

De KLM misleidt haar klanten over CO2-compensatie

Follow the Money

De KLM vraagt haar klanten een ‘held' te zijn door de uitstoot van broeikasgassen te compenseren. Het bedrag dat de KLM daarvoor vraagt, is echter veel te laag om de klimaatprojecten te realiseren. Van het eigen personeel, hun familie en vrienden verwacht het bedrijf nog veel minder: jaarlijks maken zij tienduizenden plezierreisjes met korting, maar hun uitstoot wordt nergens gecompenseerd. (...)

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EU’s energy prices.

Climate change is a real threat and we need a more sustainable economic system, but beware of scams carried out by the global oligarchs.

EU’s marginal pricing system in the electricity markets:

”Electricity producers (from national utilities to individuals who generate their own renewable energy and sell into the grid) bid into the market: they establish their price according to their production cost. Renewable energy sources are produced at zero cost, and are therefore by definition always cheapest. The bidding goes from the cheapest **to most expensive.* The cheapest electricity is bought first, next offers in line follow. Once the full demand is satisfied, everybody obtains the price of the last producer from which electricity was bought.”*

Source: https://ec.europa.eu/energy/topics/markets-and-consumers/EU-energy-prices_en

Also, EU’s ‘carbon credits’ (EU ETS) are skyrocketing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_price#/media/File:ETS-allowance-prices.svg

As a result, electricity prices are skyrocketing in some countries. See Spain for example: https://www.epdata.es/datos/precio-factura-luz-datos-estadisticas/594

Many farmers and small businesses are going bankrupt and factories are closing down because of these artificially created energy prices.

#scam #GreenWashing #CarbonCredits #EU #ETS #Europe #Spain #España #energy #electricity #ClimateChange