

‘Motonormativity’: Britons more accepting of driving-related risk


"In one example 75% of people agreed with the statement: “People shouldn’t smoke in highly populated areas where other people have to breathe in the cigarette fumes.” But when just two words were changed – “people shouldn’t drive in highly populated areas where other people have to breathe in the car fumes” – only 17% agreed.

Similarly, while only 37% of people thought the police needed to take action if someone left their “belongings” in the street and they were stolen, with the word changed to “car” it rose to 87%.

In another question, 61% of people agreed that risk was “a natural part of driving”, whereas just 31% agreed when “driving” was changed to “working”."

"Allowance made for dangers that would not be accepted in other parts of life". The car has been made king in our society. More important than human life.

#motonormativity #carculture #society #cities


Stadt | Die Autogerechte Stadt

Wie in nahezu allen StĂ€dten hat man auch in Heidelberg der Stadt seit ca. Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts die PrĂ€gung des Autos aufgedrĂŒckt. Sicher in vielen StĂ€dten wird inzwischen gegengesteuert, in manchen mehr, in manchen weniger. Doch man bemerkt an so vielen Kleinigkeiten das wir noch viel zu viel 'Stadt fĂŒr Autos' und viel zu wenig 'Stadt fĂŒr Menschen' haben.

Dieses Bild ist in der Plöck auf Höhe der Galeria (OSM) entstanden. Hier hat man damals um es den Autofahrern die in die Parkdecks der Galeria wollen möglichst bequem zu machen den Fußweg inkl. Höhenunterschied auf die Seite gedrĂ€ngt um einen Abbiegestreifen zu schaffen, anstatt denn in der Plöck ohnehin extrem bescheiden schmalen Fußweg einfach durchzuziehen und dem Bauherrn zu ĂŒberlassen wie er das Problem löst. Sprich einmal wieder wurde der FußgĂ€nger zu Gunsten des Autos bei Seite gedrĂ€ngt. Und solche Beispiele findet man in Heidelberg, aber auch in allen möglichen anderen StĂ€dten wenn man mit offenen Augen durch die Stadt lĂ€uft ĂŒberall.

#Stadt #Augerechte-Stadt #Carculture #Autozentriert #Auto #Fußweg #Heidelberg #Plöck #2024-06-17 @Heidelberg @Verkehr @Stadt Heidelberg

Blick in die Plöck bei der Galeria, in Heidelberg


Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism

When she got the results, she expected to see a strong correlation between someone who prefers a look-at-me exhaust system and narcissism, but that wasn't the case.

"We found that it was sadism and psychopathy was predicting who wants to modify their mufflers, who feels more connected to their vehicle, and they think loud cars are really cool.

"It seems to be this callous disregard for other people's feelings and their reactions. That's the psychopathy coming out and it's also they probably get a kick out of enjoying watching people get startled."

#carculture #science #study #CBC #news #cars #noisepollution


Useless signs for 200
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The useless sign I'm talking about is the red one in the background. It says that this area is for loading/unloading only. So if you park there illegally, you will be fined. So far, so good. There are two parking spots. The SUV in the back occupies the regular one, the SUV in front stands on a handicapped spot. The Tesla in the middle stands in-between both spots.

You could of course say that the driver of the SUV in front may very well be handicapped and a few people I know may actually agree with you. However, that is on our campus, right next to the building where I am teaching most of the time and a while ago I found that this car belongs to a dear colleague. And I can assure you, she does not have any physical disability.

A few times I've also seen the Tesla standing on the handicapped spot, but I don't think that person qualifies either, not with a model 3. But it's great to see so many role models showing our students how to behave in society...
#Taiwan #carculture #cars