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An indigenous community has won a court battle to regain ownership over its #ancestral #homeland in the Ecuadorian Amazon, more than 80 years after they were displaced because of war.

An Ecuadorian appeals court backed the Siekopai nation's claim over Pë'këya, a biodiverse territory in northeast Ecuador along the border with Peru, according to a court ruling provided to CNN by Amazon Frontline, a nonprofit organization working with indigenous people to defend their land rights.

The #Siekopai were #displaced during the #Peru- #Ecuador #war in the 1940s.

Last September, the #community, which has only about 800 members, filed a lawsuit against the Ecuadorian state, claiming it was violating their right to ancestral property, Amazon Frontline said.

In its ruling on Friday, the Provincial Court of Sucumbios gave Ecuador's Ministry of Environment 45 days to deliver a property title to the Siekopai people for more than 104,000 acres of land, court documents show.

Elias Piyahuaje, President of the Siekopai Nation of Ecuador, said:
"This is a historic moment for the Siekopai Nation. The land of Pë'këya has always been and will always be ours. For over 80 years, we have been fighting to get our land back."
Amazon Frontline said:
"The ruling will mark the first time that the Ecuadorian government delivers a land title to an indigenous community whose ancestral territory is found in a protected area. It sets an invaluable precedent for all indigenous peoples fighting to recover their lands across Latin America and the world."
Piyahuaje said:
"We are fighting for the preservation of our culture on this planet. Without this territory, we cannot exist as Siekopai people."


Gaz russe - La dernière route des nenets

L’exploitation des gisements de gaz enfermés dans le sous-sol de la péninsule de #Yamal, près du cercle #polaire, bouleverse le mode de vie ancestral des Nenets, un #peuple #autochtone sibérien qui vit depuis toujours de l’élevage de rennes.

De la #toundra à la #taïga
Accompagnant deux "brigades" de #Nenets au cours d’un périple de plus de 1 500 kilomètres à travers la toundra au printemps, puis la taïga à l’automne, Sergio Ghizzardi s’attache aux pas d’une poignée d’entre eux, femmes et hommes, jeunes et anciens. Au fil d’une #transhumance soumise aux caprices de la météo et de la recherche du lichen dont se nourrissent les #troupeaux, le film lève le voile sur un mode de vie #ancestral que menacent non seulement l’essor de l’industrie gazière mais aussi le changement climatique et, pour les nouvelles générations, les sirènes du #confort et de la #modernité.

#Documentaire #Société #Nomades #Nomadisme #Sibérie


The Healing Work of Returning Stolen Lands


It was the first time in the United States that a city government had ever given land back to its ancestral caretakers, and it was a profound testament to the power of the organizing, strength, and vision of Wiyot people.

#stolen #lands #landrights #ancestral #caretakers #Wiyot #tribe #yesmagazine


#Patagonie - #Transhumance andine

Durée : 52 min - Disponible : Du 07/08/2022 au 30/08/2022 #Documentaire

Dans les #Andes, entre l’ #Argentine et le #Chili, la transhumance, aujourd’hui menacée, de troupeaux d’éleveurs mapuches.

Les #Mapuches pratiquent la transhumance en Patagonie depuis des siècles, bien avant l'arrivée des jésuites et les campagnes contre les populations indiennes, dont celle nommée "conquête du désert" entre 1878 et 1885. Si cette #guerre a octroyé aux grands #propriétaires terriens des millions d'hectares de #terres, le système de transhumance #ancestral a malgré tout survécu. Mais l’organisation sociale, productive et durable des familles #nomades qui en vivent est aujourd’hui menacée par l’augmentation des propriétés privées et les exploitations massives d'hydrocarbures dans la région. Ce film suit l'une de ces migrations dans les Andes, entre l’Argentine et le Chili.

#Luttes #Autochtones #Indigènes #PopulationsTraditionnelles #État #Propriété #Indien #Indiens #Mapuche #Culture #Colonisation #Pétrole #Nature #Animaux #Chèvre #Chèvres #Terre #Vol


Merging of Time Lines

We’ve touched on, over the years, about being able to start tapping into one’s own past and future lifetime’s abilities. Let’s take a bit closer look at that.

Because of where we are now (energetically and/or spiritually), we are experiencing the energetic merging of our times lines (including parallel lives).

What does this mean? Depending on your interest level and your spiritual awareness (there is no right or wrong, or ahead or behind with awareness), as time lines continue to merge, you have more direct access to the other “you” lifetime’s abilities.

In other words – you here-now (using linear time verbiage) will become closer and closer to the other you in other lifetimes. This can manifest as bleed-through memories of other places, times, locations, etc. -- which can be through dreaming, memories, asleep or awake; and it can, as previously mentioned, make your other lifetime abilities easier to tap into.

Other ways it may manifest is to have sudden “Knowings” about something you previously had no knowledge of. For example, waking up one day and having some peripheral knowledge of plants and herbs, or what a struggling tree is in need of. Or perhaps one is suddenly doing psychometry or energy healing. Or one became more connected to their own intuitive self.

Time lines merging has never happened in the human memories of this cycle on Earth. We are no longer confined...Read More
#energetically #abilities #intuition #spiritual #soul #beliefs #ancestral #timelines #energy