

Cerrado: Brazilian farmers against #Mercosur - François Ruffin

We, the indigenous peoples, are the great forgotten indigenous people of Brazil’s agro-industrial policy, particularly in the #Cerrado. We talk about the #Amazon, which we want to protect, but not about our region… even though we are deforesting three times faster than the Amazon. Every month in our region, forests the size of Paris disappear. #Pesticides #poison our soil and water, and when we protest, people are murdered.
More for translation

#Mercosur #Brazil


Destruição do #Cerrado está levando #Dengue para as cidades, mostra pesquisa

https://noticias.uol.com.br/meio-ambiente/ultimas-noticias/ag-estado/2022/01/19/destruicao-do-cerrado-esta-levando-dengue-para-as-cidades-mostra-pesquisa.htm -
RT Marilene - UOL -
"...Quando o mosquito está inserido em ambiente florestal, há meios de controle, com os predadores e também por conta da cobertura vegetal, o microclima" ... "Com o #Desmatamento e a #Monocultura, você aumenta as #Temperaturas, amplia a oferta de alimento e reduz os predadores naturais; isso é tudo o que o mosquito quer para se reproduzir" ... -


Fossil fuel firms among biggest spenders on Google ads that look like search results

The Guardian

One in five ads served on search results for 78 climate-related terms placed by firms with interests in fossil fuels, research finds.

Fossil fuel companies and firms that work closely with them are among the biggest spenders on ads designed to look like Google search results, in what campaigners say is an example of “endemic greenwashing”. (...)

Advertisers pay for their ads to appear on the search engine when a user queries certain terms. The ads are appealing to businesses because they are very similar in appearance to search results: more than half of users in a 2020 survey reported they could not tell the difference between a paid-for listing and a normal Google result. (...)

However, Shell’s net-zero strategy relies heavily on carbon capture and offsetting, according to a Carbon Brief analysis, which says: “Despite its ‘highly ambitious’ framing … Shell’s vision of a continued role for oil, gas and coal until the end of the century remains essentially the same.” (...)

“Since at least the 1980s in the US, there has been a very concerted effort by public relations agents to help polluting companies develop strategies to ‘go green’ while maintaining business as usual.

“Many of the initiatives companies are taking are very piecemeal and will not amount to any kind of long-term or systemic change.” (...)

The analysis also looked at “snippets”, which are not paid-for but are chosen by Google’s algorithm as the most relevant result. The Guardian found the snippet chosen for “fracking” linked to the website of an oil and gas lobby group, the Independent Petroleum Association of America. (...)

A years-long piece of research by the US Environmental Protection Agency concluded in 2016 that in some cases fracking had harmed drinking water supplies.

Unlike Facebook, Google does not have a publicly accessible ad library, meaning it is difficult to analyse advertising on the platform. (...)

Complete article

> See also: The forgotten oil ads that told us climate change was nothing (The Guardian)

Screen shot of Google search results

Tags: #capitalism #environment #pollution #waste #climate #climate_change #climate_crisis #cop26 #global_warming #aur_pollution #neoliberalism #market_fundamentalism #inequality #cerrado #desert #rivers #amazon #co2 #nox #fossil_fuel #deforestation #brazil #brasil #flooding #heat_dome #extreme_weather #forest_fires #media #carbon_footprint #oil_industry #lobby #desinformation #economic_growth #consumerism #citizen #protest #Fridays_for_Future #Green_New_Deal_Rising #Extinction_Rebellion #ExxonMobil #Royal_Dutch #shell #Aramco #Goldman_Sachs #google #greenwashing #McKinsey #Independent_Petroleum_Association_of_America #alphabet #snippets #google_snippets #lobby


Brazil: deforestation jumps in world’s largest savanna as scientists raise alarm

The Guardian

Destruction of trees, grasses and other plants in the Cerrado is a major source of Brazil’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Deforestation last year rose to the highest level since 2015 in Brazil’s Cerrado, prompting scientists on Monday to raise alarm over the state of the world’s most species-rich savanna and a major carbon sink that helps to stave off climate change.

The Cerrado, the world’s largest savanna spread across several states of Brazil, is often called an “upside-down forest” because of the deep roots its plants sink into the ground to survive seasonal droughts and fires. (...)

