

https://www.transcend.org/tms/2021/09/the-project-for-a-new-american-century/ 13 Sep 2021

PNAC, from 9/11 fame, can be thought of as a precursor of the Bill Gates/World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, whose “New Pearl Harbor” opportunity was the Covid-19 manufactured panic.


#Falseflag #Terror #StateTerror


#Tags: #AngloAmerica #Anti-imperialism #BillGates #Elites #GreatReset #Hegemony #Imperialism #MilitaryIndustrialMediaComplex #NewWorldOrder #ProjectforaNewAmericanCentury #PNAC #USA #WorldEconomicForum

Dr Gary G. Kohls is a member of America’s Frontline Doctors, a retired rural family physician from Duluth, MN, USA and a member of the TRANSCEND Network. Since his retirement in 2008, Dr Kohls has written a weekly column for the Reader Weekly, Duluth’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His column, titled Duty to Warn, has been re-published and archived at websites around the world. He practiced holistic mental health care in Duluth for the last decade of his family practice career, primarily helping psychiatric patients who had become addicted to their cocktails of dangerous, addictive psychiatric drugs to safely go through the complex withdrawal process. His Duty to Warn columns often deal with various unappreciated health issues, including those caused by Big Pharma’s over-drugging, Big Vaccine’s over-vaccinating, Big Medicine’s over-prescribing, over-screening, over-diagnosing and over-treating agendas and Big Food’s malnourishing and sickness-promoting food industry. Those four powerful, profit-seeking entities combine to seriously affect the physical, mental, spiritual and economic health of the recipients of the prescription drugs, medical treatments, toxic vaccines and the consumers of the tasty, ubiquitous and disease-producing “FrankenFoods” – particularly when they are consumed in combinations, doses and potencies that have never been tested for safety or long-term effectiveness. Dr Kohls’ Duty to Warn columns are archived at, among many other websites:
http://freepress.org/geographic-scope/national; and

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 13 Sep 2021.

Anticopyright: Editorials and articles originated on TMS may be freely reprinted, disseminated, translated and used as background material, provided an acknowledgement and link to the source, TMS: The Project for a New American Century, is included. Thank you.

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The Iraq War 20 Years Ago: No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders.
To Understand Iran’s 150-Year Fight, Follow the Trail of Blood and Oil (Part 1)
The Fabulist Arrogance of US Power

Click here to go to the current weekly digest : https://www.transcend.org/tms/
The Iraq War 20 Years Ago: No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders. : https://www.transcend.org/tms/2023/03/the-iraq-war-20-years-ago-no-shame-no-lessons-learned-no-arrest-order-on-nato-state-leaders/
To Understand Iran’s 150-Year Fight, Follow the Trail of Blood and Oil (Part 1) : https://www.transcend.org/tms/2023/03/to-understand-irans-150-year-fight-follow-the-trail-of-blood-and-oil-part-1/
The Fabulist Arrogance of US Power : https://www.transcend.org/tms/2023/03/the-fabulist-arrogance-of-us-power/

#WeCanStillMendThis with #Awareness. #BeautifulThingsCanHappenWhenWeFaceTheHorror. #FaceTheHorror. #PowerCorrupts . #StopObeyingCrooks. #ForFreedom #Freedom #EachAndAll #NormalPeopleSaveEverybody #NoCullNecessary #RestoreFreedom #RestorePlay #RestoreFairPlay #LetThereBeLove #Love #Peace #Freedom #LovePeaceAndFreedom #StayFree #ByeByeBillionaires #WeThePeople #ForThePeople #PutOnYourYellowVest #NowIsTheTime #OneStepAtATime and #AllAtOnce #WeCanStillMendThis #YouCanStillMendThis #EveryLittleHelps #SavedThatOne


The speech today by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at the opening of this year’s UN General Assembly starkly reflected a world in crisis.

Guterres devoted much of his speech to the war in Ukraine and the global economic ramifications of the conflict. The United States masterminded the expansion of NATO towards Russia’s borders in the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union, creating an existential security concern for Russia and making conflict all but inevitable – an outcome many warned of at the beginning of the NATO enlargement drive. And in the more immediate sense, the Biden administration has moved to turn the conflict into an all-out proxy war by offering essentially unlimited financing to the Ukrainian military, providing advanced weapons systems, and imposing massive sanctions on Russia.

The U.S. government refuses to take the decisive action necessary on climate change, even though it was the U.S. capitalist class that by far contributed the most to global carbon emissions since the industrial revolution. The planet-killing fossil fuel industry is anchored in the United States, enjoying the backing of Wall Street and the protection of Washington.

Quotes source
#UN #anti-imperialism #china #cuba #Ethiopia #imperialism #russia #ukraine #venezuela


Doubling Down On Double Standards – The Ukraine Propaganda Blitz

Media Lens

(...) Every time US-UK-NATO launches a war of aggression on Iraq, Libya, Syria – whoever, wherever – our TV screens and front pages fill with ‘beautiful pictures’ of missiles blazing in pure white light from ships. This is ‘Shock And Awe’ – we even imagine our victims ‘awed’ by our power. (...)

By contrast, the morning after Russia launched its war of aggression on Ukraine, front pages were covered, not in tech, but in the blood of wounded civilians and the rubble of wrecked civilian buildings. (...)

Political analyst Ben Norton commented:

‘Russia’s intervention in Ukraine has gotten much more coverage, and condemnation, in just 24 hours than the US-Saudi war on Yemen has gotten since it started nearly 7 years ago… US-backed Saudi bombing now is the worst since 2018’

This is no small matter. Norton added:

‘An estimated 377,000 Yemenis have died in the US-Saudi war on their country, and roughly 70% of deaths were children under age 5’

Some 15.6 million Yemenis live in extreme poverty, and 8.6 million suffer from under-nutrition. A recent United Nations report warned:

‘If war in Yemen continues through 2030, we estimate that 1.3 million people will die as a result.’ (...)

