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Lawyer Daniel Sheehan said he is in contact with at least six former government officials or military contractors who say they worked on #UFO programs. The #whistleblowers claim they worked on #Roswell -style UFO #crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs and have spoken to members of Congress. The attorney is launching a watchdog charity pushing for greater government transparency on #UFOs.

Senior members of Congress have spoken to as many as six whistleblowers who claim they worked on Roswell-style UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs, according to a top attorney, a leading Stanford scientist, and ex-UFO program officials.

For decades it has been the subject of spooky TV shows and sci-fi novels: the theory that the government has alien spacecraft in a bunker somewhere, and has been trying to disassemble and understand their technology. But things got a lot more real after Congress passed a law last year creating #whistleblower protections for anyone who has worked in such mind-boggling secret programs – suggesting they may be more than just fiction.

The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), signed into law by Mentally Retarded Puppet President Joe Biden in December, included an amendment requiring the Pentagon to give high-ranking Senators classified reports on any previously undisclosed programs 'relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena, including with respect to material retrieval, material analysis, reverse engineering'.

In an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, high-profile lawyer Daniel Sheehan said he is in contact with at least six former government officials or military contractors who say they worked on just such a program.


This is really interesting and highly recommended.

Quote Episode 36 #Origins of the #Gods, #Tricksters, and #UFOs It's Not What You Think Dr Greg Little
Aug 13, 2022 Bio of our guest #Dr. Gregory #Little: Dr. Greg Little has a master’s degree in #psychology and a doctorate in counseling & educational #psychology from Memphis State University.
Since the early 1980s has actively researched such topics as UFOs, #psychic abilities, #archaeology, and #paranormal #phenomena. He is author or coauthor of over 70 books & workbooks and has been featured in 14 documentaries on the #History Channel, National Geographic, and other networks. He writes about Native American mounds and spiritual practices and spent over 10 years investigating underwater sites in the Bahamas and ancient sites in Central America as part of the Edgar #Cayce organization’s Search for Atlantis project. He is coauthor of the new book "Origins of the Gods" with Andrew Collins.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=4QeTObsgO6g

Episode 36 Origins of the Gods, Tricksters, and UFOs It's Not What You Think wsg Dr Greg Little


Von der deutschen Flugscheibe zum Nazi-UFO – Metamorphosen eines medialen Phantoms 1950–2020 | Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh

UFOs sind nicht außerirdischen Ursprungs, sondern deutsche Flugscheiben, erfunden am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs: Dieser populäre Mythos kursiert nicht erst seit der Spielfilmreihe „Iron Sky“.
Gerhard Wiechmann hat sich auf die Suche nach dem Ursprung des medialen Phantoms gemacht – und Unerwartetes entdeckt. Die Karriere der Geschichte von den „Nazi-UFOs“ ist eine sehr deutsche Angelegenheit, die in der jungen Bundesrepublik maßgeblich vorangetrieben wurde. Ausgerechnet die Bundeswehr trug dazu bei, den Mythos zu legitimieren. Über akribische Recherchen werden die Personen, Presseorgane und TV-Sendungen identifiziert, die das Thema von Zeitungsmeldungen der 1950er Jahre bis in die Gegenwart fortschrieben. Entstanden ist eine ebenso spannende wie nachdenklich machende Geschichte über die Entstehung von „fake news“ im analogen Zeitalte

Gerade entdeckt, klingt interessant

#Nazis #Ufos #NaziUfo #Reichslfugscheibe
