The most important measures in the current militarisation of society are the Bundeswehr's massive recruitment campaign and the announced partial reactivation of compulsory military service. This campaign is not only about eliminating the Bundeswehr's ‘personnel shortage’, but also about turning the troops back into the ‘school of the nation’. Young people are to ‘learn to serve’ there again and general compulsory service is invoked as a community and ‘solidarity in the trenches’.

What is scandalous about this plan is the increasing military weapons training of underage young people, who are recruited and trained with weapons with the consent of their legal guardians.

As the German government authorises the recruitment of young people, it is also responsible for the risks and damage. These are serious violations of children's rights and grave breaches of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child is also calling for a recruitment age of over 18 in order to prevent the recruitment of child soldiers worldwide. The UN Committee has been calling on the German government to raise the recruitment age to 18 since 2008. However, the German government has so far ignored this call, citing an exemption for state armies in an additional protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The German government is also responsible for the young victims of sexual offences.
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