

The charlatan and Trump loving self proclaimed "leader" of Iranian womens movement was invited to talk in front of the US Congress!

Sadly, just like Venezuela, the US and EU countries always looking for puppets who does as they are told, play the role of the leader to act like they care for the people of Iran.

On the 1 year anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini, and the mass protests that followed, the movement that could have led to major changes in the country, as many moderate and even conservative voices in the country stood behind the movement and call for easing the restrictions on women and disbanding the Sharia patrol, it turned into a violent and bloody battle where small groups of people tried to turn the protests into a "revolution", by attacking and police, government buildings and IRGC/Basij locations.

The band of CIA backed "opposition leaders" believed that they finally had the regime in the corner and their next press conference would be in Tehran.

They received millions of dollars from US and even more euros from various European countries, money that went into the pockets of people like Alinejad and Pahlavi.

Once again, the morons in Washington and Brussels fucked up Iran's chance to make a change, all for the benefits of the criminal president of IRI who happily crushed the uprising and use the failure of these lunatics as a daily joke on their various telegram channels while cracking on any attempt to protest the aniversary of the death of the young woman who turned into a symbol of resilience of Iranian women who still standing tall and fighting back the Taliban regime of khamenei and his goons.

#Iran #Politics #Alinejad #Pahlavi #MahsaAmini #IranProtests #CIA #EU


#Munich security conference has turned into a global push to make #RezaPahlavi and #Alinejad as the only leaders of Iranian opposition!

The amount of posts by #German, #American and #British media covering this conference and the language used in the reporting is something I have no seen before.

In the past, the push of groups like #MKO/Rajavi by American conservatives like #Guliani, #Gingrich and #Bolton was mainly because of massive payouts by Rajavi's group to invite them to their meetings, but #Biden seems to be pushing for the son of their former puppet and #Alinejad seems to have cut her ties with christian #Taliban movement and #Trump team and joined the new #CIA backed team of "leaders".
And at the same time, the new doll of Hollywood celebrities Golshifteh Farahani who has replaced the older neocon puppet Shohreh Aggdashlou is also performing her role to call for the world support to push for a regime change in Iran.

The conference that seems to be focused on #Iran and #Russia as the enemies of the "world" is really nothing new, but it may have some nasty consequences in the Persian Gulf region and #Europe.

#Politics #Israel #RegimeChange


Iran's judiciary says it will deal firmly with protesters

Despite massive social media hype. The protests in Iran are not gaining support from the majority of the public.

The movement is still wide spread and strong, but it doesn't have theomentum and backing of the workers, the Bazar and the military to challenge the rule of Khamenei and his IRGC gurad dogs.

This doesn't mean that the protests will end and things will go back to normal, the leadership of IRI has 2 ways of dealing with this uprising, either going Syrian way and let the country fall into total chaos, or open up a bit and let people have some freedom.

Unfortunately, the gang of Khamenei and Reisi would rather burn and destroy Iran like they did with Syria than losen up a bit.

The opposition is also being played by extrmist groups from Pahlavi, AIPAC stoog Maesoume Alinejad and the cult of Rajavi and NCRI together with separatist groups like Kumelah and PKK in Kurdistan, the AnsaorAlIslam in Baluchistan and Azeri separatist who are pushing for military confrontation with the regime with hope of getting support from US and neighboring countries to fight with the regime.

The more I see of the news from Iran, the way social media being hijacked by professional actors paid and funded by KSA, US state department, AIPAC and directly Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan rrio. The more I'm pessimistic about the outcome of this protests.

If they had stopped at fighting against the compulsory Hijab, it could have received a much stronger and broader support, but now when protests are mainly focused on "Revolution" and "Regime Change" the winner of it will be the extremists of Basij and IRGC with some horrible outcome in the coming weeks and months.

Iran's courts will deal firmly with anyone who causes disruption or commits crimes during a wave of anti-government protests, the judiciary said on Tuesday, signalling the authorities intend to hand down harsh sentences to convicted demonstrators.

One of the biggest challenges to Iran's clerical leaders since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the demonstrations have already persisted for eight weeks despite tough security measures and tough warnings from security forces.

More than 1,000 people have been indicted in Tehran Province alone in connection with what the government calls "riots".

#Iran #iranprotests #IranUprising #IranRevolution #IRGC
#اعتراضاتسراسری #اعتصاباتسراسری
#ایران #تهران #Pahlavi #Rajavi #Alinejad #CIA #AIPAC #SaudiArabia


The regime in Iran still strong and have control, the loonies of Pahlavi supporters starting to fight against the golden child of AIPAC and neo cons, Maesoume (aka Masih/Messiah) Alinalejad.

