

Was künstliche Intelligenz leisten könnte und wo sie unbedingt eingehegt und kontrolliert werden sollte, erläutern Miriam Meckel und Léa Steinacker. Eine Rezension

Miriam Meckel und Léa Steinacker geben einen Überblick über Chancen und Risiken künstlicher Intelligenz. Ein guter Einstieg ins Thema. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Alles überall auf einmal von Miriam Meckel, Léa Steinacker)#KünstlicheIntelligenz #ChatGPT #Chatbot #Alghorithmen #Algorithmus #Roboter #Informationstechnik #KI #Internet #Digital #Desinformation #BigData #DataScience #DeepLearning #LargeLanguage #Quantencomputing #AugmentedReality #DeepFake #Blockchain #CloudComputing #ITTech #Kultur #Mathematik #PsychologieHirnforschung
»Alles überall auf einmal«: An der Schwelle eines neuen Zeitalters


NYC subway stringlines. "Stringlines are a time & distance chart which illustrate the movement of trains between stations over time. Stringlines are an easy method to visualize operational problems that affect rail service; such as delays, train bunching and gaps in service. Each train trip appears as a string moving diagonally across the chart. This tool was inspired by a NYCT paper describing the creation of their in house stringline tools and is intended to be a free and public equivalent."

NYC subway stringlines

#solidstatelife #datascience


Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #anticorruption, #art, #boardgames, #cardgames, #cars, #chess, #cricket, #datascience, #football, #gaming, #guns, #gunsareforeselfdefense, #humanrights, #humanrightsabuses, #knives, #libertarianism, #manchesterunited, #motorcycles, #movies, #nobs, #pcgaming, #playstation, #privacy, #security, #selfdefence, #selfdefense, and #xbox.

I'm fed up of Facebook's intrusive advertising, data collection, surveillance, and overall BS. Looking for a better social network.