We can be sure that Instagram, YouTube and Tik Tok will never be awash with the sentiment: ‘I stand with Yemen!’

As if the whole world belongs to ‘us’, our righteous rage on Ukraine is such that we apparently forget that we are not actually under attack, not being bombed; our soldiers and civilians are not being killed. Nevertheless, RT (formerly Russia Today), Going Underground and Sputnik have been shut down on YouTube and Google as though the US and UK were under direct attack, facing an existential threat. (...)

So how did we get here? State-corporate news coverage has some glaring omissions. (...)

In a rare example of dissent in the Guardian, Ted Galen Carpenter, senior fellow for defence and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, wrote this week:

‘The Obama administration’s shockingly arrogant meddling in Ukraine’s internal political affairs in 2013 and 2014 to help demonstrators overthrow Ukraine’s elected, pro‐​Russia president was the single most brazen provocation, and it caused tensions to spike. Moscow immediately responded by seizing and annexing Crimea, and a new cold war was underway with a vengeance…’

Carpenter concluded:

‘Washington’s attempt to make Ukraine a Nato political and military pawn (even absent the country’s formal membership in the alliance) may end up costing the Ukrainian people dearly.

‘History will show that Washington’s treatment of Russia in the decades following the demise of the Soviet Union was a policy blunder of epic proportions. It was entirely predictable that Nato expansion would ultimately lead to a tragic, perhaps violent, breach of relations with Moscow. Perceptive analysts warned of the likely consequences, but those warnings went unheeded. We are now paying the price for the US foreign policy establishment’s myopia and arrogance.’ (...)

The New Yorker magazine describes political scientist John Mearsheimer as ‘one of the most famous critics of American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War’:

‘For years, Mearsheimer has argued that the U.S., in pushing to expand NATO eastward and establishing friendly relations with Ukraine, has increased the likelihood of war between nuclear-armed powers and laid the groundwork for Vladimir Putin’s aggressive position toward Ukraine. Indeed, in 2014, after Russia annexed Crimea, Mearsheimer wrote that “the United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for this crisis.”’ (...)

In 2014, then US Secretary of State John Kerry had the gall to proclaim of Russia’s takeover of Crimea:

‘You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pretext.’

Senior BBC correspondents somehow managed to report such remarks from Kerry and others, without making any reference to the West’s invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. (...)

Noam Chomsky highlights one obvious omission in Western media coverage of Ukraine, or any other crisis involving NATO:

‘The question we ought to be asking ourselves is why did NATO even exist after 1990? If NATO was to stop Communism, why is it now expanding to Russia?’ (...)

Conclusion – ‘Whataboutism’ Or ‘Wearenobetterism’?

Regardless of the history and context of what came before, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a major international crime and the consequences are hugely serious.

Our essential point for over 20 years has been that the public is bombarded with the crimes of Official Enemies by ‘mainstream’ media, while ‘our’ crimes are ignored, or downplayed, or ‘justified’. A genuinely free and independent media would be exactly as tough and challenging on US-UK-NATO actions and policies as they are on Russian actions and policies.

To point out this glaring double standard is not to ‘carry water for Putin’; any more than pointing out state-corporate deceptions over Iraq, Libya and Syria meant we held any kind of candle for Saddam, Gaddafi or Assad. (...)

Complete article

Screen shot of war reporting
The American population was bombarded the way the Iraqi population was bombarded. It was a war against us, a war of lies and disinformation and omission of history. That kind of war, overwhelming and devastating, waged here in the US while the Gulf War was waged over there.’ (Howard Zinn, ‘Power, History and Warfare’, Open Magazine Pamphlet Series, No. 8, 1991, p.12)

Tags: #russia #putin #ukraine #zelenskiy #freedom #war #war_propaganda #fake_news #disinformation #propaganda #john_pilger #stop_the_war_coalition #nato #syria #assad #chemical_weapons #imperialism #anti-imperialism #democracy #dictatorship #international_law #iraq #media #news #journalism #journalist #coporate_media #mainstream_media #RT #Russia_Today #Going_Underground #Sputnik #censorship #freedom-of_the_press #afghanistan #libya


If we are unable to confront reactionary ideas in our own movement, we will always be inhibited in pursuing our ultimate aim: the #socialist transformation of #society.’

Daniel Randall’s book is a socialist analysis of #leftantisemitism, which asks: ‘How did the political #left, a movement apparently committed to #equality, become a site of #antisemitism, and how can antisemitism on the left be overcome?

Randall traces left antisemitism’s origins to primitive critiques of #capitalism that conflated #Jews with #capital; Stalinism’s “anti-cosmopolitan” and “ #antiZionist ” campaigns of the 1950s onwards; and a form of “ #anti-imperialism ” which designates any #opposition to western #imperialism, including #Israel, as necessarily #progressive.

He argues that, far from representing a logical continuation or inevitable endpoint of left-wing ideas, left antisemitism represents a distortion of them, and that by re-anchoring the socialist project in a #class-struggle #politics of #solidarity and #equality, the left can confront and overcome antisemitism within its own ranks.

As Keir Starmer's Labour leadership launches a new wave of proscriptions and expulsions, Randall argues that these administrative responses are inadequate at best, and counterproductive at worst. He argues that only a political-educational campaign, targeting the #ideological roots of left antisemitism, can overcome it.

This is the second original title published by No Pasaran Media and comes as debates about the response to antisemitism in the #Labour Party continue, and after a spike in antisemitic incidents following an escalation of violence in Israel/ #Palestine in May 2021.
#antifa #communism #zionism #critizism
