

Joey to the world!
Conservationists at a 🇬🇧 #zoo have captured the moment a rare tree #kangaroo popped out of mom's pouch for the first time, part of research to help the endangered species, native to Papua New Guinea rainforests, survive in the wild.

#Nature #GoodNews #Animals #Conversation

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Chester Zoo: Rare tree kangaroo emerges from mum's pouch

Animal conservationists have described the moment a rare tree #kangaroo was seen emerging from its mother's pouch as "celebratory".

The joey, the first of the endangered species to be born at Chester #Zoo, arrived in July and has since been developing in the pouch.

Unlike its famous Australian counterpart, the shy Goodfellow's species live in trees, the zoo said.

Zookeepers now had a "unique position" to record its development.

#Australia #Animals #Aww


Speaking of Schönbrunn Palace...

This is a huge complex, akin (as is The Hofburg) to a palace complex such as The Vatican. I nibbled at the edges, avoiding indoor tours when the sun was out. And on the weekend: Prater (Amusements) & nature - including the world's oldest zoo (on these grounds) and the Imperial Butterfly House.More weekend fun at the world's first (and rather humane) zoo, after a quick visit to the Palm House.

Large Palm House Schönbrunn

"The Great Palm House was built by the Ignaz Gridl company between 1880 and 1882 on behalf of Emperor Franz Joseph I according to plans by the court architect Franz Xaver Segenschmid. With a total area of 2,500m², it was the largest glass house in the world when it opened on July 19, 1882. The building, made up of prefabricated parts, is 111 meters long, has a maximum width of 28 meters and reaches 25 meters at its highest point." - source / Thin-sliced: "Lots of glass".

Next, a look at who's hanging out at the zoo.... Oh look! Koala!

#MyPhotos #Vienna #Wien #Schönbrunn #Zoo #PalmHouse #Koala #FranzJoseph #photography #fenfotos