitaltransactions #nationaltaxsystems #nationaltaxsystemsusurped #gatesglobaltotalitarianresearch #agnotology #mostdevious #imaginationless #singularfocus #inhuman #inhumane #aware #facethehorror #therearepsychopaths #embraceextentextinguishonlife #mothernature #symbiosis #momentum #scamplan #worlddomination accounting #accountability #noaccountability #serious #extractiveeconommy #peoplemining #statesystem #wepaidforit #theyprofit #wedie #notinourname #reversetax #trickleup #imbalancedredistribution #iniquitous #collapse #intentionalinflation #strategicinflation #undemocraticinflation #WEF #greateconomicreset #imposed #notanaccident #wetriedtowarnyou #butyoucalledusconspiracytheorists #psyop #controllednarrative #controllednarratives #ecologicaldestruction #ripoffnature #disempowerment #wecanmendthis #empowerment #empowereverybody #pitchforksvstorches #languageappropriation #soil #neglect #regreen #recycle #earth #naturally #healthily #regenerate #regeneration #runfromthecure #noosphericattack #spin #organic #GMO #geneeditting #crispr #geneticallymodifiedorganism #fakelife #latteralgenetransfer #terminatorgenes #codexalimentarius #codexalimentarius #codexalimentarius #seriously #theplantoownalllife #includingyou #financialisationofnature #manufacturingdisposablepeople #circularreasoning #nocullnecessary #manufacturedscarcity #tyranicaltautology #suffering #youdeservebetter #theylie #theylietheylietheylie #fuckthat #fuckyouiwontdowhatyoutellme #declareindependence #patents #patentfraud #wipo #reductivism #totalitarianism #users #spyware #biospyware #allocation #vaers #worthy #humanrights #undoingwhatgenerationsfaughtfor #alert #bealert #myiopia #myopiclossofwealth #terrormyopia #usory #economicsuicide #suicide #suicideeconomy #defysuiciding #stay #mendthis #democracy #economy #humanity #startthinking #startthinkingaboutit #defendfeircly #freedomandlife #kleptarchy #kakistarchy #attercoparchy #createlocalmarkets #scientistssay #pestcontrol #illegal #illegalineffectivepestcontrol #apatientcuredacustomerlost #forprofitmedicine #forprofitpestcontrol #racket#protectionracket #biologicalprotectionracket #soarrogant #1000sofwaysofdoingfarming #gatesag1 #totallycontrolled #controlledseeds #farmerbrainscontrolled #staringdownthebarrelofeternaltyranny #bigdemand #manufactureddemand #hehadagraph #donttrusthim #distrusthim #ruthlesspsychopath #notphilanthropist #consciousness #consciousnessrising #awakeningconsciousness #lifejusticehumanity #vs #deathdestructiongreed #civilisation #culture #disease #social #individual #civildisobedience #robberbarons #worsethingsthandeath #growyourown #knowyourfarmer #solidarity #confidently


Partages info-culturels du 05/01/2023

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En vrac : un rattrapage du plus significatif déjà partagé aujourd’hui + divers autres liens susceptibles de vous intéresser

L'illustration (Nazgul Elisabeth Borne) de cette #revuedeweb a été créé à l'aide de #MidJourney

Guillaume Champeau sur Twitter : "Les tensions croissantes entre la Chine et les États-Unis sont telles que Dell va arrêter de s’y approvisionner en puces électroniques, et HP amorce le même repli." / Twitter

#chine #étatsunis #géopolitique #industrie #économie #relocalisation #puceélectronique #semiconducteur

Rapport secret sur la gestion de crise du Covid : les Ehpad oubliés, puis noyés sous les protocoles - Le Parisien

#covid19 #pandémie #politique #crisesanitaire #ehpad #gestiondecrise

Calvitie : la consommation excessive de boissons sucrées en serait l'une des causes

#santé #cheveux #calvitie #boisson #boissonsucrée

Les fachos en PLS sur Omar Sy - @caissesdegreve6573 - YouTube

#france #politique #omarsy

Publicité : Apple sanctionnée par la CNIL, faut-il craindre pour votre vie privée ?

#publicité #apple #cnil #vieprivée #pistage #traçage

“Sans surprise”, Macron et Trudeau distingués par l’Académie de la carpette anglaise

#québec #politique #emmanuelmacron #justintrudeau #académiedelacarpetteanglaise #prixdindignitélinguistique #francophonie #langage #français #culture

Des chercheurs ont pu « voir » à l’intérieur de noyaux atomiques grâce à un nouveau type d’intrication quantique

La première intrication entre particules dissemblables

#physiquequantique #intricationquantique #atome

2023 encore plus chaude que 2022 : on vous explique pourquoi

#environnement #réchauffementclimatique

Ukraine rejects Putin’s Orthodox Christmas ceasefire proposal | Russia-Ukraine war News | Al Jazeera

#conflitrussoukrainien #vladimirpoutine #noël #orthodoxie #cesserlefeu #trève #àtraduire

L’isolation des passoires thermiques n’est plus efficace après deux ans - Figaro Immobilier

#logement #chauffage #énergie #économiedénergie #isolationthermique #passoirethermique #rénovationénergétique #étude #immobilier

Un employé à Toulouse est condamné à rembourser ses salaires : "les prud'hommes inventent le salariat gratuit !" dénonce son avocat

#justice #travail #prudhommes #salaire #contratdetravail #restauration #licenciement

VIDEO. Se faire justice soi-même : un phénomène qui prend de l'ampleur en France

#société #justice #sefairejusticesoimême #france

Guerre en Ukraine: la Russie agite la menace hypersonique en armant une frégate de missiles Zircon

les médias sont drôles avec leurs éléments de langage. Ils laissent supposer dans le titre que c'est du bleuf.

#conflitrussoukrainien #russie #missilehypersonique

Guerre en Ukraine: Macron promet à Zelensky la livraison de chars de combat légers

dire que c'est un traître à la nation est un euphémisme

#conflitrussoukrainien #emmanuelmacron #politique #géopolitique

Voir le film / le live | Wake-Up

#wakeup #film #replay #éthique #philosophie #spiritualité #personnalités #environnement #écologie #nature #science #technoscience