

I can finally say I've upgraded successfully to #Fedora40. It was not without hassle this time and it started with what seemed to be a system that did not even give me a prompt after #rebooting, although the update process had seemed to go smoothly and quickly. Luckily, the virtual screens were working and so I could #login to a #shell. Although #sddm didn't seem to be working, #kdm was and so I was able to open a desktop session, but only in #Gnome. There were still problems running #kde #programs such as #konsole and #korganizer as some #qt #libraries were missing. Installing those allowed the programs to run. Also, no #audio devices were being detected and so I couldn't play any clips, etc.

Today I found that #kwin was also lacking a library (#qtsensors) and so after that was installed and I rebooted the machine, I found that sddm was working again and so I could log in to the #kde session that I usually do. Also, the #sound issue was solved by removing the directory #wireplumber from ~/.local/state.

#GNU #Linux #Fedora #F40 #FreeSoftware


#Podcast #Vorgelesen

Das letzte Mal

Leser:innen wurden zu Vorleser:innen, taz Texte für die #Ohren

Zahlreiche Menschen aus der taz-Community lasen täglich Texte aus der Zeitung vor. Du findest sie in unserem Telegram-Kanal. Wir veröffentlichen zum letzten Mal iine Auswahl als Podcast.


Wie schnell die Telegram-Gruppe ihren Betrieb einstellt, kann ich leider nicht sagen:

Hier noch ein Abschiedstext dazu:

#taz #audio #hörbuch #vorlesen


Dear #developer,
I’m reaching out to you to offer you an #opportunity to make you and your #projects better known.
#Unitoo (unitoo.it/en), in 2019 started a #radio (radio.unitoo.it) dedicated to #FOSS and #CreativeCommon #music.
I’d love for you to join them and contribute to some content.
You’ll be entitled to a 3 minutes free #audio recording, to #promote your #code #repository and a chance to discover new #opportunities in the #world of #Software #Development.
A looped #broadcasting of such content/media will be scheduled to grant everyone the chance to promote their #work.
At first a recording in #English would be preferable to reach a wider #audience.
How to join? Send them an email with the following:

- #voice recording
- a #title
- #Author’s name
- a brief #summary of your project
- #link to the code repository in question at radio dot unitoo dot it and they’ll handle the rest.

This is just the #beginning.
They have #planned a #series of #podcast that can feature your project.
We believe FOSS is severely lacking in #visibility and want to #change that by providing a stage for you all to perform on. Your #contribution is greatly appreciated.

Happy #HackListening!


Fellows, this is worse than we thought.

#Dystopian #corporate #surveillance threats today come at us from all directions. Companies offer "always-on" devices that listen for our voice commands, and marketers follow us around the web to create personalized user profiles so they can (maybe) show us ads we'll actually click. Now #marketers have been experimenting with combining those web-based and audio approaches to #track #consumers in another disturbingly science fictional way: with #audio #signals your phone can hear, but you can't. And though you probably have no idea that #dog #whistle #marketing is going on, researchers are already offering ways to protect yourself.

How to Block the Ultrasonic Signals You Didn't Know Were Tracking You



Generative #AI could be #listening to your #phone #calls and #hijacking them with fake biometric #audio for #fraud or #manipulation purposes, according to new research published by Security Intelligence. In the wake of a Hong Kong fraud case that saw an employee transfer US$25 million in funds to five bank accounts after a virtual meeting with what turned out to be audio-video #deepfakes of senior management, the biometrics and digital identity world is on high alert, and the threats are growing more sophisticated by the day.

A blog post by Chenta Lee, chief architect of threat intelligence at IBM Security, breaks down how researchers from IBM X-Force successfully intercepted and covertly hijacked a live conversation by using LLM to understand the conversation and manipulate it for malicious purposes - without the speakers knowing it was happening.

"Alarmingly," writes Lee, "it was fairly easy to construct this highly intrusive capability, creating a significant concern about its use by an attacker driven by monetary incentives and limited to no lawful boundary."


ANC (Active Noise Cancellation) and ENC (Environmental Noise Cancellation): How are they different?

Two pairs of Apple Airpods sitting on a black background, next to the bottom right corner of a keyboard that shows at the top left of the image.
ANC helps create a quiet listening environment, perfect for those moments when you want to enjoy your music like an audiophile or listen to a podcast without the distraction of background noise. It works by detecting external sounds and then generating opposing sound waves to cancel them out. This means you can enjoy a more immersive listening experience, whether you’re in a busy café, on a plane, or working in a noisy office.

On the other hand, ENC focuses on making sure your voice is heard clearly during voice calls. It uses an array of microphones to isolate your voice and minimize surrounding noise. This is incredibly useful for phone calls, video conferences, and voice recordings, ensuring that you’re heard clearly by the person on the other end, even if you’re in a loud environment.

So similar things they do, but for different purposes. Ideally, you’d actually want to have both of them. Many headsets do in fact do a form of ENC without stating it is actual ENC.

See https://www.xda-developers.com/anc-vs-enc/
#Blog, #ANC, #audio, #ENC, #technology