

'Not a single day did this document work' — Zelensky on 30th anniversary of Budapest Memorandum

"Today marks 30 years of the #Budapest #Memorandum. Ten years of war. Not a single day did this document work," Zelensky said.

"And because of this, everyone in the world will now know that a mere signature — by any state — or any assurances or promises are not enough for security."

According to the Budapest Memorandum, the signatory countries — the U.K., Russia, and the U.S. — pledged to be guarantors of Ukraine's independence, as well as sovereignty, and refrained from using weapons or economic pressure against Ukraine. In exchange, Ukraine renounced its #nuclear status.


#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #BudapestMemorandum


EU-Gipfel in Budapest: Ringen um Europas Wirtschaftsstrategie

EU-Gipfel in Budapest - Ringen um Europas Wirtschaftsstrategie

In Budapest wollen die Staats- und Regierungschefs Wege finden, Europa wettbewerbsfähiger zu machen. Das Wahlergebnis in den USA verstärkt die Dringlichkeit.#EU-Gipfel #WIRTSCHAFT #MarioDraghi #BUDAPEST #EuropäischeUnion #EU
EU-Gipfel in Budapest: Ringen um Europas Wirtschaftsstrategie


Maja was abducted to #Budapest!

Source: https://abcdd.org/en/2024/06/30/4588/

Not that we, of all people, believe in the German rule of law. It is common practice that deportations, for example, are usually carried out in exactly the same way in order to prevent any possible legal recourse. However, the fact that institutions such as the Public Prosecutor General’s Office in #Berlin explicitly ignore decisions by the Federal Constitutional Court and deliberately act contrary to them is something of a novelty in Germany. This says a lot about the political will to repress and the constitution of some German authorities.

#Germany #Hungary #justice #fail #court #politics #police #news #humanRights #crime


Auslieferung nach Ungarn: An­ti­fa­schis­t*in wird ausgeliefert

Auslieferung von An­ti­fa­schis­t*in: Verfassungsgericht greift ein

Ein*e Thüringer An­ti­fa­schis­t*in soll sich an Angriffen auf Neonazis in Budapest beteiligt haben. Nun wird die Person nach Ungarn ausgeliefert.#Ungarn #Justiz #Budapest #Antifa #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Auslieferung nach Ungarn: An­ti­fa­schis­t*in wird ausgeliefert


Mass protests in Hungary over child sex abuse scandal

Tens of thousands of people protested in #Budapest on Feb. 16 over a #ChildSexAbuse scandal that has rocked the government of #Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor #Orban and caused a series of resignations.

The wave of discontent arose after it was revealed that President Katalin Novak, who resigned on Feb. 10, pardoned a man convicted of covering up widespread sex abuse at a government-run children's home.

As the backlash has grown, the scandal has expanded beyond the controversial pardon into direct criticism of Orban's government and associated cronyism and corruption.


#Hungary #ChildAbuse #cronyism #corruption #protests