

Mexico’s Ban on Genetically Modified Corn to be Addressed at North American Leaders’ Summit


'More than 300 peasant, indigenous, and environmental organizations of Mexico came together in the national campaign Sin Maíz No Hay País, or “Without corn there is no country” to support the ban on the import of genetically modified corn. These organizations have highlighted the damage that genetically modified crops cause to biodiversity, especially in a country like Mexico, which is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, and where corn is the staple food.'

#mexico #ban #geneticallymodified #gm #corn #northamericanleaderssummit #us #usmca #latinamerica #economy #environment #foreign-affairs #peasant #indigenous #biodiversity


#Nestor-Makhno #Makhno #paysan #Ukraine #urss (pouwa)

#movies #vidéo #anarchisme #russie #Ukraine #urss (pouwa)

Nestor Makhno Paysan d’Ukraine ~ Nestor Makhno Peasant from Ukraine (1996) (EN, NL subtitles)

#révolution #nestormakhno, #makhnovshchina, #blackaArmy, #toilers, #peasant, #anarchist,# ukraine, #ukrainian #anarchists, #oekraïne, #makhnovia, #free-territory, #platformism, #peasant-revolt, #revolution, #anarchism, #anarchists, #anarchisme, #state-capitalism, #class-war, #insurrection, #expropriation, #mosfilm, #october-revolution, #voline, #arshinov, #helene-chatelain, #moscow, #russia, #feudalism, #oviet-union, #bolsheviks, #bolshevism, "lenin, t#rotsky, "propaganda, #arte, "francisco-ferrer

English; French; Dutch …

je suis français et j'ai vu ce film documentaire en 1995 ou 96 ou ? rue des Vignoles au local de la CNT-Fr (AIT) avec hélène Chatelain puis sur la chaine Arte
j'aimerais parler avec vous (Russe, UIkrainien ou / et ....)


Я француз, и я видел этот документальный фильм в 1995 или 96 или ? на улице Виньоль в местном CNT-Fr (AIT) с Элен Шателен, затем на канале Arte.
Я хотел бы поговорить с вами (русский, украинский или / и ....)


Radical Realism for Climate Justice: From Industrial Agriculture to Peasant Agroecology


Limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial is feasible, and it is our best hope of achieving environmental and social justice, of containing the impacts of a global crisis that was born out of historical injustice and highly unequal responsibility.
To do so will require a radical shift away from resource-intensive and wasteful production and consumption patterns and a deep transformation towards ecological sustainability and social justice. Demanding this transformation is not ‘naïve’ or ‘politically unfeasible’, it is radically realistic.

In this part of the Radical Realism video series, La Via Campesina and Heinrich Boell Foundation explore the need for reclaiming a food system based on food sovereignty, small-scale farming and peasant agroecology.

Based on the chapter "La Via Campesina in Action for Climate Justice“ in the Radical Realism publication: https://www.boell.de/en/radicalrealism

#climate #food #food-growing #small-scale #farming #peasant #agroecology #food-sovereignty #HeinrichBoellFoundation #LaViaCampesina