

A quotation from Russell, Bertrand

I have lived in the pursuit of a vision, both personal and social. Personal: to care for what is noble, for what is beautiful, for what is gentle; to allow moments of insight to give wisdom at more mundane times. Social: to see in imagination the society that is to be created, where individuals grow freely, and where hate and greed and envy die because there is nothing to nourish them. These things I believe, and the world, for all its horrors, has left me unshaken.

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) English mathematician and philosopher
Autobiography, Vol 3: 1944-1969, “Postscript” (1969)

#quote #quotes #quotation #betterment #vision #wisdom #meaningoflife #progress #purpose
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/russell-bertrand/6348/


#fl-fleur24 #fl-octobre24 #santé #vision #vue
Hier j'ai trouvé ce site internet qui propose plein d'exercices pour les yeux ... c'est très intéressant car il y a aussi beaucoup d'explications sur la vue et les problèmes de vue que l'ont peut avoir en tant qu'humains


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This Raspberry Pi project uses AI to tell visually impaired people what’s around them

Pair of spectacles resting on a green cutting board. In the centre on top is mounted a small camera sensor with a 2cm square circuit board on the back of it. An earphone piece straddles each arm of the spectacles. In the background is a blurry view of a Raspberry Pi computer where the cables lead to.
The idea behind this “third eye” project involves the patient wearing glasses with a little camera on them. This camera feeds information to a Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 Sense and a Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+, which uses object recognition to work out what’s in front of the person. The boards then convert a text-based description of what’s going on in front of the wearer and relay it via text-to-speech through the headphones to the wearer.

It would be interesting to hear how the nature of what is described, audibly, is useful to the listener. But I’d imagine too that anything like this can be further trained and improved.

See xda-developers.com/raspberry-p…
#Blog, #AI, #opensource, #technology, #vision


#RgVeda and we want to be careful about whether this degrades everything:

93-94. (?) The Pitṛs named Ājyapās are the sons born of Pulaha who was born of Kardama, the Prajāpati. They reside in those worlds which can go wherever one desires. They move about in the sky in various forms and shapes. The groups of Vaiśyas who seek benefit worship these Pitṛs in Śrāddha.

  1. Their mental daughter is well known by the name Virajā. She was the chaste wife of Nahuṣa and the mother of Yayāti.

  2. The Pitṛs named Sukālas are the sons of the noble-souled Vasiṣṭha, son of Hiraṇyagarbha (Brahmā). The Śūdras worship them.

  3. Those worlds where they stay in the #heaven are #Mānasa by name. Their mental daughter is Narmadā, the most excellent river.

  4. She sanctifies the living beings as she proceeds along the Dakṣiṇāpatha (southern tract and territory). She was the #wife of #Purukutsa and the #mother of #Trasaddasyu.

  5. It is after accepting these that Manu the lord of the Manvantara initiates the Śrāddha rites everywhere.

It's of course a little weird, hard to tell who is intended to be human. Maybe weirder to think of Arya kings as "wedded" to the southern #Narmada #River.

#Rudra is reborn in each of these #Manvantaras, and #Agni and the #Pitrs are the only thing that stays the same.

Individuals change names, classes change jobs, for example Sadhyas are now Adityas, everything else is a flux besides Agni and Pitrs.

So those are two branches that use his two wives, ##Svaha and Svadha, for the #ending of #mantras. They are his #power or, i. e. Svaha carries mantras to #Devas, Svadha to the Pitrs, Sraddha Rite, which upon examination is about #Time rather than #ancestors. Agni shows manifested units of time, the #day, #year, etc., whereas Pitrs are much like #Father-Time, duration in the abstract.

Most streams of Purana have dissipated all this, such as:

Sādhya (साध्य) refers to a group of deities that was once worshipped in ancient #Kashmir (Kaśmīra) according to the Nīlamatapurāṇa.—Various groups of the deities like #Ādityas, #Vasus, #Sādhyas, #Viśvedevas and #Maruts have their place in the #pantheon of the #Nīlamata but nothing significant is said about them.

Or they may be found shuffled in to #Shiva #Ganas that have nothing to do with this.

