

I got a half dozen Danios a while back and YT recommended videos on how to breed them.
In likely the jankiest setup ever, we have baby fry! Boy, are they tiny.
Setup: a plastic cake lid, washed and upside down. Layer of lava rock on the bottom. Water sprite as I have no moss. The whole thing just floating in the aquarium. I stressed myself out (and the fish) catching them to put in the cake lid - they're fast! I put four in for two days, then let them back into the aquarium.
I never saw any eggs, and three days later was wondering if they actually laid any. They are the smallest fish I've ever seen.
Now the challenge is to keep the fry alive and healthy long enough to grow to a size they won't get eaten in the aquarium.

Any future attempts at breeding will be with an egg catcher box. It's too stressful trying to catch them in a community tank.


Last night, as I was drifting off to sleep, almost there...
I am rudely awakened by a splashing sound and water sprinkled on my face!
Who would do such a thing?
Curly*, my largest #goldfish, splashed me from the #aquarium a full 3 meters away!
I don't think it was on purpose, but... the line of splash marks on the carpet was directly from the tank to where I was sleeping. Makes one wonder, LOL!

*I'm guessing it was Curly as she's the largest, and Larry and Moe were asleep behind the log.


My wife says I should make before/after photos... But I'd already started.
So, near beginning / middle / almost done photos instead!
The water was cloudy when filling the #aquarium because I had the valve only partially opened resulting in the milky appearance from tiny air bubbles.
The plants will fill in eventually. I just need to wait for the heater to bring the water to temp and I can put the fish back in.


I'm getting a Gold Severum for my wife, but need to change the #aquarium for it.
The undergravel filters are going, along with the gravel to be replaced by planting media capped with sand.
The Home Depot had some nice pool filter sand; medium-sized grains with rounded edges that is far cheaper than "aquarium sand" which is the same stuff. Both need to be rinsed, and the pool sand ran clear pretty quickly.
Waiting on Amazon to deliver the plant media, then I can re-scape the 50G.
The plan is: bubble wall along the back, tall plants in front of that, with medium to smaller plants along the sides. Plenty of hiding spaces for the fish so they feel safe. Not sure about having a ground cover.
* Vallisneria
* Water Sprite
* Mermaid weed (Proserpinaca Palustris)
* Bacopa
* Rotala
* Anacharis
* Anubias

Trying to think if I've missed anything.
Tank community may include Kuhli Loaches, Zebra Danios, then the Severum. But I still need to check they all have compatible water parameters and will get along.

The Severum's name will be Snape. Severum Snape should be easy to remember, yeah?


My daughter has caught multi-aquarium-itis. Probably from me. She just bought an old tank from someone who had it in their garage for a while. Considering the fish food that came with it excited before she was born, a long while.
Step one: set up and fill with water outside. Failure would likely happen in the first few days and better a wet carport than 55 gallons in the bedroom. LOL
Step two: clean, drain, and move to new location.
Still to come: fill, decorate, inoculate, cycle, and eventually get some fish.
Her #aquarium is going to look great!


Erdbebennews: "Beginnen wir die Mastodon-Präs…" - ohai.social

Beginnen wir die Mastodon-Präsenz von Erdbebennews mit keinem Erdbeben: In Berlin-Mitte ist heute ein riesiges Aquarium geplatzt. Die durch das stürzende Wasser entstandenen Bodenschwindungen wurden noch in 15 Kilometern Entfernung von seismologischen Stationen registriert, äquivalent zu einem Erdbeben der Stärke 1.2. Mehr zum Aquarium-Vorfall: https://www.rbb24.de/panorama/beitrag/2022/12/berlin-karl-liebknecht-strasse-aquarium-feuerwehr-polizei-einsatz.html

#Berlin #aquarium



I think what I want for Christmas is a set of 5ml test tubes with caps/corks and a holder.
Trying to keep them straight on the bathroom counter is not ideal.

Also, the API caps leak...

#Aquarium #Fish