What should #Russia do with #Ukraine? [Translation of a #propaganda article by a Russian publication]
Unlike, for example, Georgia or the Baltic States, #history has proved it impossible for Ukraine to exist as a nation-state, and any attempts to “build” such a nation-state naturally lead to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construct that has no civilizational substance of its own, a subordinate element of an extraneous and alien #civilization. Debanderization alone will not be enough for denazification: the Banderite element is only a hand and a screen, a disguise for the European project of the Nazi Ukraine, which is why the denazification of Ukraine means its inevitable de-europeanization.
I would like to note that this is Russian propaganda!
What can we learn from this?
- Small states can exist in #peace only if they are either part of powerful defense alliances or do not provoke the displeasure of powerful neighbors.
- Despite the UN and international law, a reason for war is still quickly found.
- #Orwell's warning in his novel #1984 is unknown to the masses and the powerful have not understood it.
- Propaganda always contains a part of the truth. Russia is concerned that Ukraine could become part of the European Union.
- States that are at war cannot become #NATO members. So the war has to last as long as possible.
#news #war #conflict #Nazi #problem #media #society #manipulation #politics #diplomacy #UNO #EU #Europe