Where discussed, they may include:


Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa II. 24. 27; 38. 3.

and importantly:

Viṣṇu, Nārāyaṇa, lying in sleep in the vast mass of water.*

  • Vāyu-purāṇa 23. 108.

live in Bhuvarloka; Nārāyaṇa, their overlord

in the [Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa] their world is said to be above the sphere of the gods; according to Yāska [Nirukta, by Yāska xii, 41] their locality is the Bhuvarloka or middle region between the #earth and #sun;

in the later mythology they seem to be superseded by the Siddhas

The easily-copied rosters of Sadhyas are:

Manas, Mantṛ, Prāṇa, Nara, Pāna, Vinirbhaya, Naya, Daṃśa, Nārāyaṇa, Vṛṣa, Prabhu

Mana, Anumanta, Prāṇa, Nara, Apāna, Vīryavān, Vīti, Naya, Haya, Haṃsa, Nārāyaṇa, Vibhu, and Prabhu

The latter, from #Brihadaranyaka #Upanishad, is in the context that they take birth at will, consciously. The same group of entities changes names and kingdoms; the twelve #souls have #continuity. And so they remember that they once were, on the ideal or ideational plane:

Prāṇa, Apāna, Udāna, Samāna, Vyāna, Cakṣus, Śrotram, Rasa, Ghrāṇa, Sparśa, Buddhi and Manas.

There for example is #Mind's Eye, #Caksus, which is unlike #Indra, because #ordinary #vision requires a physical #eyeball and a #psychological response to stimulus, may be easily tricked. This is i#ncorporeal vision that represents #Perfect #Sight.

"Later #mythology" means the Sadhyas appear in #Mahabharata numerous times, but, barely have any references in Bhagavata Purana.

" #Narayana" is in #Rg-Veda as the author of Purusha Sukta. That's it


#OliverAnthony with #JordanPeterson: #Art, #Commerce, and the #Religious | EP 382


Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and breakout #musician Chris Lunsford, better known by his stage name Oliver Anthony, #discuss the balance between #vision and efficiency in #artistic and commercial endeavors, why Chris’ hit song “Rich Men North of Richmond,” has resonated so broadly and so quickly, the way honest #expression through #music can combat #demoralization, how #politics have become confused with the sacred, and what we can do to restore each to their proper order.

Oliver Anthony, real name Christopher Anthony Lunsford, is an #American #country/ #folk musician from #Farmville, #Virginia. He just recently went #viral for his #anthem #song, “Rich Men North of Richmond” – which has resonated across the country for its #messaging about #Washington D.C. and the #state of #poverty and #mental #health in the #broader U.S.. Chris has stated his politics as being right down or near the center, though already tribalism has attempted to take hold of or alternatively reduce/dismiss him, all the while “Rich Men” has amassed nearly 60 million views on YT in just over a month, and trended the billboard charts (Hitting number one more than once) since its release. Chris named his YT channel Oliver Anthony Music after his grandfather, whom he has described as a “real 1930’s Appalachian man.” Since his song's virality, he has already been offered – and turned down – an 8 million dollar recording contract, and is making waves as a truly authentic artist both in performance and practice.



2 Esdras 11
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition
The #Vision of the #Eagle
11 On the second night I had a dream: I saw rising from the sea an eagle that had twelve feathered wings and three heads. 2 I saw it spread its wings over[a] the whole earth, and all the winds of heaven blew upon it, and the clouds were gathered around it.[b] 3 I saw that out of its wings there grew opposing wings, but they became little, puny wings. 4 But its heads were at rest; the middle head was larger than the other heads, but it, too, was at rest with them. 5 Then I saw that the eagle flew with its wings, and it reigned over the earth and over those who inhabit it. 6 And I saw how all things under heaven were subjected to it, and no one spoke against it—not a single creature that was on the earth. 7 Then I saw the eagle rise upon its talons, and it uttered a cry to its wings, saying, 8 “Do not all watch at the same time; let each sleep in its own place, and watch in its turn, 9 but let the heads be reserved for the last.”

10 I looked again and saw that the voice did not come from its heads but from the middle of its body. 11 I counted its rival wings, and there were eight of them. 12 As I watched, one wing on the right side rose up, and it reigned over all the earth. 13 And after a time its reign came to an end, and it disappeared, so that even its place was no longer visible. Then the next wing rose up and reigned, and it continued to reign a long time. 14 While it was reigning its end came also, so that it disappeared like the first. 15 And a voice sounded, saying to it, 16 “Listen to me, you who have ruled the earth all this time; I announce this to you before you disappear. 17 After you no one shall rule as long as you have ruled, not even half as long.”

