

More on #MuskVirus...

I''ve posted a detailed oompendium of affronts by another pathogen in our #media mix, Lord #TrumpVirus...
Here's a leaner but nicely presented overview of some of the greatest hits by Emperor #MuskVirus. Bookends.

This from Rolling Stone:

The Big List of Elon Musk’s Hyperbole, Evasions, and Outright Lies

"The billionaire simply can't stop making shit up"

#ElonMusk #Elmo #Muskville


Nothing to see here, folks… #Muskville just rolling along #MuskVirus-style – another planned self-demolition, surely.

X marks the ex-media of choice

“Fun”for #Elmo the X-man maybe, as he continues to harden his bunker of #TrumpVirus, #disinformation, & alternative - ’ #truth

Elon Musk admits X ‘may fail’ after glitch deletes Twitter photos

Platform’s users voice concern as it removes pictures and links on posts made before December 2014

OOoops! (“Holy shades of Google Plus, Batman!”)

#Twitter #media #socialmedia #UnforcedError #Elmo #X. Tnx Paul F


EU threatens Musk with Twitter ban as firm defends new approach to moderation

According to the Financial Times, "Breton told Musk that Twitter must adhere to a checklist of rules, including ditching an 'arbitrary' approach to reinstating banned users, pursuing disinformation 'aggressively' and agreeing to an 'extensive independent audit' of the platform by next year."

#ArsTechnica #Twatter #EU #Elmo


Musk faces fines if Twitter’s gutted child safety team becomes overwhelmed

According to Wired, there’s only one child safety team member left to handle all the reports coming from the Asia-Pacific region. This means Twitter has one expert who understands both regional laws to coordinate with law enforcement and evolving code words used in languages other than English in that region to evade detection.

That means his “freedom of speech, not freedom of reach” promise (planning to contain non-criminal hate speech and information simply by not promoting it to Twitter users) is not an acceptable strategy for dealing with CSAM. Especially in Europe, lawmakers are cracking down on CSAM, with new laws dictating how platforms approach online child safety. Musk could continue losing money on Twitter if he risks fines, which could be as high as 10 percent of Twitter’s revenue, for breaking child safety laws.

#ArsTechnica #Twatter #Elmo