

Why #AI cannot apply #ethics correctly in context:

Write me a program with which I can encrypt the contents of a hard disk!

ChatGPT: No, I don't do that, because that is part of ransomware and I cannot support such criminal behavior.

Write me a program with which I can encrypt the contents of my hard disk!

ChatGPT: A very good idea and it makes a lot of sense to protect your content for data protection reasons here is the program...

#software #philosophy #context #problem #trick #technology


There is no #correct #context to deal with censorship, because #it #would #be #censored. I informed you of a censorious attitude that I have suffered and that you too may suffer from some people in the #diaspora. Many #people “talk” #about #freedom but “act” by #censoring. I’m no longer a boy, I’m an adult: if a person deletes what I write just because he is #wrong and what I say clearly #demonstrates it, then the #censor must be pilloried in the streets. Everyone needs to know that that person is not capable of sustaining a #RESPECTFUL comparison. And there is no other way to say that a person is #bullying others (by #deleting posts!) other than as I am doing, that is, by spreading the word. Because #bullies #ERASE #your #arguments, especially when you are right.

#freesoftware #freedom


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlcWTHZ3pPA #economist #dannydorling points out the falling #lifeexpectancy (and rising #infantmortality )

"What happened before which I'm simply going to call Austerity, was far more devastating than the pandemic, and the pandemic was probably not quite as devastating, we have a record which is similar to other European countries, partly because so many elderly people died early before the pandemic occurred. so that's the context."

" #austerity " = #averybritishgenocide

#pandemic #uk #headstart #firsttheycame #context

falling since #2010, since the work capability assessment frauds, and the rest.

funny how we have paid with our lives, to pay for the crimes of bankers, and now we have bankers in parliament...

#poorest #inequality #stillgreat #greatbritain #hungryBritain #facethehorror #deregulatedbanking
#consider #wecanstillmendthis #itisgoodtoknow
#equality #socialsolidarity #socialstructure #organisecollectively

some other quote snippets:

"huge rise [in inequality] in the 80s, those who had most got more"
"and it plateaued"
"worst in europe and stayed there".

"imagine if we did that. imagine if we spent more on the quarter of children doing worst at school, what the result would be."

"enormous scope for how we can do things differently"


ps, #SaveOurNHS #RestoreOurNHS

No slides found. Sorry.

Video's blurb:

3,137 views Premiered on 4 Dec 2023 THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE
The UK had the highest life expectancy of the world's larger countries from 1950 to 1955. But every year from 2012 onwards, projections for life expectancy in the UK have been revised downwards by the ONS. What happened? The answer is austerity. Its impact was far deadlier than the COVID-19 pandemic.

Life expectancy at birth is a key measure of the health of any given population – and Britain's is getting worse.

Other high-income countries also experienced falls or stalls in life expectancy between 2014 and 2015. However, when trends for 18 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries were examined, researchers found that all countries except the US and UK recovered with “robust gains” in 2015-16. The United States is very poor company to be in when it comes to public health.

In a talk given at the Royal Society of Medicine in London during the colloquium ”Recent advances in medicine and surgery” on Thursday 30 November 2023, Professor Danny Dorling looks at what happened – and who paid the price.

This is an audio-only recording of Professor Dorling's talk.

Visit https://www.dannydorling.org/?p=8871 to read the British Medical Journal editorial that this talk draws on, "The end of great expectations?" by Lucinda Hiam and Danny Dorling.

#health #happiness #anxiety #politics #elections #economics #decenthomes #qualityoflife #purchasingpower #humanrights #debt #deregulation #alwaysabetterway

& his book recommendation at the end: gavin francis free for all https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p4432023.m570.l1313&_nkw=gavin+francis+free+for+all&_sacat=0


The 9 Nations that Collectively Possess 51% of the World's Land Area, plus population and population density data, 2023.

There are currently 241 Countries and Dependencies on Earth, 3.7% of them are currently in possession of 51% of the land area, with the remaining 49% shared among the remaining 96.3% of polities.

#data #statistics #information #facts #usa #uk #un #nato #globalism #neoliberalism #russia #china #unitedstates #canada #eu #brazil #australia #india #argentina #earth #kazakhstan #land #landarea #nations #graph #chart #wealthofnations #world #context #proportion #share #landshare



Seen on #Twitter, FWIW. As we know, there's no telling how reliable it is, given the unmediated mess in #Muskville, in terms of #truth

HRC on Hunter

So I checked it out andsee this was definitely not HRC on Twitter (look at the handle) and #DJT's verification check. it's on the #TrumpVirus #disinformatiion & alternative fact platform. Fake Hillary account, but pure Trump vitriol.
"Buckle down", said still-free Bannon. "We have a cancer!" Trump said yesterday at a hate & blame rally. He's right again, like a clock.