Destruction of these trees, grasses and other plants in the Cerrado is a large source of Brazil’s greenhouse gas emissions, although it is far less densely forested than the more famous Amazon rainforest that it borders. (...)

The added destruction is particularly concerning, scientists say, when considering that roughly half of the Cerrado has been destroyed since the 1970s, mostly for farming and ranching.

“You’re transforming thousands of square kilometers annually,” said Manuel Ferreira, a geographer at the Federal University of Goias.

“Few other places on earth have seen that rapid of a transformation.” (...)

Complete article

Photo of forest and cerrado
An aerial view shows a dead tree near a forest on the border between Amazonia and Cerrado. Photograph: Amanda Perobelli/Reuters.

Tags: #climate #climate_change #climate_crisis #global_warming #brazil #brasil #cerrado #savanna #deforestation #conservation #forest #nature #drought #bush_fire #forest_fire #bolsonaro


The forgotten oil ads that told us climate change was nothing

The Guardian

Since the 1980s, fossil fuel firms have run ads touting climate denial messages – many of which they’d now like us to forget. Here’s our visual guide.

Why is meaningful action to avert the climate crisis proving so difficult? It is, at least in part, because of ads.

The fossil fuel industry has perpetrated a multi-decade, multibillion dollar disinformation, propaganda and lobbying campaign to delay climate action by confusing the public and policymakers about the climate crisis and its solutions. This has involved a remarkable array of advertisements – with headlines ranging from “Lies they tell our children” to “Oil pumps life” – seeking to convince the public that the climate crisis is not real, not human-made, not serious and not solvable. The campaign continues to this day. (...)

Complete article

Collage of advertisemnets

Tags: #capitalism #environment #pollution #waste #climate #climate_change #climate_crisis #cop26 #global_warming #aur_pollution #neoliberalism #market_fundamentalism #inequality #cerrado #desert #rivers #amazon #co2 #nox #fossil_fuel #deforestation #brazil #brasil #flooding #heat_dome #extreme_weather #forest_fires #media #carbon_footprint #oil_industry #lobby #desinformation #economic_growth #consumerism #citizen #protest #Fridays_for_Future #Green_New_Deal_Rising #Extinction_Rebellion


Comment des entreprises et banques européennes participent à la destruction des forêts et savanes du Brésil

L’Amazonie et la région du Cerrado font face à des destructions dévastatrices pour exporter de la viande et du soja à bas prix. Un rapport inédit du réseau européen des observatoires des multinationales, ENCO, et de l'organisation brésilienne Vigência pointe la responsabilité des entreprises européennes. Enquête. https://www.bastamag.net/Deforestation-Amazonie-Bresil-role-des-entreprises-Europe-banques-fonds-de-pensions-viande-soja-exportations

Votre soutien est essentiel pour continuer notre travail, toujours en accès libre, sans pub, un journalisme indépendant d'intérêt général, surtout à l'approche d'un cycle électoral qui s'annonce crucial. Parce que bien s'informer, c'est déjà s'engager, faites un don à Basta! 👉 https://www.kisskissbankbank.com/fr/projects/basta-fait-sa-revolution/

#Bresil #Deforestation #Climat #Soja #Agriculture #Viande #Elevage #Agroindustrie #Amazonie #Cerrado #Rapport #Enquete #Multinationales #Banques #Assurances #Entreprises #Europe #Exportation #Importation #BancoSantander #JBS #Marfrig #Bunge #Cargill #ConditionsDeTravail #Ecologie #RechauffementClimatique #UrgenceClimatique #Giec #BNP #Carrefour #Nestlé #DeutscheBank #HSBC #FondsDePension #AccaparementDesTerres #TerresAgricoles #PopulationsAutochtones #DéplacementForcé


Bem Viver: Devastado e mirado por grupos econômicos, #Cerrado brasileiro pede socorro -
https://brasildefato.com.br/2021/09/26/e26-bem-viver-devastado-e-mirado-por-grupos-economicos-cerrado-brasileiro-pede-socorro -
RT Brasil de Fato - #AgroNegócio #Água #Ambiente #Desmatamento #Queimadas -
"...Foram, por exemplo, mais de 31 mil focos de calor registrados entre 1º de janeiro deste ano e o final de agosto, segundo monitoramento do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais ( #INPE ). É a pior número desde 2012..." -


