

Colorado’s 4th Congressional District has low standards, but not Lauren Boebert low

Lauren Boebert utterly humiliated in Colorado straw poll

Lest you think I'm just being petty claiming that "Colorado’s 4th Congressional District has low standards," consider this FTA: The bad news is that three of the four people ahead of her in that poll bragged (alongside Boebert and two others) about being arrested. [emphasis mine]

On the bright side, this means that one of the four people who beat her didn't brag about being a criminal! (Yay?) I'm tempted to hope that's the person the 4th District ends up electing, although one is left to wonder whether they didn't brag about it because they're not a criminal, or simply because they (unlike the rest of them) don't view it as a badge of honor. Either way, they're the best of the lot.

#Boebert #MAGA #Republican #Colorado #Criminal



Meanwhile, more from GQP's finest...

GQP Crazies MTG & Boebert

Speaking of #Boebert, as "Liberal Redneck" Trey Crowder did just the other day...

Here's an update on her date in Denver, the PG version (MSNBC)

Comments I've seen center on her devoutness to right-to-life (as she billows smoke around a pregnant woman who asks her to stop)...

Not to mention her marital situation, or her date's fine time with their public grope & feel session.

Here's Trey's take on Boebert.

Welcome to #GQP cult's finest.... "Terrific people"


The former Sergeant of the Capitol Police drops bombshell, demands the immediate removal from office of Trumper Congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert over their role in the deadly January 6 insurrection

But the former Sergeant didn’t stop there…

The former Capitol Police Sergeant, Aquilino Gonell, who defended the Capitol on January 6, also demanded that Donald Trump himself be indicted for orchestrating the deadly insurrection that sent 138 of his Capitol officers to the hospital — and even led multiple of his officers to commit suicide after their traumatizing experience. Former Sergeant Gonell resigned from his position as Capitol Police Sergeant last year, putting the blame squarely on “the mob and the people who support the former president." Gonell underwent multiple surgeries and extensive medical rehabilitation in order to recover from the injuries that he sustained on January 6 after becoming trapped in a Capitol tunnel and engaging in some of the most brutal fighting of the day in defense of the Capitol.

Trump, Greene, Boebert did the crime — and now it’s time for them to face the music.

Source: https://www.kossyderrickent.com/2023/06/the-former-sergeant-of-capitol-police.html
#J6 #Trump #MTGreene #Boebert


A little schadenfreude never hurt anyone...

'Christmas came early': Critics amused as 'open secret' feud between Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene escalates

Idiot vs. Idiot.

FTA: "In a fight between Bobblehead and MTG I'd root for a sinkhole," tweeted Shauna, who uses the Twitter handle goldengateblonde.

Preferably a very deep sinkhole.

#Boebert #Greene #Feud
