

The so called "Iranian National Congress" telegram channel with some 40k subscribers has gone silence

The group became very popular and strong during the latest protests and up until recently was hiding their true identity of being a front for small group of supporters of Reza Pahlavi the son of last king of Pahlavi dynasty.

They used to act like they were "driving" the protests in Iran and called for a 3 days national strike in early January, something that didn't happen (like so many of such hot air attempts in the last 40 years).

But since January 23, the channel has gone quiet. There has been 0 posts or activities on their channel.

This is just sad example of their disconnect with the realities of Iranian politics and their lack of mass support they pretend they have.

Wonder when they will come back up again?

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#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #تهران #


Iran's army says "rioters" will have no place in country if order given by supreme leader

Iran's Army Ground Forces Commander Kiumars Heydari said on Wednesday that "rioters" would have no place in the Islamic Republic if the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered a tougher crackdown on nationwide protests, said the semi-official Mehr news agency.

#Iran #iranprotests #Politics

#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #تهران #IranUprising



Iran's judiciary says it will deal firmly with protesters

Despite massive social media hype. The protests in Iran are not gaining support from the majority of the public.

The movement is still wide spread and strong, but it doesn't have theomentum and backing of the workers, the Bazar and the military to challenge the rule of Khamenei and his IRGC gurad dogs.

This doesn't mean that the protests will end and things will go back to normal, the leadership of IRI has 2 ways of dealing with this uprising, either going Syrian way and let the country fall into total chaos, or open up a bit and let people have some freedom.

Unfortunately, the gang of Khamenei and Reisi would rather burn and destroy Iran like they did with Syria than losen up a bit.

The opposition is also being played by extrmist groups from Pahlavi, AIPAC stoog Maesoume Alinejad and the cult of Rajavi and NCRI together with separatist groups like Kumelah and PKK in Kurdistan, the AnsaorAlIslam in Baluchistan and Azeri separatist who are pushing for military confrontation with the regime with hope of getting support from US and neighboring countries to fight with the regime.

The more I see of the news from Iran, the way social media being hijacked by professional actors paid and funded by KSA, US state department, AIPAC and directly Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan rrio. The more I'm pessimistic about the outcome of this protests.

If they had stopped at fighting against the compulsory Hijab, it could have received a much stronger and broader support, but now when protests are mainly focused on "Revolution" and "Regime Change" the winner of it will be the extremists of Basij and IRGC with some horrible outcome in the coming weeks and months.

Iran's courts will deal firmly with anyone who causes disruption or commits crimes during a wave of anti-government protests, the judiciary said on Tuesday, signalling the authorities intend to hand down harsh sentences to convicted demonstrators.

One of the biggest challenges to Iran's clerical leaders since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the demonstrations have already persisted for eight weeks despite tough security measures and tough warnings from security forces.

More than 1,000 people have been indicted in Tehran Province alone in connection with what the government calls "riots".

#Iran #iranprotests #IranUprising #IranRevolution #IRGC
#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #تهران #Pahlavi #Rajavi #Alinejad #CIA #AIPAC #SaudiArabia


It is truly disgusting to see character assassination of a young Iranian American reporter going mainstream.

Her life is in danger because of these monsters and there are no signs of it getting stopped by social media specially not by Twitter.

The disgusting system even promoting the accounts posting these attacks.

#Iran #iranprotests #Terrorism

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#ایران #تهران #


IRI telegram channel, says that he received death penalty for attacking a convoy of motorcycle riding Basijis and running over one who later died at the hospital due to injuries he received.

His sentence is established by the revolutionary court as "Criminal on earth ً(مقصد فیل ارض) . The accusation used by the regime from the early days of revolution against those they deemed as enemies of state.

The chances of his sentence getting overturned is slim since the court does nor allow the general due process of legal system in the country (as bad as it is, it gives the person the right to have a lawyer present and ability to argue against accusations).

#Iran #iranprotests #DeathPenalty #HumanRighta
#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #تهران #politics


Bravery of Iranian women is admirable.

42 years of Taliban style pressure didn't manage to break the will of brave Iranian women who fought against the regime in every corner and every moment of their lives.

The defiance is now reached a new level and girls and women openly defy the compulsory Hijab.

#Iran #iranprotests #Bravery #Resistance #WomensRights

#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #Politics


Police in Iran have launched an investigation after a video showed riot police repeatedly kicking and then shooting a man

As the old Persian proverb says:

  • The soup was so salty that even the king tasted it.