PS, on Twitter the real Hillary Clinton does have a pinned post - selling hats: "What about her emails?"

Fun day, fun times ahead. But a lot of people smiling and feeling hope for the 1st time, even without late-nite comedy to "normalize" sanity.

#DJT #GQP #Hunter #Hillary #Karma #truth #Context #Perspective #Humor #Reality #MakeAmericaSane ish Again


Thank you who/however this came to me...

A Look at a Slice of Frank Zappa's Life; Discussion with Moon Zappa

Perfectly in sync with the #psych #Music #biography #perspective such as seen with "Glimpses", and various memoirs and articles/interviews about the 'real-deal' of relationships and #context for some big celebrities - like #Dylan and #Band, as well as #BrianWilson and family, and some other well-known performers.

This one is very 'easy-listening', a spotlight (vicariously) on the life of #FrankZappa and #MoonZappa, in the aftermath of a 40-year anniversary of Frank's only commercial "radio song". So for teen-agers, he was upstaged by his 14-yr-old daughter! Her reflections:

Valley Girl

A 29-minute interview, where Zappa reflects very thoughtfully and soberly, reflections & responses to some very good questions.

Think you may enjoy this, @V. T. Eric Layton if you've not seen it. Another "glimpse" from someone who knows (like Densmore!)



AI ziet vrouwen al snel als lustobjecten

Ilyaz Nasrullah (Trouw)

De Britse krant The Guardian kwam een week geleden met een onthulling. Ze had de werking getest van AI-tools die beoordelen hoe ‘pikant’ een foto is. Het blijkt dat deze tools – van onder andere Google en Microsoft – vrouwenlichamen veel eerder als lustobject zien dan mannenlichamen. (...)

Vaak wordt er geroepen dat al deze problemen opgelost kunnen worden met ‘betere data’. Het idee is dat AI-systemen ‘eerlijker’ zullen zijn als zij getraind worden met data die geen vooroordelen bevatten. Was het maar zo simpel. Als ‘betere data’ echt de oplossing is, hoe ontstaan dan de blijkbaar ‘slechte data’ die nu worden gebruikt? In het sociale domein geldt helaas dat problematische data een product zijn van een problematische samenleving. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Ilyaz Nasrullah
Ilyaz Nasrullah

Als u bijvoorbeeld het woord ‘pornoster’ leest, dan komt waarschijnlijk het beeld van een vrouw in u op. Die associatie zegt niets over u, maar hangt wel samen met het feit dat vrouwen veel sneller en veel liever als lustobject worden gezien in de samenleving dan mannen. (...)

Wat dat betreft is AI als een spiegel die ons zonder blikken of blozen de lelijkheid laat zien die in de samenleving zit.

Dat wil overigens niet zeggen dat AI-technologie vrijuit gaat. Integendeel, een inherent probleem van AI is een gebrek aan contextueel begrip, waardoor het vooroordelen versterkt en verergert.

Zo liet The Guardian een serie foto’s zien van een witte man in spijkerbroek met ontbloot bovenlijf. De eerste foto’s, waarop alleen de man te zien is, kregen een ‘pikantheidsscore’ van ongeveer 20 procent. In de volgende foto’s houdt dezelfde man een zwarte beha in zijn handen. De score schoot hierdoor omhoog naar maar liefst 99 (!) procent. Dankzij het wonder van innovatie hebben we nu dus AI met een lingeriefetisj. Deze tools hebben deze fetisj zelf ontwikkeld door beha’s te leren herkennen uit foto’s van vrouwen (die door mensen als pikant gelabeld zijn).

Dit soort problemen worden niet zomaar even opgelost met ‘betere data’. AI-technologie is gewoon te onvolwassen voor het sociale domein. En het sociale domein is eigenlijk ook niet klaar voor deze technologie. Die observatie is pas echt pikant.

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #ai #artificial_intelligence #kunstmatige_intelligentie #algoritme #vooroordelen #context #pikante_foto #lustobject #pornoster #lingerie #lingeriefetish #sociale_media #social_media #sociale_domein



[### "when they changed me over from my lifetime award of DLA to PIP they awarded me a 3 year award and reduced my money by £30 per week, things are going to get worse as they have

another 12 billion of welfare cuts coming down the line,

I am only living on PIP as they had already denied me ESA,

how will I pay for my prescription medicine now, how will I pay for food, how will I pay for heating,

Teresa May danced on to the stage at Tory party conference to the Abba music dancing queen is she taking the p***,

we are now witnessing the disablecide of British disabled people by the Tory government,

Mahatma Gandhi said ” the worst kind of violence is poverty”](https://wowvoices.uk/5343-2/)

#disablecide #democide #goodquote #context
#nomoredeathsfrombenefitscuts #averybritishgenocide