Why the Past 10 Years of American #Life Have Been Uniquely #Stupid

source: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/social-media-democracy-trust-babel/629369/

#Babel is not a #story about tribalism. It’s a story about the #fragmentation of everything.


The #digital #revolution has shattered that mirror, and now the public inhabits those broken pieces of glass. So the public isn’t one thing; it’s highly fragmented, and it’s basically mutually hostile. It’s mostly people yelling at each other and living in bubbles of one sort or another.


“Those who express sympathy for the views of opposing groups may experience backlash from their own cohort.” In other words, political #extremists don’t just shoot darts at their enemies; they spend a lot of their ammunition targeting dissenters or nuanced thinkers on their own team. In this way, #social #media makes a political #system based on #compromise grind to a halt.

#politics #society #problem #filterbubble #extremism #altRight #internet #journalism #press #future #discussion #ethics #moral #democracy

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