Regime is desperate to show they are acting with civility toward protesters. And TBF compared to their actions during the 1980s and then 2009 riots, they have not used their worse paramilitary groups yet.

Mainly because they know that the moment they use IRGC troops with military weapons, the situation will get out of hands.

They have only acted extremely violent in Baluchistan and Kurdistan, mainly because of the historical conflict in those 2 regions as well as the attacks by separatist groups in those regions targeting IRGC and border patrols.

There are many voices inside the regime calling for abolishing the moral police. They are still in minority but some big names among the clerics have put their voice behind the idea.

One comment was specially important.

The Islamic term of "Amr be maEruf VA nahy az moknksr" (demand righfulness and oppose immoral act), has a limit, if a person doesn't want to be corrected, it is not our job to save their sole, the almighty god will punish them on judgment day.

This means that the whole function of moral police should be changed into an advisory role rather than enforcing or punishing those who do not complying with the Hijab rules.

Unfortunately, these ideas are some 40 years too late and the current situation can't be changed slowly and gradually. The people demanding the resignation of Khamenei and change of theocracy, so there will be nothing in between the 2 lines other than a major conflict, or total collapse of the regime (highly unlikely).
#Iran #iranprotests #PoliceBrutality
#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #تهران #Politics



Iran protests: Diaspora Iranians plagued by online harassment campaign

Accused of being agents of the Islamic Republic, Iranians in exile increasingly fear for their safety

Negar Mortazavi is an Iranian journalist and commentator who for many years has been seen as a leading authority on the country and its place in the world.

Like many in the Iranian diaspora, she regards herself as an "exile" from the land in which she was born, and has faced harassment from the Iranian government over her work.

Despite this, she has also for years faced repeated accusations of being an apologist or outright agent of the Islamic Republic. Her tweets are bombarded from an array of accounts - many created expressly to troll - calling her a "liar" or warning that she will "pay the price" for her alleged support of the government.
#Iran #iranprotests

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#ایران #NegarMortazavi #Politics #Diaapora #AIPAC


The mother of 22-yr-old #MohammadGhobadlou sentenced to execution by Iran’s judiciary for protesting, pleads for help to save her son. The Islamic Republic has indicted over 1000 demonstrators in an attempt to crush dissent.


#MahsaAmini #mahsa_amini
#Iran #iranprotests #Urgent
#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #Politics


Unconfirmed report says that the head of Bsij Forces in Ziba Kenar, by the Caspian Seas was assassinated in front of his home today.

As much as I despise these monsters, killing IRGC and Basij will only push Iran further toward a civil war.
ساعاتی قبل حمزه علینژاد فرمانده سابق بسیج زیبا کنار (منطقه ساحلی نزدیک رشت) و بسیج حاجی بکنده جلوی درب منزلش به درک واصل شد

این مزدور هفته پیش در اعتراضات کیاشهر به مردم معترض شلیک میکرد
#Iran #iranprotests #Basij

#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری


The disgusting propaganda wing of Iranian diaspora, by the support and fundings of MKO(gang or Rajavi), Pahlavi loyalists and AIPAC funded Maesoume (Masih) Alinejad sharing so many stupid photoshopped images that then spread like wildfire over social media

The brutality of the regime doesn't need these kinds of action. But these groups pushing for escalation of the conflict and turning the uprising into a full blown civil war which then later hoping that the US/NATO will interfere, sharing these stupid images and making stories up about the victims.

Reporting them on Twitter is almost impossible with the new interface that removed the option reporting the post as fake.

I am afraid, it will get even worse under Musk.

#Iran #iranprotests #Politics
#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #تهران #FakeImage


12 years old girl was hit by the "non lethal" IRI shotgun, she was hit by multiple metal pellets

This is inforiating. But sadly the daily accurancd in Iran these days.

Funny thing is the shotguns and bullets used by IRGC are made in UK.
تیراندازی نیروهای سرکوبگر حکومتی به یک دختر بچه ۱۲ ساله در سنندج ، حداقل ۶۰ ساچمه به بدن این کودک اصابت کرده است.

سنندج؛ شامگاه شنبه ۷ آبان ۱۴۰۱

#Iran #iranprotests #breaking
#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری


'This is a feminist revolution': An interview with exiled Iranian-American journalist Negar Mortazavi

"[They're] demanding an end to the entirety of the system, not really looking for any moderate change, which they don't see an avenue for"

Nadine Talaat spoke to exiled Iranian-American journalist Negar Mortazavi about Iran's uprising.
#Iran #iranprotests #Feminism #IranUprising #Politics
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#ایران #تهران #