18 Then the third wing raised itself up and held the rule as the earlier ones had done, and it also disappeared. 19 And so it went with all the wings; they wielded power one after another and then were never seen again. 20 I kept looking, and in due time the wings that followed[c] also rose up on the right[d] side, in order to rule. There were some of them that ruled, yet disappeared suddenly, 21 and others of them rose up but did not hold the rule.

22 And after this I looked and saw that the twelve wings and the two little wings had disappeared, 23 and nothing remained on the eagle’s body except the three heads that were at rest and six little wings.

24 As I kept looking I saw that two little wings separated from the six and remained under the head that was on the right side, but four remained in their place. 25 Then I saw that these little wings[e] planned to set themselves up and hold the rule. 26 As I kept looking, one was set up but suddenly disappeared; 27 a second also, and this disappeared more quickly than the first. 28 While I continued to look, the two that remained were planning between themselves to reign together; 29 and while they were planning, one of the heads at rest (the one that was in the middle) suddenly awoke; it was greater than the other two heads. 30 And I saw how it allied the two heads with itself 31 and how the head turned with those that were with it and devoured the two little wings[f] that were planning to reign. 32 Moreover, this head gained control of the whole earth and with much oppression dominated its inhabitants; it had greater power over the world than all the wings that had gone before.

33 After this I looked again and saw the head in the middle suddenly disappear, just as the wings had done. 34 But the two heads remained, which also in like manner ruled over the earth and its inhabitants. 35 And while I looked, I saw the head on the right side devour the one on the left.

A Lion Roused from the Forest
36 Then I heard a voice saying to me, “Look in front of you and consider what you see.” 37 When I looked, I saw what seemed to be a lion roused from the forest, roaring, and I heard how it uttered a human voice to the eagle and spoke, saying, 38 “Listen, and I will speak to you. The Most High says to you, 39 ‘Are you not the one that remains of the four beasts that I had made to reign in my world, so that the end of my times might come through them? 40 You, the fourth that has come, have conquered all the beasts that have gone before, and you have held sway over the world with great terror and over all the earth with grievous oppression, and for so long you have lived on the earth with deceit.[g] 41 You have judged the earth but not with truth, 42 for you have oppressed the meek and injured the peaceable; you have hated those who tell the truth and have loved liars; you have destroyed the homes of those who brought forth fruit and have laid low the walls of those who did you no harm. 43 Your insolence has come up before the Most High and your pride to the Mighty One. 44 The Most High has looked at his times; now they have ended, and his ages have reached completion. 45 Therefore you, eagle, will surely disappear, you and your terrifying wings, your most evil little wings, your malicious heads, your most evil talons, and your whole worthless body, 46 so that the whole earth, freed from your violence, may be refreshed and relieved and may hope for the judgment and mercy of him who made it.’ ”

#bible #story


Du #déclin de l’ #Homme à l’avènement de l’ #IA #transhumaniste#MichelOnfray dans Le Samedi #Politique


Dans "Anima, vie et mort de l’âme", publié chez Albin Michel (disponible ici https://boutiquetvl.fr/philosophie/michel-onfray-anima-%29 ..., Michel #Onfray propose une réflexion profonde sur #HomoSapiens et son âme. Le #célèbre #philosophe #livre ses craintes quant aux nombreuses #problématiques qui menacent nos #sociétés #modernes. #Dégradation de la #sécurité, #effondrement de l' #éducation, " #wokisme" et émergence de l’ #intelligence #artificielle et du #transhumanisme sont autant d’éléments qui convergent vers une érosion inexorable de nos #valeurs #fondamentales qui œuvre pour un #abêtissement de l' #Homme.
Dans cette émission, Michel Onfray nous invite à questionner des #sujets cruciaux tels que notre rapport à la #technologie, à l' #éducation et à la #préservation de nos #valeurs. Sa #vision percutante, teintée d'une profonde #analyse #philosophique, éclaire les #enjeux de notre #époque dont il dépeint aussi les méandres #politiques menant souvent à l’impasse pour le #peuple muselé.
Avec la sincérité, le franc parler et, bien sûr, l’ #érudition qu’on lui connaît, Michel Onfray livre ses craintes quant à notre #civilisation qu’il voit à l’aube de sa disparition.