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#freezone #freeman

Whether you like it or not, George Floyd changed your life. A multi-layered psy-op that inspired a year of destruction and chaos. What happens when you do the hard work, get the FOIA requests and videos and reveal the secret to the world?

Using pattern recognition to weave a taprestry of truth opens perspectives of the real timeline that leads to a planned color revolution. You don't think Big Pharma pays for ad space to sell you their products, do you? Our vision of reality is completely skewed by Mainstream Media and we are walking into the trap. Sharing this information with the world has become quite dangerous.

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Maryam Henein is a veteran investigative journalist of 25 years and a functional medicine consultant and coach.


Henein started her career in the mainstream media, producing the news for MSNBC in Burbank. She hails from Canada and was the first to report on Dodi Fayed’s imposter, using her minor in psychology and investigative chops to track him down in Egypt. She hosted a documentary film on the Ark of the Covenant for TLC. She directed the award-winning documentary Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Oscar-nominated actress Ellen Page. The Huffington Post named the film “one of twelve most mind-blowing movies you can stream on Netflix.”

The George Floyd story we’ve been fed is a monumental false narrative that I’m committed to exposing. It was a partly fabricated event, premeditated to help take us from virus to violence and, ultimately, to divide and destroy America. I will show you how.


John Pilger, one of the greatest investigative reporters of our time died yesterday.

He exposed the horror and crimes of US and Australia in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. He wrote about subjects most people wouldn't dare or care writing about.

He was like a shining light in the dark world of journalism with raser sharp pen to poke into the bubble of power controlling the information released to the media and amplified by the paid propagandists who called themselves reporters.

He sure will be missed.

#JohnPilger #Journalism #Media #Reporters #Cambodia #Australia #US #Vietnam #Politics #FilmMaker #RIP


#amazing #stories of #life in and with the #fauna and #flora of the #Amazon, and a bit about in #India and #Africa. Shortform folks, please click on any 1 or 2 minute portion, anywhere past the intro.

Duration of vid is 3:34:57. I have had a weird/novel day, got to bed last night at just afternoon today. I recall brewing more coffee at about 4 am, with the intention of seeing what would happen. Well now I know lol. Got up at near 8 pm, soaked in a bunch of YouTube vid wisdom and Avalon wisdom, and thought I’d retreat for a bit.

Anyways, the first time stamp I thought to record was 2:~19:, where they get talking about aliens, then segue into humanity, future, meaning of life.

2:53:+ - Fake (AI) alien porn.

2:~57: - climate change.

3:02: - ~Life choices.

3:17:49 - “Vetpaws”, an organization to help some part of nature.

3:29:05 - #Ayahausca experience. Kicked their asses. They soon learned that the old #shaman had overcooked the brew, and had kicked his own ass too. They went looking for him, and found him sleeping naked in a stream. Said he retired after that.

3:31:30 - Why are we here?

High grade thought, from a New York City boy that can spend weeks alone in the seething life of the Earth’s jungles.

Funniest was him saying that mosquitoes are way worse in Finland, and even just worse in New Jersey, than there. This after he spoke about a panther (leopard?) checking him out in his hammock, and a bunch of crocodiles/black-caimans waking him up in his tent because he had left a part-devoured fish out at his campsite. ~“No, they just wanted the fish. One big one swam alongside when I got floating downstream the next morning, just curious.”.

Paul Rosolie: Amazon Jungle, Uncontacted Tribes, Anacondas, and Ayahuasca | #LexFridman #Podcast #369

#PaulRosolie is a #conservationist, #explorer, #author, #filmmaker, real life #Tarzan, and founder of Junglekeepers which today protects over 50,000 acres of threatened habitat. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=gPfriiHBBek


Jennifer Massaux, #photographer, #filmmaker, #model, Belgium, US
#artisticnudes #nude-photography

Born and raised in Belgium, Jennifer’s artistic influences fueled her desire to travel the world, marking her 18th birthday as the start of a lifelong journey. She went on to live in Tokyo, Sydney, Morocco, New York, and LA.

Although her layouts and frames often feature the same clean lines and sharp perspective you’d likely find in modern architecture, Jennifer’s work is possessed by the ‘mise en scene’, dreaming up cinematic, starkly contrasted, story worlds and backlit characters rarely glimpsed by the feminine eye. It’s in this nuanced surrealism that we find ourselves being pulled in, inspecting her imaginary set just as she intentioned - Subconsciously.


Books that I read in 2021 - number 24:

Aufbrechen (setting off) is the German title of this novel by Tsitsi Dangarembga, the original title is Nervous Conditions. A really important book about a girl in a village in Zimbabwe who tries to break away from her family. I loved all the details of the story and how family life is shown as something so fluid and complex. Gave me a new perspective and erased many clichés in my head. It's so good to hear a female, black voice.

#TsitsiDangarembga #zimbabwe #africa #femalewriter #roman #bücher #afrika #novel #books #filmmaker #autorin #regisseurin #mädchen #aufbrechen