


#Technical #Presentation: WBAN on a 6gloPAN and your #electromagnetic #body part
source : https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f
This presentation is for folks who do not understand how their body has already been made commercially available to the cloud since 2005. IEEE is the International standards for Electronics and #Electrical #Engineering. You will find your body on the #web and commercially accessible via the same #wireless working groups for all wireless #devices. #How did it happen? How can you gain access to the biosensors that are magnetically routing the data instead of your lunch in your red blood cells? (folks, this one is for you and while it is not my a game, i give myself a b and if you want me to include anything please let me know. I am currently working on signs for the literal math from a to b so people can understand #energy harvesting.

#Synthetic #Telepathy - #6G - #SabrinaWallace


#Finland's #6G #vision for 2030

watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4iDnGMQNq0

Combine after a #cyber attack, the Finns are extinct because they starved to death in their #smart homes. The doors no longer opened because there was no connection to the #cloud and thus the door could no longer identify the residents.

When I watched TNG as a child, I also dreamed of such a #future. With today's #knowledge and the revelations of #Snowden, I feel such a large collection of #data only as a #threat to my #freedom and #privacy.

#news #technology #bigdata #internet #meta #communication #surveillance #tracking #dystopia #security


5 G, les ondes de la controverse


On sait toujours rien....mais on arrive à envoyer un drone voler sur mars...

Principe de précaution ? Utiliser un kit main libre et choisir un téléphone avec le #DAS le plus faible.

Quel effet aurait le cumul des ondes ? On en sait rien. Ca fait plus de 10 ans que ça traine.

En effet dur de trouver qq'un qui n'est pas déjà "touché".


Quand on veut pas trouver, on trouve pas.

Je rappelle qu il existe l étude #interphone

Tags: #dandelíon #4g #5g #6g #téléphoneportable #santé #portable #mobile #anses #ondes #électromagnétique #environnement

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