The tweet by this guy who is one of the "influencers" among the Pahlavi crowd, is everything I hate about these people.

What he wrote is, Alinejad didn't tweet, RT or even mentioned the holiness "Prince" that shows her true personality.

She is a peasant and our prince is royal!
(Referring to Alinejasd's parents coming from a small village and possibly were farmers).

The whole tweet is a dumpster fire of the worse of the worse among Iranian diaspora, a bunch of self serving ass holes who all are fighting for the generous dollars given to oppositions by various American, Saudi and Israeli "NGO" s.
One thing they all agree on is to attack NIAC and those who support the non-American push for regime change.

You maybe able to understand some of the discussion using Google translator, but they use a lot of slang and double meaning slur words attacking each other.

#Iran #Diaspora #DumsterFire #Pahlavi #Alinejad #AIPAC #MKO #NIAC #DumbFuckistan #Idiocracy #MahsaAmini #IranProtests #IranUprising #Farsi


Face aux mensonges politico-médiatiques, ne vous trompez pas de combat

Les citoyens sont souvent dupes des enjeux qui se trament en haut lieux, et n’ont aucune idée de ce dont les États sont capables lorsqu’il s’agit de défendre « leurs intérêts ». Nombreux sont ceux qui se laissent manipuler, endormir par « l’american way of life ». Abusés par des publicités avantageuses, ils identifient les produits made in #USA avec les valeurs qui fondent la « démocratie ». À travers quelques slogans judicieusement adaptés, doublés d’une succession d’images subliminales, ces pubs malicieuses ne flattent que nos médiocres certitudes de nantis. Notre notion de la « démocratie » se réduit bien souvent à notre capacité à consommer – je dépense, donc je suis ! Or, la réalité politique doit être appréhendée sous un autre angle, sur un autre plan que celui du seul consumérisme. Et cette réalité-là est bien plus terrifiante que ces adroites mises en scène… »2

Autre exemple, l’ #Iran : les révoltes de la population suite au décès de Mahsa Amini attribué aux forces de la police des mœurs de Téhéran. L’étincelle de cette information a mis le feu aux poudres et en 24h, la toile a été envahie de multiples vidéos montrant le chaos dans plusieurs villes d’Iran. En France, où depuis plus de 30 ans tout ce qui touche au « voile » agit comme la muleta sur le taureau, la réaction de groupuscules « féministes » a été immédiate : elles n’y ont jamais mis les pieds, mais hurlent à la sombre dictature qui commet les pires crimes contre les femmes. Et chacun est prié de vociférer contre ce pouvoir d’un autre âge et d’y promouvoir « nos valeurs » occidentales, dont l’injonction à celles-là de s’exhiber le moins habillée possible (il paraît que plus une femme est dévêtue, mieux elle représente la « démocratie »). En tout cas, des farfelus – il faudrait surtout dire, des agents sionistes – hissés au rang de « philosophes » en parlent régulièrement en ces termes. Et même si l’on peut avoir un regard critique sur certains aspects de la société iranienne, rares sont ceux qui ont pris le temps de comprendre que ce à quoi nous assistions était une énième tentative des agents de la CIA et du Mossad pour tenter de déstabiliser le pays, et y provoquer un affaiblissement du pouvoir, seul encore en place dans la région qui n’ait pas été attaqué frontalement par l’empire, sachant le risque d’une riposte qui risquerait bien d’être fatale pour la colonie israélienne. En tant que citoyen d’un pays, quand celui-ci est attaqué de l’extérieur, on fait corps, on est solidaire et on ne se joint pas à la curée qui vise manifestement d’autres objectifs que ceux annoncés.

Or, le pouvoir iranien a réagi au décès de M. Amini et assuré sa famille qu’une enquête serait menée pour déterminer ce qu’il en était. Et depuis, une autopsie par les médecins a révélé qu’aucune trace de coup n’a été trouvée sur la victime, mais en revanche, il est expliqué que celle-ci était en traitement pour un cancer depuis un an et qu’elle se serait évanouie subitement des suites d’un malaise cardiaque, ce qu’atteste une vidéo-surveillance où l’on voit une policière s’avançant pour la soutenir avant qu’elle ne chute. Les parents de M. Amini ont d’ailleurs vivement dénoncé les manifestations en cours, indiquant que ce ne serait « pas en leurs noms ». Par ailleurs, l’on apprend que la leader des protestations Masih #Alinejad n’est autre qu’une fonctionnaire américaine qui travaille à l’US Agency for Global Media. Comme c’est étrange…

#Russie #Ukraine #propagande #États-Unis