

A Step Too Far: The Problems with Forensic Gait Analysis | SpringerLink https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-13733-4_4

The misapplication of forensic science has been identified as one of the leading contributors to wrongful convictions in the United States. Legal scholars, academics, and executive reports have criticized the forensic sciences and offered ways to improve their procedures and to avoid giving misleading testimony

After reviewing these issues, forensic gait analysis is premature in its ability to assist the court given the lack of a scientific foundation (e.g., lack of a data base). To conclude, we recommend that the use of forensic gait analysis be limited and/or receive vigilance from the legal system.

Yeah exactly what I thought. Bullshit science


Did the #FBI #Hack #Bitcoin? Deconstructing the #Colonial #Pipeline #Ransom

source: https://www.isaca.org/resources/news-and-trends/isaca-now-blog/2021/did-the-fbi-hack-bitcoin-deconstructing-the-colonial-pipeline-ransom

This blog analysis highlights that, while Bitcoin blockchain can offer a degree of #anonymity, it is important to understand that such protection can be unmasked in the hands of a qualified #blockchain #forensic investigator to gain significant information, relative to what could be known to the public using various investigative tools and techniques. Furthermore, using blockchain forensic solutions such as Breadcrumbs.app, the identity of users or services to specific addresses can also be obtained, allowing for legal means to pursue, including seizure and prosecution.

#crime #internet #technology #knowhow #knowledge #news #police #bitcoins #btc #investigation


The #photo that is supposed to expose Roman #Protasevich as a #Nazi is presumably #fake.

I have tested the photo with #FotoForensic: https://fotoforensics.com/analysis.php?id=88894f5bfd4413b509a70c0bc236243255379ff4.241848

Tutorial here: https://fotoforensics.com/tutorial.php?tt=ela

Short explanation: The sun shines very brightly on the entire photo. Therefore, the brightness should be evenly distributed over the entire #image. But you can see that the flags in the background are displayed much darker than the people in the foreground. Therefore, either the background or the foreground has been manipulated. Wearing a uniform does not make someone a Nazi.

I suspect the photo is being distributed by pro-Russian trolls to discrete Protasevich and justify the #arrest by #Lukashenko.

enter image description here

enter image description here

#forensic #photo #manipulation #fake #fail #Russia #Belarus #troll #ela #photoshoped #RomanProtasevich #propaganda #internet #disinformation #accusation #problem #noNazis