

#Hertz is selling 20,000 used EVs due to high #repair costs

source: https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/01/hertz-is-selling-20000-used-evs-due-to-high-repair-costs/

At the end of Q3 2023, Hertz told investors that significant price cutting during the year had "resulted in lower #EV residual values, increasing vehicle depreciation expense and negatively impacting salvage cost." Additionally, its rental EVs were damaged or crashed more often, and the much higher cost of repairs for #Tesla vehicles—on average about 20 percent higher than other EVs—has meant that Hertz's Teslas earn it less money per vehicle than its other rentals.

#car #traffic #profit #finance #problem #economy #news


Got my new #Fairphone 5. Durable and easy to repair with modular parts, and there are online instructions and videos so you can #repair many things yourself. I like that they're both doing their best to source things fairly, and also being transparent about what they can and can't do:

We’ve stepped up our game for the Fairphone 5, with more than 70% fair focus or recycled materials. And we’re improving supply chain transparency and taking responsibility for our material footprint.

On the other hand, it's bigger and heavier than my old one (an 8-year old Fairphone 2). And with newer phones, it seems you can no longer listen directly to the radio.

#fairTrade #sustainability #RightToRepair


Repairing Society. Xiaodong MA (Andy).

Le siècle dernier nous a apporté un gaspillage de produits sans précédent, causé par une production excessivement jetable et une surconsommation. L'accès à tous ces biens ne s'est pas traduit par une augmentation du bonheur des gens ; au contraire, ce mode de vie moderne a rendu les consommateurs émotionnellement détachés des produits.
Repairing Society vise à cultiver un attachement émotionnel plus fort entre les objets et les êtres humains en créant un environnement de "réparation et non de remplacement".

#design #idées #ideas #repair #réparation #recycle #kintsugi-spirit


We caught technicians at Best Buy, Mobile Klinik, Canada Computers and others snooping on our personal devices - Marketplace investigation recorded technicians peeping on personal photos, browser history

Be warned!

When you need to drop off your tech devices for a repair, how confident are you that they won't be snooped on?

CBC's Marketplace took smartphones and laptops to repair stores across Ontario — including large chains Best Buy and Mobile Klinik — and found that in more than half of the documented cases, technicians accessed intimate photos and private information not relevant to the repair.

Marketplace dropped off devices at 20 stores, ranging from small independent shops to medium-sized chains to larger national chains, after installing monitoring software on the devices. In total, 16 stores were recorded. (At four stores, the tracking software didn't log anything, or the stores didn't appear to turn the devices on.)

Technicians at nine stores accessed private data, including one technician who not only viewed photos but copied them onto a USB key.

#computer #IT #repair #CBC #News