

There are fascists in my area?

They gived stickers on the car with the sign "Z" to distinguish between insiders and outsiders. That is, so that the pro-government policemen do not touch their own, and those who are against the authorities are pressed.

На машину дали наклейки со знаком «Z», чтобы различать своих и посторонних. То есть, чтобы провластные полицаи своих не трогали, а тех, кто против власти, прижимали.

#fashism #z #car #фашизм #автомобили


Why has the letter Z become the symbol of war for Russia?

The origins of the symbol, sported by athletes and popping up on social media, are a mystery, but several theories have been proposed

Open source analysts and military experts first spotted the mysterious Z-shaped letter hand-painted on Russian tanks and military trucks massed on the Ukrainian border on 19 February, leading to widespread speculation among western experts as to what the letter meant.

As Russia’s invasion began, more military hardware was spotted emblazoned with Zs, as well as other letters, including O, X, A and V. The letters seen on the hardware were usually framed by squares, triangles, and other painted shapes. The letter Z does not exist in the Cyrillic Russian alphabet.

The most popular theory used by military experts to explain the letters is that they were written according to the respective areas where the Russian troops are usually stationed, with Z potentially standing for Zapad (west).

Others believe the letters were drawn in an attempt to avoid friendly fire, while some pro-Kremlin Russian military experts have speculated that the letter Z stands for the name of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and the letter V for Vladimir Putin.

The Russian defense ministry itself has not commented on any of the theories, and instead posted on its Instagram channel that Z meant Za pobedu (“for victory”) and V stood for “power of truth”. ...


#Ukraine #Russia #Z #War #Fascism


A chaque fois que j' entend des gros cons comme zemour nous expliquer leur idée sur le handicap et son exclusion systématique
pour je cite " mieux s' en occuper" ....... comment dire ?
j' ai peut être juste envie de leur dire que les idées simplistes sont bien dans un concours de miss France mais pour le reste
il y a des gens plus sérieux qui bossent sur le sujet, a commencer par les handicapés eux mêmes.


#Z #enculé #politique #société #2022 #élections