


Cargill, Cease Your Destruction!
Oct 12, 2023

..."We have lived here in the heart of the #Amazon for over 4,000 years. But now our world hangs by a thread.

Modern science tells us that our #forests stabilize the #climate and shape the weather. My people have always known this. Science tells us the Amazon is nearing a tipping point, a point of no return. My people already see and suffer from these changes.
There is illegal #mining, there is illegal #logging. There is the theft of our land and our trees and the damming of rivers. There is the murder of those who defend the land and the brutal intimidation of our leaders. And all of these problems grow because companies like #Cargill covet our land and subject it to so-called #development.
The Ferrogrão is a 1,000-kilometer railway that Cargill wishes to cut through our lands to transport soy. Soy produced from the destruction of the Cerrado—a critical ecosystem south of the Amazon.
This railway will destroy 2,000 square kilometers of the Amazon forests we live in, including Munduruku lands that are currently federally protected #Indigenous Territory. It will open our lands to more land grabbers and illegal miners and loggers that already invade and burn our lands and murder our people.

The Brazilian Supreme Court has ruled that the Ferrogrão is illegal, but economic interests like Cargill want to change the laws to allow for construction.

Cargill has said that anyone who opposes the Ferrogrão is “irresponsible.” We are fighting for our lives. For our land. For our cultures. For our children and grandchildren. This is not irresponsible.

What is irresponsible is for your company to make promises to end deforestation while continuing to expand into our territories and giving license to others to do the same.

You have the power to stop this."...


Comment des entreprises et banques européennes participent à la destruction des forêts et savanes du Brésil

L’Amazonie et la région du Cerrado font face à des destructions dévastatrices pour exporter de la viande et du soja à bas prix. Un rapport inédit du réseau européen des observatoires des multinationales, ENCO, et de l'organisation brésilienne Vigência pointe la responsabilité des entreprises européennes. Enquête. https://www.bastamag.net/Deforestation-Amazonie-Bresil-role-des-entreprises-Europe-banques-fonds-de-pensions-viande-soja-exportations

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#Bresil #Deforestation #Climat #Soja #Agriculture #Viande #Elevage #Agroindustrie #Amazonie #Cerrado #Rapport #Enquete #Multinationales #Banques #Assurances #Entreprises #Europe #Exportation #Importation #BancoSantander #JBS #Marfrig #Bunge #Cargill #ConditionsDeTravail #Ecologie #RechauffementClimatique #UrgenceClimatique #Giec #BNP #Carrefour #Nestlé #DeutscheBank #HSBC #FondsDePension #AccaparementDesTerres #TerresAgricoles #PopulationsAutochtones #DéplacementForcé