

Groen valsspelen

Marike Stellinga (NRC)

Bedrijven die veinzen dat ze groen zaken doen, terwijl ze als vanouds blijven uitstoten. (...)

Nu meer mensen zich zorgen maken over klimaatverandering, valt er geld te verdienen met groene beloftes. Groen beleggen wordt populairder. En kijk eens om je heen, overal zie je bedrijven die in reclames zeggen ‘groen’ te zijn: duurzame kleding, duurzame energie, duurzame verpakkingen, duurzame banken en duurzame beleggingsfondsen. (...)

[M]et regelmaat blijken de groene claims van bedrijven niet waar of niet te bewijzen. En om het nog erger te maken: bedrijven die veel beloven scoren goed bij keurmerken voor ‘maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen’, maar in de praktijk voerden deze bedrijven hun sociale en groene beloften „vaak niet of juist minder vaak uit,” concludeerden twee economen onlangs in economisch vakblad ESB, die 7.000 bedrijven onderzochten tussen 2003 en 2020. (...)

Maar ook als het oerwoud aan keurmerken verdwijnt, blijft groene reclame een valkuil. Het kan consumenten ten onrechte een goed gevoel geven. Zo is de allergroenste oplossing niet duurzame kleding, maar minder kleding kopen. (...)

Maak bedrijven en hun aandeelhouders aansprakelijk voor de toekomstige klimaatschade die ze veroorzaken. Pas dan verandert er (...) echt wat. (...) [S]tel harde normen voor producten zoals auto’s en belast uitstoot. Dan verandert er echt wat.

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Foto van Marike Stellinga
Marike Stellinga

Tags: #nederlands #milieu #milieuvervuiling #uitstoot #luchtvervuiling #klimaat #klimaatverandering #klimaatcrisis #klimaatakkoord #biodiversiteit #reclame #marketing #greenwashing #shell #fosssiele_brandstof #greenpeace #reclame_fossielvrij #desmog #reclame_code_commissie #groenwassen #fossiele_reclame #consument #consumentisme #materialisme #fast_fashion #influencer #tiktok #sociale_media #HSBC #Vattenfall #Greenchoice #ACM #Sustainable_Brand_Index #HenM #Decathlon #keurmerk #groen_keurmerk


UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System
November 5, 2021

The most powerful private financial interests in the world, under the cover of COP26, have developed a plan to transform the global financial system by fusing with institutions like the World Bank and using them to further erode national sovereignty in the developing world.

...This alliance, called the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero ( #GFANZ), was launched in April by John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change; Janet Yellen, US Secretary of the Treasury and former chair of the Federal Reserve; and Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance and former chair of the Bank of England and Bank of Canada. Carney, who is also the UK prime minister’s Finance Advisor for the #COP26 conference, currently cochairs the alliance with US billionaire and former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg.

On its creation, GFANZ stated that it would “provide a forum for strategic coordination among the leadership of finance institutions from across the finance sector to accelerate the transition to a net zero economy” and “mobilize the trillions of dollars necessary” to accomplish the group’s zero emissions goals. At the time of the alliance’s launch, UK prime minister Boris Johnson described GFANZ as “uniting the world’s banks and financial institutions behind the global transition to net zero,” while John Kerry noted that “the largest financial players in the world recognize energy transition represents a vast commercial opportunity.” In analyzing those two statements together, it seems clear that GFANZ has united the world’s most powerful private banks and financial institutions behind what it sees, first and foremost, as “a vast commercial opportunity,” the exploitation of which it is marketing as a “planetary imperative.”

GFANZ is composed of several “subsector alliances,” including the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative ( #NZAM), the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance ( #NZAOA), and the Net Zero Banking Alliance ( #NZBA). Together, they command a formidable part of global private banking and finance interests, with the NZBA alone currently representing 43 percent of all global banking assets. However, the “largest financial players” who dominate GFANZ include the CEOs of #BlackRock, #Citi, #BankofAmerica, Banco #Santander, and #HSBC, as well as David #Schwimmer, CEO of the London Stock Exchange Group and Nili Gilbert, chair of the Investment Committee of the David Rockefeller Fund.

Notably, another #Rockefeller-connected entity, the Rockefeller Foundation, recently played a pivotal role in the creation of Natural Asset Corporations ( NACs) in September. These #NACs seek to create a new asset class that would put the natural world, as well as the ecological processes that underpin all life, up for sale under the guise of “protecting” them. Principals of GFANZ, including BlackRock’s Larry Fink, have long been enthusiastic about the prospects of NACs and other related efforts to financialize the natural world and he has also played a key role in marketing such financialization as necessary to combat climate change.
Speaking to the World Economic Forum in 1998, Secretary General Kofi Annan made this shift explicit:« “The United Nations has been transformed since we last met here in Davos. The Organization has undergone a complete overhaul that I have described as a ‘quiet revolution.” . . . A fundamental shift has occurred. The United Nations once dealt only with governments. By now we know that peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without partnerships involving governments, international organizations, the business community and civil society. . . . The business of the United Nations involves the businesses of the world.”»


#Finance #Banksters #WorldBank #IMF #capitalism


Comment des entreprises et banques européennes participent à la destruction des forêts et savanes du Brésil

L’Amazonie et la région du Cerrado font face à des destructions dévastatrices pour exporter de la viande et du soja à bas prix. Un rapport inédit du réseau européen des observatoires des multinationales, ENCO, et de l'organisation brésilienne Vigência pointe la responsabilité des entreprises européennes. Enquête. https://www.bastamag.net/Deforestation-Amazonie-Bresil-role-des-entreprises-Europe-banques-fonds-de-pensions-viande-soja-exportations

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