

How deep is the #rabbithole really and how far did you turn into the right aisle?

What we want to believe can easily distort the #truth. Believing does not mean knowing. The #problem is that we can't know what we don't know. If you know that you can never know everything, you have already learned the most important thing. However, if you believe you know everything and can prove it with alternative facts, you're hopelessly lost on the right side of the rabbit hole.

#filterbubble #conspiracy #ideology #politics #fake #wisdom


Has #criticism of the #mainstream now become mainstream itself?

Many critics of the mainstream are turning to alternative media, where distorting or fake reporting is much more common. But since this is the main criticism of the mainstream, this is quite surprising. In a world where people like Trump are elected president, the defense of the mainstream should be the resistance and the criticism is the mainstream.

think smiley

#news #fake #media #internet #resistance #change #future #democracy #journalism #press #trump #reality #filterbubble #alternative #world #society


What #Mastodon #server could I #choose?

It's a real #problem you don't know much about the #administration of the servers. A Mastodon server could be a "Trojan Horse" to get your data. Now that they are leaving #Twitter many new servers appear and many admins will close their server next year again because it's too expensive or too much #work.

So here are some points you can check:

  • Don't go to #fosstodon because I am there. Choose fosstodon only if most of the ther points of this list fitt your needs.
  • The donain of the server shouldn't include "Mastodon" because most of the new users search their server via #Google. If they all choose servers with "Mastodon" inside of the #domain it's against #decentralization and the servers are soon overcrowded with much work for the administration.
  • Check the server #information and #background. It's better to choose a server operated by a #community and not a single person. The server should have been only before the #hyoe because not many of the new servers will survive one year.
  • Check the domain. It should be #cool and fitting to the spirit of your posts.
  • Check the servers blocked on your server. Don't choose a server where nothing is blocked because then you know there is no #moderation on your server. If right wing servers are not blocked you are maybe choosing a server of a right echo chamber. If your server is blocked on many others there is something wrong with the administration.
  • At the end its the best to open your own server and be your own #admin. But don't forget that Mastodon isn't running properly on a raspberry pi. The server needs money and time for updates and moderation. So think of donating to your server if possible.
  • Learn about the #Fediverse. You are here on #Diaspora and now you think about going to Mastodon because Elon #Musk is killing Twitter. But why should you go to Mastodon only because the #press #filterbubble is talking about it? Maybe you can be wiser than all the lemmings out there and learn something first with a search engine of your #trust. With #Friendica you can post to the Fediverse and read it on Diaspora and Mastodon.
  • At the end it would be nice if you can follow me on Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@anonymiss - @anonymiss@fosstodon.org :)

Please let me know what you think in the comments and thank you for reading :)

#knowledge #wisdom #internet #instructions #news #software #education #help #todo #tutorial #advice #privacy #security #online #communication #trend #trending #ElonMusk #economy #corporation #freedom #donate #alternative #blog #microblogging #microblog


Why the Past 10 Years of American #Life Have Been Uniquely #Stupid

source: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/social-media-democracy-trust-babel/629369/

#Babel is not a #story about tribalism. It’s a story about the #fragmentation of everything.


The #digital #revolution has shattered that mirror, and now the public inhabits those broken pieces of glass. So the public isn’t one thing; it’s highly fragmented, and it’s basically mutually hostile. It’s mostly people yelling at each other and living in bubbles of one sort or another.


“Those who express sympathy for the views of opposing groups may experience backlash from their own cohort.” In other words, political #extremists don’t just shoot darts at their enemies; they spend a lot of their ammunition targeting dissenters or nuanced thinkers on their own team. In this way, #social #media makes a political #system based on #compromise grind to a halt.

#politics #society #problem #filterbubble #extremism #altRight #internet #journalism #press #future #discussion #ethics #moral #democracy


What's the #problem with all the Youtubers, Influencers and #Generation #Internet?

It can't really happen to you that your #Youtube channel gets significant #follower numbers if you are completely talentless. But by some miracle, you've gained a few thousand followers. What are you going to do with them now? Producing creative eye-candy, well-researched videos is far too exhausting and, given the undemanding audience, completely unnecessary. Either copy the trends from others or find some facts from the internet and combine them with some #memes and the #video is done. Your #fanbase will #like it and they will buy everything your sponsors want to sell anyway. Many do not realize that they have created an echo chamber with their fanbase. Lots of likes doesn't necessarily mean your videos are good. Anyone who doesn't like you is a hater and is blocked. You are now producing videos for your #filterbubble where nobody criticizes you anyway. But you think your videos are great. It's much harder to convince your rivals than it is to please your fanbase. Because of your coverage, you'll get better and better sponsors and important people will start wanting to meet with you. Your fanbase gives you power and you can decide who gets hit with a #shitstorm or who they should like. The problem is that you don't know anything about anything and you're just bullshitting and suddenly everybody out there thinks #Trump is a good president or the earth is flat.

#society #education #knowledge #economy #network #fans #media #politics #bullshit #meme #fun #money


Das Gegen-Hass-Projekt #GegenHassimNetz #Telekom

Ich habe ja keine Ahnung aber vielleicht sollte man wenn man das Thema schon angehen möchte etwas mehr aussagen als nur Hass ist doch doof. Ich meine da sind wir uns doch alle einig, dass diese Welt ohne Hass besser wäre. Wie kommen wir denn da hin?

Für wenn soll denn diese Telekom-Propaganda sein außer für die eigene #Filterbubble denn dieses Video wird keinen einzigen Hater überzeugen.

Siehe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LuGD9eAdhc

#Werbung #Propaganda #Wirtschaft #Influencer #Problem #Internet #Troll


Trying to understand the #world of a #Trump dogmatist

In order for the world view of a Trump dogmatist not to collapse, #reality must be constantly reinterpreted. Hillary #Clinton, for example, was not arrested because she wears an ankle monitor. The storming of the #Capitol was a false flag action by #Antifa to discredit the noble Trump supporters.

But now it is a fact that Trump was not re-elected despite all the tricks and deficits of American democracy. This is still electoral fraud for the Trump dogmatists.

How can #Biden's presidency be reinterpreted in the Trumpian style?

Joe Biden, depending on which #ideology you want to follow, is either a robot, hollogram, #lizard man or a #puppet taking orders from Trump. Trump, meanwhile, is chairman of the US #shadow government and has the real #power, which he wields from behind the scenes. Trump has turned into the #DeepState that he actually wanted to defeat, because one of his goals was to drain the #swamp.

The handy thing about this ideology is that for the next 4 years it can blur reality to such an extent that everything can be reinterpreted. After all, the real ruler Trump controls everything from the background.

Once Trump was elected, his supporters responded to the hashtag #notMyPresident like this: https://twitter.com/frustindian/status/823022665430691840 <- Unfortunately, their mental capacity is not adequate to replace the name Trump with Biden.

Attention from here on I become a prophetess ;)

What happens now if in 4 years Trump remains in retirement and is not re-elected #president as #QAnon predicted it? Clearly reality will be skewed anew. The predictions of Q can only be interpreted like the predictions of #Nostradamus. QAnons have misinterpreted them but the ideology lives on.

So it goes on and on without being able to enter the #FilterBubble. For rationally thinking people of science, this is very difficult to comprehend.

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#news #conspiracy #USA #politics #democracy