...Nossos bosques tem mais vida... - Por Fredy Varela -
https://twitter.com/J_LIVRES/status/1306290403046555654 -
Via Jornalistas Livres - Poesia de Gonçalves Dias - #Amazônia #Agronegócio #Ambiente #Cerrado #Clima #Desmatamento #Dinheiro #Fogo #Garimpos #Incêndios #Latifundiários #Mineração #Pantanal #Queimadas #Terras #governo -
[ Já esteve aqui. É tão bom que voltou ] - 2020 - [FB] -


Leaked EU anti-deforestation law omits fragile grasslands and wetlands

The Guardian

Campaigners say draft regulation contains many loopholes, including exclusion of Cerrado and Pantanal.

The fragile Cerrado grasslands and the Pantanal wetlands, both under threat from soy and beef exploitation, have been excluded from a European Union draft anti-deforestation law, campaigners have said, and there are many other concerning loopholes. (...)

The long-awaited draft regulation, expected to be published in December, will be limited to controlling EU imports of beef, palm oil, soy, wood, cocoa and coffee, according to a report seen by the Guardian. (...)

Campaigners said the EU risks getting it wrong. They criticised the exclusion from the proposals of rubber, leather, maize and other kinds of meat, linking pigs and chickens to “embedded deforestation” through the use of soy as animal feed. (...)

The Together4Forests campaign called for the regulation to ensure protection for all kinds of ecosystems, not only forests. (...)

Other ecosystems will be excluded, even though the EU document concedes that stricter rules to protect the Amazon rainforest “have already been shown to accelerate conversion of Cerrado savannah and Pantanal wetlands for agricultural production”. It also notes that the Cerrado is “a critical region for storing carbon”, a source of water, vegetation and abundant plant life, but concludes that including such ecosystems would make it more difficult to monitor forests. (...)

The document also reveals that the law “will not specifically target the financial sector”, a blow to campaigners who argued that European banks play a role in fuelling deforestation through their lending. (...)

Full article

Photo of otter in Pantanal
An endangered giant otter in a lagoon in western Pantanal – which is one of the world’s largest freshwater wetlands but is not covered by the draft law. Photograph: Nature Picture Library/Alamy.

Tags: #environment #eu #european_union #brazil #brasil #brazilie #bolivia #paraguay #cerrado #pantanal #wetlands #savannah #peatlands #cattle_farming #soy #beef #soy_plantation #palm_oil #palm_oil_plantation #deforestation #rubber #maize #wood #cocoa #coffee #plantation #coffee_plantation #maize_plantation #agriculture #Together4Forests


Le blocage d’un entrepôt de #soja à #Saint-Nazaire n’était que le début d’une série d’actions que nous allions mener pour lutter contre la #déforestation importée. Nous agissons face à ce fléau en perturbant l’arrivée dans le port de Saint-Nazaire du #Cabrillo, un cargo rempli de soja en provenance du #Cerrado. Cette région du Brésil est la savane qui abrite le plus de #biodiversité au monde, mais elle est actuellement ravagée pour la production de ce soja qui sert à nourrir les animaux d’élevage. Au moment où je vous écris, nos activistes s’opposent encore au Cabrillo, un géant de 225 mètres de long dont ils peignent la coque.

#StopCabrillo : j’agis

Malgré les discours du gouvernement, la France continue d’accueillir chaque année des dizaines de bateaux similaires à celui présent aujourd’hui dans le port de Saint-Nazaire. Ces #cargos transportent des biens et des matières premières dont personne ne vérifie l’impact de la production sur les forêts et autres #écosystèmes. Le gouvernement préfère communiquer et regarder ailleurs. Ouvrez-lui les yeux avec nous : interpellez-le une nouvelle fois à nos côtés secretariat.president@elysee.fr, secretariat.abba@ecologie.gouv.fr

Si vous avez un compte Twitter, nous vous invitons à partager notre action en utilisant le hashtag #StopCabrillo. soutien‑activistes@greenpeace.fr.


#greenpeace #écologie #élevageindustriel