

Meet #Dr. Michael #Persinger, a pioneering #neuroscientist who delved into the #mysterious #connection between the #brain, #geomagnetics, and #consciousness.

His controversial experiments explored how specific #frequencies and #electromagnetic fields could influence the #mind, even in #dream states, leading to discoveries that blurred the line between #science and the #paranormal.

But his groundbreaking #research didn’t just capture the #public’s curiosity—it also caught the attention of government agencies, including the CIA.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=e8P1kuFDHpg



"7 Types of Pathogens Sweeping Across #China – Taiwan Officials Issue #Warning: Avoid Traveling Unless Necessary
Hundreds of Millions in Damages, Yet Tesla Receives Only 2000 Yuan in Compensation; Tesla Appeals in ‘Brake Failure’ Case
Chinese Lawyer Discussing National People's Congress Rep; 60,000+ Netizens Declare: He Doesn't Represent Me!
Unveiling the Cryptocurrency Scandal: Inside the ‘Pig-Butchering’ Scam Originating in China
Latest Aircraft Carrier ‘Fujian’ Sparks Rumors of #Electromagnetic #Catapult Tests – #Taiwan Adopts Three Defense Strategies"

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Cn3MqghE5zI



#Technical #Presentation: WBAN on a 6gloPAN and your #electromagnetic #body part
source : https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f
This presentation is for folks who do not understand how their body has already been made commercially available to the cloud since 2005. IEEE is the International standards for Electronics and #Electrical #Engineering. You will find your body on the #web and commercially accessible via the same #wireless working groups for all wireless #devices. #How did it happen? How can you gain access to the biosensors that are magnetically routing the data instead of your lunch in your red blood cells? (folks, this one is for you and while it is not my a game, i give myself a b and if you want me to include anything please let me know. I am currently working on signs for the literal math from a to b so people can understand #energy harvesting.

#Synthetic #Telepathy - #6G - #SabrinaWallace


Potential future psy-op / social engineering / economic / #censorship event.

  1. Faux #electromagnetic solar storm using mass media & other #information dissemination #systems & turning off electronic systems using IoT interconnectivity to simulate some effects.

  2. Engineered false flag attack on #Internet #infrastructure using a #virus or electromagnetic #weaponry framed as a terrorist attack or otherwise framed as an attack by a #nation state.

One #purpose of this will be #covert harvesting & destruction of #data of economic #value & data that can be used to help illustrate or incriminate.

#psyop #socialengineering #solarstorm #massmedia #informationsystems #IoT #falseflag #terroristattack #dataharvesting


There are no official safety standards for 5G tech, there are only guidelines. Dr. Beverly Rubik joins Stew to talk about how 5G can disrupt the tissue structures inside the human body. 5G can produce oxidative stress, changes in cell membranes, DNA damage, nervous system problems, and reproductive harm. As #5G #technology #blankets across the #earth it will #terraform it into an #electromagnetic #hell scape.

There has never been an #environmental review of 5G and yet the installation process continues. Dr. Rubiks’s experiments with 4G and 5G #cell #phones showed decreased blood flow to vital organs. Microwave radiation is a well known and well accepted electromagnetic stresser. Electromagnetism in the environment that is unnatural is something we all have to worry about because we all are at risk.



Wot’s in the shots? Graphene oxide? Nanobots?
Rebecca Weisser
5 November 2022

What is in the #Pfizer #vaccines? Recently, #Dr David #Nixon, a #Brisbane #GP, decided to find out, putting droplets of #vaccine and the blood of vaccinated patients under a #dark-field #microscope.

That’s a more radical decision than it might sound. According to Sasha Latypova, a scientist with 25 years of experience in clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies, the contract between Pfizer and the US government prohibits independent researchers from studying the vaccines. They claim it would ‘divert’ these precious resources away from their intended use fulfilling an ‘urgent’ need.

Is that true in #Australia? Who knows? All the Commonwealth Department of #Health has said about its contract with Pfizer is that it is commercial-in-confidence.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration performs tests on all #Covid vaccines for composition and strength, purity and integrity, identity and endotoxins, but it provides scant details other than the batch numbers tested and whether they passed. (Spoiler alert: they did.)

In the US, the Centers for Disease Control specifically states that all #Covid-19 vaccines are free from ‘metals, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth alloys’ and ‘manufactured products such as micro-electronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, and nanowire semiconductors’.

Notably, this list does not include #grapheneoxide which has been widely investigated for biomedical applications. Some researchers sing its praises, its ‘ultra-high drug-loading efficiency due to the wide surface area’, its exceptional ‘chemical and mechanical constancy, sublime conductivity and excellent biocompatibility’. But there’s a catch. ‘The toxic effect of graphene oxide on living cells and organs’ is ‘a limiting factor’ on its use in the medicine.

So is there graphene oxide in the Pfizer shots? What Nixon found, and filmed, is bizarre to say the least. Inside a droplet of vaccine are #strange #mechanical #structures. They seem motionless at first but when Nixon used time-lapse photography to condense 48 hours of footage into two minutes, it showed what appear to be mechanical arms assembling and disassembling glowing rectangular structures that look like #circuitry and #microchips. These are not ‘manufactured products’ in the CDC’s words because they construct and deconstruct themselves but the formation of the crystals seems to be stimulated by #electromagnetic #radiation and stops when the slide with the vaccine is shielded by a Faraday bag. Nixon’s findings are similar to those of teams in #NewZealand, #Germany, #Spain and #SouthKorea.

CONTINUE: https://www.spectator.com.au/2022/11/wots-in-the-shots/


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#Why did a Chinese-born, US Army engineer perfect a nanotechnology to deliver quantum dots in humans? A nanoweapon technology that’s owned by the Chinese military and used in the COVID-19 vaccines.


Oct 18. 2022

Quantum dots and other nanotechnologies are foreign terms to most of us. They are alien concepts difficult for many people to comprehend even exist. Although not well-known, nanotechnologies such as quantum dot, hydrogels, graphene oxide, and single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), have been used in consumer electronic devices, healthcare products, foods & beverage, military neuroweapons, and medical device research and applications for over a decade.

If quantum dots seem to be literally everywhere (ubiquitous), why are most Americans unaware of what quantum dots are?

One reason may be because they are invisible. #Quantum #dots are less than 1/100th the size of a micron. (Most viruses are several microns in size).

While quantum dots cannot be seen by the #human #eye, the effects of quantum dots are not ‘invisible’ to our bodies.

The #electromagnetic fields and #frequencies emitted by quantum dots can cause #emotional, #psychological, and #physical #disease and #dysfunction in our bodies. Quantum dots can be used as neuroweapons and can cause severe disruptions to your emotions, energy, phsycical abilities and your ability to think straight ( #brain #fog).

It is evident that the COVID-19 injections contain nanotechnology that can host electromagnetic fields and receive signals. People are magnetic and are suffering from rapid onset of neurological disorders and hallucinations, sometimes resulting in death.

Scientists and researchers have observed the self-assembling nanotechnology by examining the ingredients of the COVID-19 vials under an electron microscope.

Per #MODERNA #Patent US 10703789 B2, which can be found on the MODERNA website, the technology for all #mRNA #COVID-19 vaccines uses lipid nanoparticle (LNP) #technology.

Per sections 219 of MODERNA US 10703789 B2, the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are fully programmable self-assembling technologies.

Sections 219 and 220 state that the LNPs can contain gels and hydrogels.

US 0028565 A1 is part of the intellectual property of MODERNA US 10703789 B2 and is for water-dispersible semi-conductive metallic nanoparticles.

US 0028565 A1 patented the functionality of the nanotechnology in the COVID-19 bioweapon injections to ensure rapid, easy, and targeted biodistribution of the nanoparticles throughout the body.

This COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ nanotechnology is quantum dot. I reported on US 0028565 A1 in August of 2021 on Pete Sentilli’s show.

Since publicly reporting on this patent last summer on multiple shows, the US patent office blocked public access to US Patent 0028565 A1.

The patent expired on May 16, 2022 due to nonpayment. Life Technologies is listed as the correspondent contact. The address shown is an address for one of the ThermoFisher Scientific offices in Carlsbad, CA. The original applicants’ names, Edward William Adams and Marcel Pierre Bruschez, Jr., are listed as unavailable.

Per US 0028565 A1, quantum dot’s functionality is based on the quantum mechanics of the Bohr particle. Due to quantum mechanics, quantum dots that have been injected into American and global citizens by means of the the COVID-19 bioweapons can quite literally appear within the human body based on specific electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) or disappear based on specific frequencies.

Per US 0028565 A1, quantum dots respond to high- and short- frequencies that emit blue light. At these higher frequencies, the quantum dots reduce in size enabling them to connect with, receive, and emit frequencies from the quantum field.

Per the 2011 book publication, Quantum Confinement Effect, quantum dots are able to produce electromagnetic labels (i.e. Bluetooth addresses) inside the body and tag organs.

Per Quantum Confinement Effect, extensive animal research has been successfully completed using quantum dots to invade, target. and mark major organs, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen, and brain.

Per ThermoFisher Scientific’s website, quantum dot (Q-dot labels) can be used to target, track and trace, not only tissues, but even individual cells.

On February 23, 2022, ThermoFisher Scientific announced a 15-year manufacturing deal with Moderna for Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and other experimental mRNA vaccines. ThermoFisher Scientific had previously partnered with Moderna to manufacture their mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in 2021.

WO 148684 A1 is is part of the intellectual property of MODERNA US 10703789 B2 and is for opal hydrogels. Opal hydrogels are part organic and inorganic. This means that they are part biology and technology.

This hybrid biosynthetic technology species is Inorganic-Organic Hydrogels (IOHs). Quantum dots are part of the technology part of the IOH hydrogels and emit vibrant colors. Quantum dots are also what give LED television screens their bright colors.

Quantum dots need to be encapsulated in single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) within the mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology to be delivered into the human body.

Patent US 02510618 A1 is part of the intellectual property of MODERNA US 10703789 B2 and is the patent for the SWCNT. US 02510618 A1 COVID-19 technology vaccine patent is also the intellectual property of the Chinese military.

Per a Breaking Defense January 2020 article, ‘Carbon Nanotubes & Quantum Dots: Army Thinks VERY Small,’ Joe Qui, a Chinese-born, US-trained physicist-turned-engineer-turned-Army program manager, who oversaw the research, development and utilization of nanotechnologies and quantum dot with 5G on US military bases, further developed SWCNT technology for military purposes.

Full article: https://karenkingston.substack.com/



This is Eric Dollard’s most important work. This 3 hour lecture describes how AC #electricity really works using his famous Four-Quadrant #Theory, which is rooted in the work of Charles #Steinmetz.
For the first time ever, you will see how AC is really a rotating #electromagnetic field around the power wires just like a drive shaft, and this rotating field is what actually turns a motor that is connected to it.

The book was not a part of the conference but came later when Eric put the presentation in book form. This book is what you need if you really want to study the mathematics at a deeper level.
enter image description hereenter image description here

https://ericpdollard.com/shop/four-quadrant-representation-of-electricity/ #education #electricity #magnetism #science


The recent severe Texas and East Coast cold weather and its attendant infliction of widespread human suffering in Texas can’t help but jog one’s memory about Tom Bearden’s DVD “Soviet Weather Engineering over North America.” .... Mon, 22 Feb
His summary is that the weather over North America has been engineered since 1976, we have not had “normal” weather since that date, and it would be naïve to assume that by now other nations and entities have not developed weather engineering technology in its many guises.
In fact weather engineering modification by the U.S. Government predates even Tom Bearden’s 1976 date.

On 10th December 2013, Harvard Professor Dr. David Keith appearing on the U.S. TV show “The Colbert Report” makes the case for weather engineering outlined in his book “The Case for Climate Engineering.” One particularly contentious issue he raised was “who is going to control the thermostat?”

And we know from our own former Defense Secretary William Cohen, Senator Sam Nunn, and even from high ranking Soviet Defector Stanislas Lunev’s book “Through the Eyes of the Enemy” that the weather engineering genie is now out of the bottle.

A cursory glance at the skies frequently shows extremely unnatural cloud formations that are the signature of this unseen electromagnetic manipulation.
2021: typical giant radial cloud indicating scalar EM manipulation of the weather. Note the virtual EM “node” unseen at the center of the spokes.
Tom Bearden’s book “Star Wars Now" explains what is going on here, and how this indicates that the jetstream is being “steered” by manipulation of artificial hot and cold spots.
For those of you who want to be briefed about the fundamentals of Electromagnetic weather engineering, we do recommend Tom Bearden’s seminal DVD “Soviet Weather Engineering over North America.”

Or for a more comprehensive overview of the whole adversarial technological implications, buy Tom Bearden’s book “Star Wars Now" or “Fer de Lance”.

An interesting footnote is that the 1928 book on Cloud Forms by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau does not list these “spoked wheel” radial clouds, see http://cheniere.org/clouds/index.html

U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen:- “Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.” *

Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.

#Texas #Bearden #weather_engineering #technology #Climate #electromagnetic #DoD #USA #ENERGETICS #PHYSICS #SCIENCE #CORRUPTION